What was your Ah-ha moment?

cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
My Ah-ha moment was when I realized that I couldn't do the psych evaluation for lap-band. I am deathly afrain of anestesia too.
So I said lifestyle change, Make smart choices.....eat moderately but don't deprive and don't run to food. Food is a temporary fix. It won't clean the house or get stuff done.

Just wondering.....
Thanks for playing!!!!


  • susangell
    susangell Posts: 7
    The button popped off my fat jeans! :)
  • Chantelle160
    Chantelle160 Posts: 127
    Mine was my ex telling me he didnt want me to exercise and lose weight cause then someone else might love me........
  • Julijulz
    Julijulz Posts: 119 Member
    When I stood next to my husband and realized how much bigger I was. :(
    JENIFER_AZ Posts: 235 Member
    Taking pictures of me in the nude. Not pretty.
  • So many doctors are pushing for people to try that lap band surgery. Surgery is surgery and I, for one, said no. Now I am on the same road you are, just trying to learn and unlearn good and bad habits.

    I wish you and everyone on MFP good luck!!!

  • MaeKhaleesi
    MaeKhaleesi Posts: 61 Member
    My boyfriend's mom asked if I was pregnant again. :O
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    When one of my patient's in the Alzheimer's wing asked me over and over if I was pregnant! =(
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    mine actually started out as a slight "ha-ha" moment and turned into an aha! moment. :bigsmile:
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Look at the link below my ticker for the Before/After photos. The photo dated December 2009 was my wake-up call. :)
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I felt ugly and fat on my wedding day. The one day I was supposed to feel beautiful ...... and I didn't.
  • aneumany
    aneumany Posts: 165 Member
    Mine was my ex telling me he didnt want me to exercise and lose weight cause then someone else might love me........

    lol awww! its kinda cute in its own sad way! lol pathetic really..

    when everything was gettin tight and i reailzed bikini season was just around the corner!! yikes!
  • garysgirl719
    garysgirl719 Posts: 235 Member
    My desire to be a mom.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Mine was my ex telling me he didnt want me to exercise and lose weight cause then someone else might love me........

    his loss, for sure - you are GORGEOUS!
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    When I realized that family thought I was going to stay the same way after having kids. Nooope that just fueled my fire...Thank youuu for the fuel :drinker:
  • rcpayton
    rcpayton Posts: 90
    Mine was seeing my relative having limited treatment options for an illness due to being overweight. The doctors said he would have so many more options if only he was at a lower or healthier weight. I decided right then that I would never want to suffer through an illness or disease because of something I did to myself. It feels great being in control over your health and well being. 35lbs down... 20-25 more to go...but everyday Im healthier, happier and more fit!

    Congrats on your lifestyle change! :)
  • I was looking through pictures on Facebook and my friend said "Oh my, look at your legs there, they were so much skinnier!"

    Something needed to be done.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I lost my job, I had no sex drive, I was feeling really down on myself . . . I needed something to feel good about that was about me not my hubs and not my son. When I would look at the skinny women that I knew who didn't have full time jobs I always thought "yeah, if I had all the time in the world I'd look like that too." Seeing as I was out of a job, I deduced I finally had all the time in the world.
  • Chemmy
    Chemmy Posts: 23
    Mine was one of the women in my team saying my tits were big. The last time I checked I was male. :sad:
  • superflyrbi
    superflyrbi Posts: 80 Member
    While I had been wanting to start exercising and trying to eat right..and quit smoking, I just never got around to it. Well I guess you could say my Aha moment was when I had my heart attack. Tossed my smokes to my wife in the ER and said, "I guess I'm done with these." And I was, haven't had one since. Did not like the idea of leaving my kids and wife behind, so started exercising and eating right. Not really trying to lose weight, I found that it's coming off, 25lbs in 3 months so far.
    I think I just lost sight of what mattered (family vs cheeseburgers and smokes) and needed a check to my mortality.
  • When my daughter said "mommy is there still a baby in there?" Children are honest and that made me want to get up and change it!
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