To Gym or Not to Gym?

When my kids were little I would workout at home with DVDs and an elliptical or go for a jog when the weather permitted. Now that my kids are older and have friends over all the time, our elliptical broke, etc. I find it a lot more difficult to work out at home, especially during these winter months when the weather conditions are severe and I can't go outside.

I've used a gym in the past however, I found that after the initial honeymoon stage I would rarely go and it was not the most cost effective. A Planet Fitness is being built on my route to work so I thought I would check them out. I've read online how they have limited weightlifting equipment, all the negative press they receive about their free food days and LUNK shaming. But in all honesty, for my needs, I think (based on the price) this gym is a good fit.

My question is...will it be worth wild for me to 'invest' the $10-$20 / month for the membership? I don't really see myself being a gym rat but, I would like to 'speed-up' my weight loss process and become overall more fit / healthy. Opinions, advice, other options I'm not thinking of?

P.S. I would like to drop 85 or so LBS...


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    $10 seems like a reasonable investment if you can pay monthly. If you have to sign up for a year then maybe not so much, given your history. Or, maybe signing up for a year would make you stick with it. I really don't know what you personally feel about this.
    Make sure you weigh your food on a digital food scale and log everything you eat here on MFP. Weight loss happens in the kitchen, fitness happens in the gym.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    When considering whether a gym is a good investment, you should be asking yourself three things:
    1) What are my goals? In your case, weight loss and fitness. A full gym (even Planet Fitness should serve most fitness (and to some extent weight loss goals).
    2) Is it convenient? Having equipment at home = very convenient, but having a gym along your work route, especially if they how showers and lockers, is a close second.
    3) Are you committed enough? Regardless of your goals or convenience (or cost), if you're not committed to a different lifestyle, you won't see results and will likely stop going. I'll let you ponder this one for yourself.

    Allan Misner
    NASM Certified Personal Trainer
    Host of the 40+ Fitness Podcast
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    You don't have to become a gym rat, but maybe look at going to the gym as 'your time.' For me when I started that is what is was for me, time that was well spent doing something just for me!!!
  • croftie4
    croftie4 Posts: 221 Member
    I have to say I pay £33 which works out at about £1.10 a day. I more or less go everyday. There are over 100 classes a week throughout the day. 3 free PT sessions and they will help work out a programme when ever you ask and that's free. I can use guest passes for my hubby to use and every month my eldest can have a week for £5. My gym has a Olympic size swimming pool, huge climbing wall and courts so i reckon we are lucky. I sometimes do 2 classes a day. I love the classes as it's good to have someone pushing me and checking my form. Plus I've found I love kettlebells and someone texted me today to say they heard I wanted to lift heavy and could they partner up with me.

    I have made a load of friends and only 5 minutes ago another mum I met at the gym who paid as she went has now signed up for membership. I find the social side is really motivating. I know most of the staff too.

    So £1.1O a day for me is so worth the money.
  • marie9910
    marie9910 Posts: 34 Member
    I love PF. I wouldn't listen to the reviews you've read. Just go and make up your own mind. Starting the day with a workout will make you feel more energized and optimistic throughout the rest of your day.
  • croftie4
    croftie4 Posts: 221 Member
    marie9910 wrote: »
    I love PF. I wouldn't listen to the reviews you've read. Just go and make up your own mind. Starting the day with a workout will make you feel more energized and optimistic throughout the rest of your day.

    Yep I have to agree an early workout really brings me alive.

    I never dreamed of being a gym rat but I am and whilst some find it a chore I really enjoy it - getting fitter and stronger feels really empowering
  • amandabanfield95
    amandabanfield95 Posts: 9 Member
    As another mom I also find it to be my "me time" and love it. Free daycare for the kids while you work out. Steam room. Sauna. Or whatever. Jamming to music and feeling the results is all worth it. Another thing I think is important is the fact that when I'm at home I don't put in the same amount of effort and I give up or tire out much faster. Getting out of the house and actually going there and being in the environment is huge difference for me personally. Like the others said, I never would have thought I would like the gym but I definitely feel more sluggish on the days I don't go and wish I would've had my me time.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    We've opted to drop into our gym. It's only about $15 each, each time when we drop in, which is about half the other gyms in the area, so that's all right. That way, we can go several times when the weather is bad, and when the weather is good, we exercise outside (cycling, hiking, etc.).
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    When you stopped going to the gym in the past did you stop working out altogether or just stop going to the gym to work out? If you stopped working out altogether, maybe it's not that you got tired of the gym, just that you didn't keep up the routine of working out. If you continued working out after stopping the gym, then maybe gyms just aren't for you.