Calories burned on MFP

Hi Everyone!

I'm in need of a bit of reassurance please....

I was talking to a fellow MFP'er today about the calories burned totals that are shown on MFP when you enter you exercise, we were both a little concerned that the tracker shows quite high calories burned totals for exercise and were wandering how accurate these totals were?

I am quite happy to trust the totals for a couple of weeks and sometimes dip into them if needed as another website that i previously used shows similar calories burned totals.

My question is to those who have been using MFP and the exercise tracker and to those who regularly use their exercise calories for accurate have you found these totals in comparison to your weight loss? i.e when you eat your exercise calories do you still lose weight?

I know from experience that the calories i burn for exercise now will gradually get lower as i lose weight but would just like to hear from you guys what you think?

Any replies would be greatly appreciated!

Laura x


  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    I was wondering the same thing!

    I went to my apartment's gym and the machine said I burned about 190ish calories but MFP said I burned about 240. What do I believe?

    I decided just not to enter my exercise... I want to, i just am not sure which one to believe.
  • xcbballuver
    xcbballuver Posts: 186
    i trust the machine more.. :)
  • Jenna5890
    Jenna5890 Posts: 11
    I was wondering about this too. The total on the treadmill are always so different than what it says on here. Its me nervous about eating back the calories.
  • karenx30
    karenx30 Posts: 90
    I recently bought a HRM because of this. What I realized is that the exercises in the database were *probably* entered based on someone not finding the exercise in the database and creating one, using the calories burned from their HRM. Does that make sense? So if someone burns more/less calories based on their body type, it won't be accurate for you. My advice is to get a HRM or trust the machine.
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    I have a body bugg and when I enter my exercise on MFP I compare what my BB says to what MFP says. Its pretty close (with in 10 or 15 calories burned). But getting a heart monitor or a BB is the only way you'll know for sure.
  • laura_annable
    Thanks Guys!

    I found this site and it shows almost the same amount of calories burned for exercise within 10-20 calories so i think that answers my question, i should trust the calorie amounts on here, at least for the time being.....

    Thanks to everyone who posted and i hope the above website will reassure those of you who were worried too.

    Laura x :smile: