Maintainers weekly Check-in March 2017



  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Total Weight lost: 41 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 2+ years
    How long in maintenance: Almost there...
    Maintenance weight range: 136-138
    Average weight recorded from February: 143

    Week of...
    6th March: 140.9
    13th March: 140.8
    20th March:
    27th March:

    Success/struggles of the week: Had another great week on track!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Name: Nikki
    Total weight lost: 30 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 2 years (maintenance was hard for me)
    How long in maintenance: 6 months
    Maintenance range: 140 - 145

    Average weight recorded from January: 144.6
    Average weight recorded from February: 142.4

    Week of...
    February 27: 141.6
    March 6: 143.0
    March 13: 144.0
    March 20:
    March 27:

    Success/struggles of the week: I don't think I've figured out how to maintain. I've not exercised for 3 weeks and my weight has definitely jumped. Going to run today so hopefully next week will post a lower number - I'm getting too close to my max for comfort.
  • bradkyleeheller
    bradkyleeheller Posts: 18 Member

    Name: Kylee
    Total Weight lost: 9kg
    Time it took to lose: 3 months
    How long in maintenance: 3 months
    Maintenance weight range: 57- 59 kg

    Average weight recorded from January: 58.2 kg
    Average weight recorded from February: 57.4kg

    Week of...
    6th March: 56.8kg
    13th March: 56.7kg
    20th March:
    27th March:

    Success/struggles of the week: I have been eating excessively over my calories this week still no upward trend on the scales. Only had one day when the scales went to 57.1kg then downward from there. Spent the weekend doing mostly nothing. Didn't even clock 14000 steps between Sat and Sun put together. All I can think is that I maybe loosing muscle mass and replacing with fat, athough going by my cloths they are only got a little tighter on my thighs while looser around my belly and hips?
  • adipace815
    adipace815 Posts: 112 Member
    Maintenance Newbee here...

    Name: Tony
    Total Weight lost: 93 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 10 months
    How long in maintenance: 1st full month
    Maintenance weight range: 175-180
    Average weight recorded from February: 180

    Week of...
    6th March: 175
    13th March:
    20th March:
    27th March:

    Success/struggles of the week: I have been operating at a calorie deficit for so long that I am not sure how to operate even. I rarely eat back workout calories and am not sure what to do with them. I have been slowly increasing my calories 100 calories per day, each week. Now I am at my bottom range and I am still not sure if I am at a break even or not.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Updating from yesterday since the scale was kind enough to drop again this morning. :)

    Goal range: 128-133

    Week of...
    6th March: 134.4
    13th March: 131.6
    20th March:
    27th March:
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    Name: Irina
    Total Weight lost: 70 lbs
    Time it took to lose: about 10 months
    How long in maintenance: 3 months
    Maintenance weight range: 148- 153 lbs
    Average weight recorded from February: 152.2

    Week of...
    6th March: 152.4 actual weight, 152.3 trend
    13th March: 151.6 actual weight, trend 151.8
    20th March:
    27th March:

    Success/struggles of the week : enjoying my kids' visits on spring break with a lot of extra food around, meals out, etc. Doing better job ( i think) with late night snacking
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,155 Member
    edited March 2017
    Total Weight lost: >120lbs
    Time it took to lose: ~30 months
    How long in maintenance: September 2016
    Late August 2016 I hit my lowest weight (scale 154.9lbs, trend 156.2lbs) and while waiting for a hernia operation, recently repaired, coasted into maintenance.
    Maintenance weight range: <159.9 lbs scale and 157.7 trend.

    TrendWeight January 31: 156.8lbs, February 28: 156.5lbs
    Trendweight on:
    March 5: 156.4 lbs
    March 12: 156.1 lbs
    March 19:
    March 26:

    Success: Managed a 10 day trip to visit the parentals with a net loss instead of the customary increase. in fact, on my return, I am flirting with the possibility of new trend and scale lows.
  • Xvapor
    Xvapor Posts: 1,643 Member
    Maintenance weigh range 210-214

    average weight January 212
    average weight February 211

    Week of march 5 - 210
    Week of march 12 -208

    Success/Struggles- been doing good but think i need to up calories a bit which sucks. Some of it is definitely fluid loss so need to work on hydration

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Name: Lori
    Total Weight lost: 150 (at lowest wt so far)
    Time it took to lose: 2 1/2 years
    How long in maintenance: 9/20/16 first day of weight within maint range
    Maintenance weight range: 150-155

    Jan avg 154.3
    Feb avg 155.1

    3/7 155.0
    3/13 156.2

    Success/struggles of the week: Eating out this weekend sent my weight up 3 lbs from Friday to Sunday!!

  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    @adipace815. First congrats on your weight loss. Maintenance can be tough to figure out. MFP is not a great maintenance resource. You are smart to give yourself the 100 calorie wiggle room. A lot of us here spent months figuring out how to stop losing, some of us struggle to keep from gaining. You will find your happy medium. Best wishes and welcome.
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    mk2fit wrote: »
    @adipace815. First congrats on your weight loss. Maintenance can be tough to figure out. MFP is not a great maintenance resource. You are smart to give yourself the 100 calorie wiggle room. A lot of us here spent months figuring out how to stop losing, some of us struggle to keep from gaining. You will find your happy medium. Best wishes and welcome.

    Brilliant advice! I was and probably still am in the group that "struggle to keep from gaining"....

    @adipace815 it sounds like you have a good plan.
  • stephenearllucas
    stephenearllucas Posts: 255 Member
    edited March 2017
    Name: Stephen
    Total Weight lost: 77 pounds (2016)
    Time it took to lose: 1 year
    How long in maintenance: Since January 1
    Maintenance weight range: 182.5-187.5 pounds
    Average weight recorded from February: 182.8 pounds

    Week of...
    6th March: 182.0 (
    13th March: 181.9 (
    20th March:
    27th March:

    Success/struggles of the week: No big news this week. Walking about 90 minutes per day, continuing to track / match calories on MFP at "maintain my current weight" and "lightly active." Seems to be working...

  • girlgroves
    girlgroves Posts: 235 Member
    Name: Mandy
    Total Weight lost: 4 stone (56lbs)
    Time it took to lose: 16 months
    How long in maintenance: 8.5 months (it's getting longer! :smile:)
    Maintenance weight range: 137 - 142lbs (aiming to lower this a little over time so that 140 is my max)

    Average weight recorded for January: 141.9lbs
    Average weight recorded for February: 141.2lbs

    Week of...
    24th February (for ref): 140.4lbs
    3rd March: 140.4lbs
    10th March: 142.6lbs
    17th March: 140.4lbs
    24th March:
    31st March:

    Success/struggles of the week: Well, would you look at that!? After my major wobble last week I'm back to exactly the same weight this morning as the previous two weeks - spooky! I am mightily relieved - perhaps I'm not so bad at this maintaining lark as I feared?!

    Feeling good about most things this week - I increased my run distance, I finally ventured into the 'men's side' of the gym (although I can't take much credit for that, I only managed to force myself because the rack in the ladies-only room was already being used!), and I did well on reining in the snack cravings. All good!
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    CoachJen71 wrote: »
    Name: Jen
    Total Weight lost:135+
    Time it took to lose: 2.5yrs
    How long in maintenance: I declared it at 140 last January, but that was too high for a petite lady. So not really in maintenance quite yet.
    Maintenance weight range: Would like to stay under 125 at morning weigh-in.
    Ongoing struggle: I still need to learn to trust my body cues, be content with eating just enough, and stop asking food to be more than just fuel. Life after work is just filled with getting steps and eating food to fill my evening. Really need to make peace with having fewer cals to work with. Contentment and an attitude of gratitude (and maybe a hobby) are the order of the day.

    January avg weight: 126.8lbs
    February avg weight: 126.1lbs

    Week of...
    6th March: 124.8lbs
    13th March: 125.2lbs
    20th March: 125.3lbs
    27th March:

    Success of the week: Time change has thrown me for a real loop! Will give myself credit for at least attempting most of my workouts, if not totally killing them. LOL

  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    Name: Swim777
    Total Weight Loss:73 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 13 months
    How long in maintenance: 1 year
    Maintenance weight range: 128-132
    Average weight recorded in March:

    Week of March 6: 136
    Week of March 13: 134
    Week of March 20:
    Week of March 27:

    Struggles/Successes of the week: I seem to be back on track after being derailed last weekend with my kryptonite food choice (pizza!). It just went downhill from there. I managed to get going again this week. I even sent myself a reminder on my phone to read on the way home from work (my hungriest time of day) of my goal for the week. I also read of others who drop their carbohydrates macro to help lose those last few lbs. I've upped protein and fat and I am more satisfied. Hoping to change my range to 125-130. Got to outsmart that water weight when I up my calories slowly
  • riccattell
    riccattell Posts: 2 Member
    Name: Ric
    Total Weight lost: 80
    Time it took to lose: 12 months
    How long in maintenance: 3 months
    Maintenance weight range: 185-195
    Average weight recorded from February: 185

    Week of...
    6th March: 190
    13th March: 195
    20th March:
    27th March:

    Success/struggles of the week: What started as long process became a quick process. At the beginning of this process, I changed my portion sizes ad began working out. Then in October, I was diagnosed with throat cancer and during treatment I lost 60 pounds in the month of November. I have gained 10 pounds since February and want to maintain my current weight. My struggle right now is eating correctly to maintain my current level and gain fitness. Thanks.
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    Name: Phoebe
    Total Weight lost: 40-45ish
    Time it took to lose: 15 months
    How long in maintenance: 16 months, but I had some regain about 6 months ago, and am just now getting back to where I was then. I'd like to lose another 5-10 pounds over the next year, to get my BMI out of the overweight range. So not 100% maintaining yet, but there's not a huge difference between maintaining and very slow loss.
    Maintenance weight range: 140-155
    Average weight recorded from January: 155.9
    Average weight recorded from February: 153.5

    Week of...
    5th March: 150.8 by scale, 152.1 by trend
    12th March: 151.2 by scale, 152.0 by trend.
    19th March: 151.8 by scale, 152.0 by trend
    26th March:

    Success/struggles of the week: Kind of a rough week, physically and mentally, resulting in too much eating and not enough exercise. Good Saturday and start to Sunday, so hopefully a better week this week.
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    Name: Tina
    Total weight lost: 60ish lbs
    Time it took to lose: ~8 months
    How long in maintenance: > 1 year
    Maintenance weight range: 108-114 lbs

    Average weight recorded from January: 109 lbs
    Average weight recorded from February: 109 lbs

    Week of...
    6th March: 111.4 lbs
    13th March: 110.4 lbs
    20th March: 109.8 lbs
    27th March:

    Success/struggles of the week: Nothing new to report this week. Just good ol' maintenance.