Jenn's Journey

Hey guys! My name is Jenn. I'm on my journey to losing 60lbs I'm down 20lbs. I had a baby April of 2016. And I started my journey in January 2017. Its been though. Ups and down but I don't want to give up on myself. You can follow me on IG: j3nn_0rtega


  • rlilly697
    rlilly697 Posts: 201 Member
    Never give up Jenn! You,ll have ups n downs , you,ll have bad days! The trick is to roll with em n shrug em off as just that! Bad days! Theres plenty of motivation n help on here! You got this! :) x
  • Jenny_lifechange
    Jenny_lifechange Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you rlily697!!