Bad Day Eating?

I'm having a rough day. My paycheck was shorted a whole day (talked to the boss, it'll be made up on my next check, but still sucks today), I have to work, and I'm finding myself very broke and down in the dumps. As a result, I want to eat everything in the house. I'm not usually an emotional eater, but today I just want to throw in the towel on a lot of things. Any advice to keep myself from eating the kitchen whole?


  • LeeLynnP
    LeeLynnP Posts: 116 Member
    Go somewhere...
  • NoleGirlMitch
    Think about how bad you'll feel after. The guilt of eating all that stuff. Chug water, or drink a diet soda...something to fill your stomach. Or go exercise. Do anything but sit in the house. I've heard some people keep their scale in the kitchen.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Get out of the house and take yourself to an uplifting place. A community garden, a park, a busy downtown street. Sit, be quiet, and reflect on all of your achievements.

    This too shall pass.
  • newmommy2cash
    I know the emotional feeling, but a way to keep me from going back to that place is to remind myself how good I feel after I eat something healthy or work out. I have control over my mind and body and not the junk I used to rely on to make me feel better. Use the negative energy you're feeling to improve your health, mind, and body....
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 338 Member
    Read a book or watch a movie. Either that or go to the store and buy some healthy snacks, that way if you do over do it, you will be over doing it on something that is actually good for you.