Starting again, for the 1000th time...

It seems every time I start dieting again, it gets harder. I need to do this and stick with it for my health. Hoping this support group will help. Looking forward to sharing and getting tips from you all.


  • mrsrecinos05
    mrsrecinos05 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm right with you.... I keep starting and then falling off. So I could use the motivation to stick with it too. I make a meal plan and everything and then I fall off. My hardest part is dinner.... I hate coming home from a super long day of work and then have to cook.... So our solution is just picking up something before we get home from work... Any ideas would be great...
  • Barbs2222
    Barbs2222 Posts: 433 Member
    I was the same way, every time I started a *diet* I'd fall off because I was miserable. Then I found intermittent fasting, it works really well for me. So this time if something isn't working for you maybe you should find a different way of cutting calories. Some people like to eat the traditional 3 meals a day. Some like to graze all day and some are like me the like one big meal. Good luck :smiley:
  • crowleyed72
    crowleyed72 Posts: 247 Member
    On dinner there are some healthy crockpot meals you can start in the morning an let cook all day.
  • sonjabrad
    sonjabrad Posts: 8 Member
    I'm the same!
    Everyday for the last few weeks I start off using mfp and by 4pm I've abandoned it and start over eating.
    I've got a holiday booked for July so I'm aiming to lose as much as I can by then, I'm 100% going to stick to my calorie goals for tomorrow, trying not to worry about the day after, I just want to get through one day!
  • annobrien2012
    annobrien2012 Posts: 3 Member
    Same here starting again tomorrow for 100th time please add me
  • mandy_godfree
    mandy_godfree Posts: 71 Member
    It helps if you have a specific goal. My biggest problem is when I've hit my goal and then fall right back into bad habits. I lost around 50lbs in 2011 - 2012, and then after the event I slimmed down for, I just went back to my old ways again, and most fatally stopped the exercise. Then came medical problems.

    But this time, I set several goals. First was to get moving again, and then I wanted to be fit enough to do my work fitness test easily. I also wanted to be out of pain, and then I wanted to get back down to the weight I was at in 2012, which is where my MFP goal currently is.

    But when I reach all of those goals, I've got more in mind. Really I would like to be the same weight as I was at 25 years old, which I think is achievable but after I hit my first weight goal then I will think about setting a new one. I always weigh myself in the morning when I'm at my lightest to motivate myself, but when I hit my target weight in the morning, I will then change to weighing at night so my target weight is my maximum weight and not my minimum weight. I also have constant goals for health now as well. I want to stay at my current fitness level or better, and have several swimming distance goals I want to hit in the future. I have some clothes I want to fit back in to and most importantly I want to keep the shoulder and back pain at bay. If I go more than a week now without exercise the pain in my shoulder is excruciating and I have to get back in the pool to be pain free.

    I will keep setting myself goals to keep me running the race (metaphorically speaking) because without goals I will just go back to how it used to be. I have to keep moving my own goal posts. My biggest fear is when I hit my target weight and have to maintain. But I will have to keep exercising for my pain and I have already started planning for how I'm going to transition between losing weight and maintaining it, even though I probably have another 6 months to a year left of losing weight. But whatever happens I will continue to keep logging everything, because I never really notice my food intake until I log it.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    Ditto. I am 20 days in this time. Add me for positive support if you need it. :)
  • rochellejoseph3216
    rochellejoseph3216 Posts: 4 Member
    Please add me too ladies.. starting again too and definitely need the moral support this time!!
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    I have been on mfp three times. Have been losing weight and gaining weight since I was 13. I managed to get to my lowest weight at 24 at 147 aND maintained a 155 160 until 30. Then I got a stressful job, got married and had 2 kids. Went on mfp after wedding and lost.24 pounds pregnant and.gained a ton. Came back after baby was born and lost 52 pounds but then stressful job and mommy hood and I forgot everything I knew and began to match my husbands portions and stopped exercising. Got pregnant again and continued to gain. Came back after baby 2 came and have been working on changing my relationship with food and fixing my portion distortion. I am 37.5 down and still can't believe how I must have felt.gross full after most meals because I can't imagine eating the huge portions I use to scarf down. Is this my last time losing I really can't say but I hope to God it is. The main thing is I plan on coming back even if I failed to achieve my goals or had a bad food day the day before. Anyone can add me and I will do my best to motivate and help.
  • anorman16
    anorman16 Posts: 14 Member
    I have been off and on diets for several years. I had three kids in the last ten years and my weight would fluctuate between pregnancies though I never got back to my initial pre pregnancy weight of 172 (I'm 5'11"). This is my third go at MFP. I have lost 13 lbs since Jan 4th and almost 3 of those since restarting MFP last week. I am happy losing slowly as I make this a true lifestyle change this time. im just trying to take it one day at a time, one pound at a time and trying to avoid eating for comfort when stressed. That's my downfall. I love exercise and plan to get into working out again with my husband. Feel free to add me as a motivational buddy.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'm six months and 57 pounds into my fifth attempt in three years. Keep jumping back on that wagon and you will get it eventually.