Pre-bariatric surgery friends

Hello all,
I am currently working on my pre surgery calorie goals. I'm not sure if there is anyone else that uses this app to help with the calorie requirements, but I would love to add some friends. I am on a 1200 calorie/ 20/ 20/ 60 diet and am struggling. More with the protein aspect than anything. My surgery is in the process of insurance approval, but I have jumped though all the hoops required to get the ok. I'm going to have a bilipancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. Surgery isn't scheduled yet, but should happen in April/May. Hope to meet some friends on here to hold onto along the way.


  • travelher
    travelher Posts: 11 Member
    Post-op RNY. I use MFP religiously to track everything and to set my macros. How are you challenged with your protein?
  • rmercadogurl
    rmercadogurl Posts: 3 Member
    I use the app to track my pre op calories. No scheduled date yet but just starting.