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Runners - have you ever?



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Please don't let that bother you or stop you from running. It happens all of the time. People that do this are usually trying to make you feel bad about yourself because they can't feel good about themselves. Good for you for getting out there and doing something to feel good about yourself. In the end, that's all that matters!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Only once. I had been running, safely, in DC for years, but on a trip to suburban Boston some young "men" went by in a truck, yelled something sexual and obscene at me and threw an open beer at me.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    Cycling- we'll sometimes get stuff like that (rural redneck areas). Running (city)- usually encouragement/thumbs-up and catcalls.
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    I'll be honest, my first reaction would have been a middle finger. Probably not a good idea for multiple reasons, lol. I have never been harassed, but I have had people run me off the road. Once I was biking, heard a horn, got off the road, and a pickup sped by in my lane. He would have hit me if I hadn't moved. And he had plenty of room to move. I on the otherhand, went into a steep ditch filled with thistles. Oh well, said a few choice words, got back on the road, and continued.
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Unless someone tries to grab me (it's only happened twice, years ago), I just laugh it off. If I think of something creative quick enough, I'll yell back at them...if not, they may get blessed with a curse word or I may just ignore them.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Only once. I had been running, safely, in DC for years, but on a trip to suburban Boston some young "men" went by in a truck, yelled something sexual and obscene at me and threw an open beer at me.

    Hah, and I was just about to post that although I got yelled at plenty of times when I was living in the UK, since moving to the burbs of Boston, I've never been yelled at at all. Hope the beer can didn't hit you.

    OP, it sucks I know, but please try and brush it off, and don't let that idiot stop you from running.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I live and run in a city and I pass lots of traffic/pedestrians, so I get this kind of thing a lot. It's like 20% jeering and 80% gross sex stuff and I'm pretty immune to it now.

    A drunk guy did try to chase me once while he yelled about my body last summer at 5AM, but he was stumbling-drunk, I was on a fairly busy artery road, and I was only a couple kms in, so it didn't seem especially threatening as I could easily outrun him.

    I dunno, I feel safer running with people yelling at me from their cars on well-trafficked streets than I do in empty parks or trails, since it feels much more likely that I would have a physical altercation with someone if there aren't lots of other people around (whereas running down an active street, yelling is about as bad as it's going to get since there would be so many witnesses were something to happen), so I just deal with it and know that it has nothing to do with me really, as people who do this don't really discriminate as to whom they're yelling.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    edited March 2017
    I've had a few dumb comments thrown my way like "Run Faster" or "Run Forest Run" while running in an urban environment. In the VERY rural midwest where I was running during a family vacation, I had someone honk at me while his friend stuck his junk out the window of his truck at me... actually felt sorry for the guy. Clearly he's repressed and he doesn't have much to work with.

  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    Not yet, but unfortunately it's probably a question of "when" than "if."

    *Kitten* 'em--I'd like to see them come out here and run even one mile...
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    And honestly although people yelling is annoying it's just words. My biggest worry/pet peeve in terms of safety as a runner is folks who turn right without looking left/in front of them for pedestrians or see me but don't yield the right of way in the crosswalk and come close to hitting me. I've already been clipped once by someone turning right.
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    I have had lots of people honk too, but in my very rural Midwest area, that's just a way of saying howdy, neighbor, lol
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I've had people yell at me, but couldn't tell whether they were yelling encouragement or disparagement. I assumed the best, but the other wouldn't bother me because it has nothing to do with me. Same with honks. I assume it's a fellow runner saying, "WTG!" but it could be something else. I'll never know, so I don't care. Strangers in cars don't know me well enough to hurt me (unless they run into me). I know what I look like when I run, and it's not a pretty picture. If someone chooses to make fun of that, oh well. I'm doing what I enjoy doing, and a random stranger isn't going to stop me. When I do understand what they are saying, mostly it's something inane like, "So who's chasing you?"
  • curvytofit
    curvytofit Posts: 48 Member
    I don't understand why there is people like this. Seriously it's not hard. Just mind your own business. Why the f you want to make someone feel bad when they are doing something good for themselves. Like when you say bad things will your ego grew bigger and go to the sky?

    Some people are just plain dumb. They think being mean is so cool. Bringing someone down just to one second means a life success to them I guess. I mean what could be their point otherwise?
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I would ignore the ignorant. Karma!!!!!!!!
  • cmerunlong
    cmerunlong Posts: 5 Member
    I have found some people are simply awful humans. I have never really cared much about what people say or think about me, but shouting at someone is truly hostile. Keep doing what you do
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I've had people shout things a few times but I usually can't understand what they're saying and it doesn't bother me. What pisses me off is when some *kitten* drives by and honks. Damn near makes me piss my tights! My wife did that once thinking it was cute. I was not amused.
  • Rabid_Hamster
    Rabid_Hamster Posts: 338 Member
    you're focusing on the wrong thing. You were out there doing something to improve yourself. It's one thing to lament something about yourself. It's a much more important thing to do something about it. :)
    On a side note, I wish my workplace had a locker room I could use so I could run during lunch. Kinda jealous. B)
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    I believe that people like that are jealous of what you are doing and lash out as a result. Don't worry about some *kitten* with feelings of inadequacies!! Just keep running, you're amazing!!!!

    Now I didn't get shouted at this morning, but I was running on a 4 lane road at 5am. Very little traffic and the truck coming at me made no attempt to move over and laid on his horn as soon as he got to me. I waved at him with my middle finger!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    I've had people shout things a few times but I usually can't understand what they're saying and it doesn't bother me. What pisses me off is when some *kitten* drives by and honks. Damn near makes me piss my tights! My wife did that once thinking it was cute. I was not amused.

    LOL, especially when it's quiet. I have legit tripped over cracks in the sidewalk when people do this, haha. I like audiobooks to run to sometimes and there is nothing like being engrossed in some Stephen King, running along in a very still early morning, and having someone honk at you out of nowhere :lol: The terror is real.