100+ pound club!

Hey everyone!!! I am looking for new friends on this journey to be able to keep me going and vice versa!!

I am in it for the long haul this time and it seems like a lot of people have faded away since my last time here.

I am 29, married with two kids - have a mainly sedentary lifestyle and job --- and I need to loose over 100 pounds!

Anyone in the same boat or have come from that boat and wants to just maintain?


  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    couple weeks ago, we set up a group for people on the 100+ journey. Look through the active members there to find some good 'friend' material

  • Ayane101
    Ayane101 Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for sharing!
  • Sanders_L
    Sanders_L Posts: 3 Member
    Yes. I'm looking to loss 200lbs. First goal is 25.
    I have an office job..and am looking to become a foster mom.. I need to loose weight for many reasons!!
  • Ayane101
    Ayane101 Posts: 56 Member
    Yeah I have an office job. My FitBit reminds me to get up and walk around every hour to get my blood moving. I joined the club that our friend up there mentioned and there are a lot of people and get support in there.

    It is funny how I look back and even through the weight gain I never felt bad about myself up until the last year. mainly because my youngest boy is into sports and I can't keep up. When I was in high school I was thick but muscular and everyone made fun of me. I am looking forward to loosing this weight and becoming a better me!