BrittyGBug Posts: 3
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
I was doing so good for so long and all of the sudden I have lost all motivation. My weight loss journey started after I had my son, with which I gained 75 big ones! (EEK!) And before I got pregnant I was trying to lose about 20 lbs just to feel really good about myself. I have lost 65 of that unwanted weight but have recently lost all motivation to continue! :(

I have always loved fitness and working out and eating healthy usually comes very easy to me. But about 2 months ago my husband and I moved across the country and I have become a stay at home mom. And along with all of that I have picked up snacking as a hobby.

I need help! I would really like things that have helped other people when it come to getting out of the funk. As well as motivating ideas to get my butt off the couch. I know ultimately I handle my own fate but I was curious to see if I was the only one that has struggled once getting to the halfway point.



  • BGabbart
    BGabbart Posts: 173 Member
    take a look at my pictures and maybe that will motivate you. No really that is where mine started at 26 years ago. I really hope that helps because I would not wish my weight on anyone.
  • ultimatecutie
    ultimatecutie Posts: 11 Member
    You are definitely not alone! ANd you deserve a big CONGRATS on losing 65 lbs!! That is amazing! How old is your son now?
    I have about 10-15 lbs i'd like to lose before May 2012 when i get married :happy:
    Feel free to add me if you like! Good luck on your journey!.
  • Thank you my son is 17 months old. And I see all my friends that have had babies after me and they don't get a single stretch mark and are back to a size 2 in like 4 months I hate it!! Congrats on your wedding!

    Looking at pictures is a great idea! Thank you! I just keep looking at myself and still how unhappy I am and I guess that is discouraging. But looking at pictures would help me see how far I have come!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Maybe set some goals,with small rewards un related to food.Try to find friends for support.
    Try scheduling ex in your daily routine.Mix it up when it comes to exercise,so it`s not boring.
    good luck
    u can do it.
  • ksmccoy
    ksmccoy Posts: 12
    You came to the right place! I felt totally alone with my struggles with weight loss until my sister introduced me to MFP and now I can't wait to log on cuz everyday there are topics that directly relate to me. Don't be afraid to ask questions and share your thoughts, feelings and up and downs. We are all here to help each other and to be that boost of inspiration to eat better and exercise. I look forward to browse thru before and after pics..I even took my own 'before' and can't wait to take my 'after' in a few months.
  • Thank you so much! I love this site! It has so much support!
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