Does any one else sabotage themselves ?

Am I the only one that doesn't cope well with the pressure of maintaining a healthy lifestyle / food choices? I do well to start with go to the gym eat clean as soon as people start noticing changes (I've lost 28lbs so far am happier healthier feel better am not in constant pain ). Loads of positives .... but me succeeding seems to switch something in my brain and I wana binge on junk I don't even like for no decernabke reason which makes me feel ill and then I feel like I've let myself down .... I feel like I'm constantly battling the crazy monster inside ( think Cookie Monster crossed with grouch ) with the rational sensible person inside too that knows what I'm doing is nurotic but I don't know how to change it? Any suggestions? Or am I the only one ? (I guess if I am I have my crazy monster inside to keep me company and chow down on cookies and junk lol) Thanks for reading / replying .... have only posted once before so be gentle with me pleases and thankyous


  • shannonsgoals
    shannonsgoals Posts: 3 Member
    I totally get you, I can go on a streak of healthy clean eating for about 10 days and then I binge eat all the sugary and naughty food I can find even if I'm not hungry. It's weird how I'm not 'allowing' myself to be happy and healthy, as if my brain is telling me I don't deserve it?? It's strange and I'm working on not letting it happen again (as I've done it twice now in the past 2 week)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited March 2017
    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle isn't difficult... because it's healthy. A healthy lifestyle is easy and feels natural. Doing well, going to the gym, eating clean... sounds like you're just embarking on a new diet.

    Keep in mind that humans aren't completely rational beings, we are animals with the ability to be rational. Food tastes great and is supposed to. Trying to always restrict something you want, is going to be difficult. That constant battle is what makes you "neurotic". Have a little of what you fancy. No, better, eat food you like every day and make room for everything you want, but in sensible amounts.
  • n622921
    n622921 Posts: 116 Member
    yes, everyone does it.
    It helps to realise that its completely normal.

    The key to success is to try again and again and persist.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Zara_Pi
    Zara_Pi Posts: 141 Member
    I completely get how you feel. With me,
    once I've had that one chocolate bar, I think, well now I've had one, I may as well have another, or a packet of crisps and just continue eating all the crap I can find.
    Then find myself back to square one again and trying to find the right day to start my healthy eating diet.

    Today (my first day of trying to get fit) I haven't allowed myself any "bad" food, and constantly I'm craving sugar. Even now, I'm in bed and love the idea of eating some jammie biscuits or a chocolate doughnut.

    I tell myself I have only 9 more days of this sugar ban, and once I have completed that, if I still want it I will alllow myself a treat.
    I'm just hoping that by then, the craving for sugar and junk food will have diminished.
  • BlueSkyShoal
    BlueSkyShoal Posts: 325 Member
    Absolutely. Oddly, it tends to happen when I am doing really well (like one of those days when you suddenly lose five pounds overnight.) And it's not a thought process of "Oh, I'm doing extra well so I can indulge", either. It's like a kind of panic over the success (in my case). I think it's tied to the fact that for most of my life I've had pretty low self-esteem, so success just seems strange and out-of-place. I've been self-sabotaging a lot less in the past two years as I got to a better place mentally.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Agree with the comments on finding balance between "clean" and "junk" foods.

    For me when I stopped labeling foods as good or bad it virtually stopped guilt dead in its tracks.

    Because you eat healthy and because you workout consistently you should feel ok having the occasional sweet. Not being overly restrictive gives the power back to you and not the food.

    At least this is true for me.
  • Sara1791
    Sara1791 Posts: 760 Member
    A couple of things help me.

    *In the beginning I just couldn't talk about my goals too much because it seemed to derail me.

    *I also decided that because I'm in this for life, a bad day or week isn't an undoing but just a setback.

    *I also agree with people above about finding balance.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I have 1 splurge meal a week because I too will go insane eating "healthy/clean" all the time. Sometimes through the week I may have some Halo Top ice cream or couple pieces of chocolate.

    Definitely enjoy what you eat and don't think you have to be perfect all the time. No one is perfect (some people may think they are) lol
  • Jeniccm
    Jeniccm Posts: 44 Member
    I find this happens to me specifically when I'm trying to eat clean and "healthy" vs allowing myself to eat foods I love.

    What I've done is try to stay within my calorie goals and only eat what I love now. I no longer make a decision to eat just because it's good for me because I'm still going to end up craving what I love anyways. I've found this helps in a huge way
  • climbingrose
    climbingrose Posts: 1 Member
    I totally understand what you mean. And it's not about not being able to eat this or that. I eat really healthily but don't deny myself the occasional treat if i want it. But as soon as i start seeing results a switch goes off and i undo all the good work .... I think, for me, it's because i have always been short and fat and was teased for it as a child, and so, even though i am now a reasonably slim adult, my brain still thinks of me being that short fat (miserable) kid. I try to remember I'm not her any more, but sometimes it's hard. I'm currently carrying an extra stone in weight but find it so easy to overeat even with good healthy food. I hope you find a resolution for your own sabotaging behaviour :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I sabotage myself because I LOVE baking but somehow always end up eating half the stuff I make. Really rough to reconcile the only thing I really like doing with losing weight :(

    But no.. I won't binge on things I don't like.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I sabotage myself because I LOVE baking but somehow always end up eating half the stuff I make. Really rough to reconcile the only thing I really like doing with losing weight :(

    But no.. I won't binge on things I don't like.

    Do people ever binge on stuff they hate the taste of, though? Not only would I never gorge myself on things I don't like, I would never eat them, period, binge or not. :)