
To say I'm frustrated is an understatement, as of Feb 1st I reduced all sugars to 80g and I have no added sugar, mfp says my calories intake should be around 2200 but this week I've not exceeded 1800. I've upped my fiber and I do an average of 10000 steps per day.
However I've hit 14 st 11 and plateau again, any advice great fully received


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Have you only been stuck for a week?
  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member
    edited March 2017
    No 2, but it's always 14st 11
  • DavidRocketts
    DavidRocketts Posts: 80 Member
    Plateau's happen - my last was 10 days, followed by 4lbs loss in a week. I usually change my routine some way, as I suspect the body gets too comfortable with the same thing. E.G. this week I bought a 10kg weighted vest, which is all the weight I lost in the past 12 weeks or so. Now I am training back at the weight when I started, and can't believe I was carrying this on my body 3 months ago. It makes the same walk/jog/gym nearly 60% harder..
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    You're not in a plateau then, since it hasn't been four weeks. It's just a stall. You may just need to tighten up your logging.
  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member
    OK thanks I was just struck that it 14st 11 AGAIN
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    RicSur wrote: »
    OK thanks I was just struck that it 14st 11 AGAIN

    Might be partly psychological?

    Maybe look at your exercise routine, start something new and set a fitness goal to take your mind off the scale being your only measure of success.
  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member
    I used to run, but I don't stick to it, I've got runtastic and map my fitness. I was thinking about doing 10min cardio per day
  • DanSanthomes
    DanSanthomes Posts: 135 Member
    Hi Ricsur. I'm similar age to you (46) and hit a stall/plateau a few weeks back. Nothing had changed and was still logging and doing same exercise. I worked out that I'd lost enough weight that my original 500 cal deficit needed adjusting. Knocked 100 cals off and that pound a week dropped off again until I hit goal (and a couple of pounds lower as it seemed to start a bit of a landslide)

    However, here's the rub... My Cal intake pre-stall was 1700 a day! Then 1600 for a couple of weeks until I hit target weight.

    I'm now maintaining weight at 1900 a day. So, do you think 2,200 cals is too much for you to lose on?

    I'm 5' 10", 11stone 5 now, sedentary job but strength training 4 times a week and cardio twice a week. After tracking everything for this year and watching fluctuations in weight, BF % and water %, I'm convinced that, at the very most, my maintenance will be 2000 a day. (I'm not new to fitness - just fairly new to MFP). *Last year I got up to 12st 11lbs and am fairly certain (based on weighing on scales now and learning to 'judge') that I was probably only eating about 2,200 cals a day to slowly get up to that weight,

    I just wonder, based on my own observations, whether the generic recommended male calorie intake is way over estimated (always told it was approx 2,500 cals a day for a bloke on average) and whether you need to drop an extra 100 a day for a week and see if it restarts your losses. If not, drop 100 more then wait it out.

    Good luck, old timer :-) Jut wanted to share my observations in the hope it helps. Maybe recalc your TDEE etc. to see if you too can find a different set if numbers to work with for a while.

  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member
    I hear you buddy but I'm not hitting 2200 ive adjusted my weight and the app has dropped it too 2130 but this week my max calorie has been 1800 and lowest 1500.
  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member
    Also are you looking at your total calories (which I am) or your calories less exercise.
  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member
    OK I have made a couple of minor changes and shed another lb
  • Woodmouse1
    Woodmouse1 Posts: 15 Member
    Try fasting for 36 hours just drink water or no calorie drinks or only eat a maximum of 600 calories each day for 2 days that should kick start you Good luck
  • RicSur
    RicSur Posts: 44 Member
    Battir2006 I believe you're referring to the 5-2 diet, i am not sure i could stick to 0 calories all day as i question whether it would be safe as i am a commercial driver, i suppose i could do 600 calories either by only eating nuts and getting my energy from the fats contained, or by dropping out some things but i am not sure what to drop, my pack up contains, 80g of mixed nuts, a banana 2 satsuma a thin with corned beef and mustard and a pack of breakfast biscuits (similar to belvita)
    the one area i could change is my dinner where, the processed food does creep in, with either Birds eye chicken grills or sausages, and some form of mince dish, but then thyre my favourites, spag bol, lasagna and shepherd or cottage pie.
    And no i am not going quorn