Need friends for motivation

Been trying to loose weight for a while and need to give myself a kick up the backside as have a few things coming up this year that I want to look good for


  • sharshie87
    sharshie87 Posts: 4 Member
    If anyone else need friends please feel free to add me
  • lindsayongaliano
    lindsayongaliano Posts: 1 Member
    Same here! I feel like nothing makes me feel more pathetic than entering every single thing I consume...but it helps. I have had success before with this app...but does anyone else find it a bit depressing sometimes?
    Also...anyone else enter a food they WANT to eat just to see how much it will eff up your day? ;-)
  • CamelPuncherello
    CamelPuncherello Posts: 19 Member
    It can be depressing when you're doing really well all week, then have that one day/night where it all seems to go the window. For me its typically Friday night after a long work week, alcohol leads to bad choices at dinner, which leads to more booze, which leads to a hangover and worse meal decisions Saturday afternoon. Usually takes me to Sunday to be making good decisions again. I think logging everything helps identify these triggers, which helps make better decisions. I've been actually choosing what I want before I go out to dinner Friday or Saturday night which has helped tremendously. Walk-in, don't even need to look at the menu, know what I want and know it falls within my caloric budget. Thats helped a lot.

    Either way, its not depressing, its progress. :)