Looking for friends

Hi i just started my journey 2 weeks ago weighing 400 lb, 2 weeks in I've lost 13 lb , i need friends for inspiration and to help keep me going as I've dieted so many times before and failed, this time it's do or die , feel free to add me and kick me up my backside when needed , thank you , Sarah


  • MindSetBrenda
    MindSetBrenda Posts: 20 Member
    My name is Brenda and I just restarted. Weighing at 212.9 now 207.9 lost 5 pounds. Lets encourage each other. I can not exercise because of a disability so all my weight that comes off will have to be calories only. This is why one of the reasons I gained the weight plus medicine, plus not putting down the fork. So I would love to encourage you to do the best you can.
  • reldahan
    reldahan Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Sarah .. hope all is well ... I am wishing you hood luck in your journey ... like I started 2 weeks ago and lost almost 10 pounds ... i dieted so many times in the past and I reached my highest weight this time... I am changing my eating habits and trying to lose weight for my health and kids. It would be great too to have friends and follow up on each other .
  • Phatass62
    Phatass62 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you, i have added you i think if ive done it right
  • EllenMcDermott1
    EllenMcDermott1 Posts: 3 Member
    I'd like to add you as a friend but I can't figure out how to!!!! Can you help me ???
  • Phatass62
    Phatass62 Posts: 6 Member
    I see you worked it out Ellen ... i ended up having to google how to lol ...
  • Brandi92809
    Brandi92809 Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! You are doing great! Chin up and keep working because it will be worth it! ^_^
  • feesabililah85
    feesabililah85 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new here and I am looking for friends. Feel free to add me!
  • Phatass62
    Phatass62 Posts: 6 Member
  • juniorballyc
    juniorballyc Posts: 19 Member
    Please add me. Restarting....weighing 173.5lbs....
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    Hi Sarah... I started on 11/28/16 at 259.9 and as of last Friday I am down to 216.8. I have started this journey many times before and never have stuck to it. The difference this time around is I am NOT on a diet, I am making a lifestyle change. I am cooking healthier for myself and my family. I have degenerative disk & joint disease. 4 herniated disk in my lower back, 2 in my neck and a little aneurysm in my artery to my brain. These things use to be the trigger to my emotional eating and my many excuse on why I was so damn lazy. I told myself when I started "yet again" that I had to be active if this lifestyle change was going to be successful. So, I am now active a minimum of 30 minutes 6 days a week. I take Zumba twice a week and walk the treadmill on the off days. I also walk for 25 minutes every day at lunch. Being down 43lbs people have started to notice and are constantly asking me what diet I am on and my reply is always... I am not on a diet. ;) They look at me like I have 3 heads LOL... I simply tell people that I am making better choices and moving my body... Its funny how we are so programmed to think that weight loss only comes with a restrictive diet? This lifestyle change is a whole new world to me, but when it clicks, it just clicks and then you wonder why it took you so long to figure it out in the first place??? ;) What I have learned is I am in control, I control what I put in my mouth, I control whether or not I get up and exercise. I also learned that things like "too busy" "too stressed" and "too tired" were just excuses I gave myself not to do what needed to be done. Hell those things are just every day life. I am not looking to be skinny, my goal is to be healthy and fit so that I can run around with any future Grand Babies and enjoy a nice long healthy life with my husband. I still have another 37lb to get to my goal weight, yes 180 is my goal weight. I like my curves, for me 180 looks good, and remember I said healthy and fit, not skinny ;) Sorry for the long post, I am very passionate about this journey lately and love to share some of my successes as so many did for me along this journey. Feel free to add me if you want! Happy Tuesday!