
I was wondering how I would track my calories for juices that I make in my juicer. Of course there's the "generic vegatable/fruit juice" option, but I'm not sure if it's giving me the calories I actually took in.

I usually juice random things together like celery, tomatos, zuccini, strawberries, grapes, apples. Anything I feel like for that day. So how would I track a glass of homemade juice?

I tried the "recipe" option, and measuring how much juice I make and get the resulting calories. The only problem is that there is no "raw grape juice", that'll complete my recipe.


    JRRCLR Posts: 353
    I asked this a while ago and was told to log the whole fruit. I know you're not consuming the whole fruit...but that's the only way to do it on here that I know of.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I had the same issues. you are not getting the same calories when you jusice something as you would when you eat it. i just entered it like i was eating it and was okay if i went over.
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Maybe just calculate calories as if you were eating the whole raw fruit or vegetable. It will be on the high side since you're not actually eating the pulp, but you'll at least have some idea. Maybe you can multiply the number by .7 or .8 to get a more realistic number based on what percentage of the fruit or vegetable is juice.
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    Im currently doing it also.. and I know logging it is kinda hard.. I just put in the amount of each item..I know its on the high side than what I am taking in but thats the only way I know to do it..LOL
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    a few items are in as juiced, or fresh squeezed, the others, that are not in like that, I just enter the whole fruit.
  • KJackson50
    KJackson50 Posts: 41 Member
    I like your idea chuck.

    I got lucky with some juices, some are already on here with the calories. The only one I added whole fruit was grapes, and then I put a percentage of it sense (like a poster said before) I'm not actually eating the whole fruit.

    Thanks for the replies!
  • swiftfox82
    swiftfox82 Posts: 69
    I have found that home made juices will so work so well it doesnt matter too much how many calories are in it