My PCOS Peeps!! (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome that is ;D)

Hello My PCOS Sisters!! (And everyone else who doesn't have PCOS hello all the same!)

I'll start off with a little introduction my name is Nicole and I found out I had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome around 4 years ago. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's basically a hormonal imbalance and several of the many things it does is: weight gain or weight loss struggles, excessive body face such as face, and irregular menstrual cycle. Finding out I had this was a relief cause it meant that I wasn't going crazy when I felt like something was wrong or that I should be losing more weight when I was being really good with my diet and exercise.

PCOS has been a struggle and definetly frustrating at times. I went through a lot in my lifetime where I have been putting myself in the back burner espically when it comes to my health. Now I'm finally putting myself first. I have been on this app for a week now and have lost 4Ibs to me this is only the beginning but still I feel proud that I am getting one step closer to my goal.

For me MFP has been a really great support system and I would love to be that way with people who have PCOS as well, I have researched as much as I could on the syndrome but of course there is always more information out there. If anyone wants to talk about it to get more information, exchange information, or simply a support system then please by all means friend me!

I just want to let you know that you are not alone in having this, this syndrome is very common and not many people know that they have it unless they get a special test. I have been through the every phase having PCOS can possibly give me and I am ready to fight back! WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER, WHETHER YOU HAVE PCOS OR NOT!!!

If there is any women out there who feel like they gave PCOS I would get it checked out with your doctor. I am not saying this as a scare of any means and am no means a doctor of any kind, but it never hurts to check. You never know, the more you learn about your body the more you understand on what it needs to help take you on the journey you wish to go to.

XOXO love you MFP family and I hope you have a great day


  • ThisIsMe32017
    ThisIsMe32017 Posts: 10 Member
    *have PCOS
  • NatalieMcCallum
    NatalieMcCallum Posts: 4 Member
    I have POCS and struggling to lose anything
  • 40nFlabby
    40nFlabby Posts: 2 Member
    I have PCOS as well and sympathise with your struggles. All I can say is you can try to do something, or you can be like me and stick your head in the sand and wait for a more serious condition to completely knock you off your feet! I ended up having a heart attack, followed by sepsis.

    Keep at it, keep fighting. Some weeks you might gain, others you might stay the same, but something has to give eventually! The first week of my diet, I gained a kilo! Almost killed off the eating plan right there and then, but we persevered, and I've lost a stone so far. I'm being pretty strict with myself, even with my chocolate addiction. Freddos are my new best friend!

    I hate PCOS, it has brought me nothing but pain and infertility. I really wanted another child, a boy to carry on my husband's surname, but it was not to be. I'm currently 'enjoying' a very low fat, low sugar diet and it appears to be working.