Quitting the Gym

I have belonged to my local Curves gym since March of this year. I used to go every day...now I am lucky if I get there once a week. But only because of the owner, the other workers, and the gossip ladies.

The owner makes rude commnets to me all the time; for example: she told me today--her words..."your arms will ALWAYS be flabby". After I pushed back my desire to cold-**** her with my flabby arms; I smiled and said "huh, is that why you just wrote done in my file that they had shrunk 1.5 inches already?"

The other workers are constantly on my case. Telling me that I am pushing myself to hard and I should not be sweating when I work out. (My hear rate is ALWAYS in the acceptable range)

The gossip ladies come to work out, but they are in their jeans and perfect makeup, gossiping away the ENTIRE time. I literally have to wait 3 minutes per section for them to move! (Curves is curcuit training, in case you did not know)

I have tried going at different times of the day; but it is ALWAYS the same!!!

I am in a year contract with Curves; unless I can get a doctor to write a note "excusing" me from it. (This way I no longer get charged my monthly rate)

My question is...Do I get the doctors note or suck it up? What would you do if this was your gym?


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I would quit.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Who cares what they say or think. Do you like the workout? Is it convenient? Tell them to shut the heck up and get moving they are holding you up.
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    Sounds like a nightmare, I'd get out of it.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    It sounds terrible. But you could always prove them wrong!
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    I would find a new gym. If the atmosphere is keeping you away then it will not motivate you to keep working out. You should be able to find one where you do not run into that type of behavior and where you will want to go all the time.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    It seems like you are letting these women take control. Yes, they are annoying, but you are there to get healthy and exercise.

    I would take this opportunity to seize mental control over the situation and NOT let these unfriendly people shove you out of the gym you enjoyed up until recently. Just ignore them and think about the positive.

    Suck it up, and then reevaluate at the end of your contract.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I would make it a point to contact the manager and ask when the gym is open and not very busy. If she asks "why" then explain what you typed here today. Explain you don't want to get stuck in the gossip traffic and are there to do your workout not get involved in the gym drama, etc... I've found if you complain in a nice way, most places will either work with you to find a solution or will let you out of the contract (because they don't want customers talking negatively about their establishment).
  • mill1295
    mill1295 Posts: 120 Member
    Is there anyone higher up you can talk to about everything that's wrong, especially the workers?
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I would get the doctors note and use your hard earned money for a better gym that's more supportive. I would also tell the owner a thing or two about keeping her mouth shut.
  • loveluckjoy
    I think you should stick it out. Pretty much whatever gym you go to you are probably going to get the same kind of people And going to the gym is good for you, so don't et them get to you. Maybe take music and headphones to block them out and then forget what they are saying, as it is total rubbish. If you dont sweat when you workout you aren't doing very much. I sweat like a pig during all my workouts. If they are taking too long to move then politely ask them to move on as you need the machine. But yeah it would be good to try and motivate yourself, and as for that horrible trainer, maybe if you do go a bit more and do all your workout, then you can really show her how you will improve, then she can't say much !
    Find the strength to keep going, you will be so proud of yourself when you have shed a few pounds and are looking and feeling better :)
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    If you can get the doctor's note to get out of it, you definitely should. And then join a real gym where sweating is encouraged!
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 172 Member
    That's a tough one. If you leave they win but if you stay and make your goal then you win. Maybe try sending a complaint to corporate first and see if something gets done.
  • keschuh79
    keschuh79 Posts: 29
    Get a doctor's note! Getting the motivation to go to the gym is hard enough. You don't need to be discouraged by a bunch of people that aren't there for the right reasons. But in the same note, I'm a big fan of going to the gym. So maybe explain to your doctor what's up, get your excuse to leave that place, and then find another gym that fits your bill. The change up in routine might end up doing you a favor in motivation and on the scale.
  • cabul3
    cabul3 Posts: 210 Member
    get out while you can. stop by your doc to see if he'll write you a note for any "legit" lame medical reason you can conspire up together.

    i used to go to curves until it stopped being a challenge. my muscles adjusted to the same old routine, day after day, and i never made much process.

    i got a membership to the local Y instead. now i have soo many weight-training and cardio options, as well as classes to choose from! depending on your income, you may be able to get an "assisted membership" rate. it's month-to-month, and you're not locked into a plan unless you choose to pay, for example, one whole year up front! my membership works out to $10/mo, VERY affordable. i get 6 free sessions with a trainer to set me up with a program and then followup with me.

    make sure you submit a review or something to the Curves headquarters about how rude the staff at your location were to you!
  • iambayd
    iambayd Posts: 235
    It really sounds like a crappy place. They should be nothing but supportive and encouraging and they seem to be quite the opposite. I would check out other gyms in your area. I'm sure you could find some place way better than that.
  • elmobabie84
    elmobabie84 Posts: 112
    have you considered going to a different curves in your area?? or maybe in the next town over?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    If it was my gym, I'd be the witch that's like UM EXCUSE ME! I want to actually workout.. could you please take your gossip fest to a Starbucks?

    As far as the manager, I'd have a few choice words for her too that can't be said on this site.

    With that being said, I'm a firm believer in the fact that if you don't enjoy your exercise, you're not going to do it. So if it really bugs you, i'd go find another place to workout sans the drama. I'd also find a really good supportive trainer, and get my circuit training that way.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I had a Curves membership. I went pretty well for the better part of the year and then the attendant I liked resigned (she was going back to school) and whole group of ladies (also gossipers) started coming on the days/times I came and... it was too much.

    Then I got very spotty, they also changed locations, closer to my house, but harder to get in and out of. For a while I felt bad driving past the place, then I tried going again, and then I gave up. Cancelled my membership earlier this year, but I paid for almost a year during which time I didn't go. I kept telling myself I would get back into it.

    I also started traveling very regularly as part of my job about 14 months ago, which contributed to my failure with them.

    The end solution was to rearrange the entire house so I could move the gazelle into the living room. I exercise more now than I ever did with Curves. lol

    I believe there's a fee for early cancellation, but it might be worth it if you're dissatisfied. My contract was for a year, but I was a member about two years when I cancelled.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    That's a tough one. If you leave they win but if you stay and make your goal then you win. Maybe try sending a complaint to corporate first and see if something gets done.

    This is also a worth a chance. It doesn't sound like the owner is sending the message Curves wants to project.
  • superbeffie
    superbeffie Posts: 93 Member
    Honestly, I would contact their corporate office. This is clearly a manager problem and if they are making it harder and more discouraging for you to work out then they need to be in another line of work.
    If you went in to a restaurant and they told you it didn't matter what you ate because you were fat they would be fired.

    As for the blue jean moms, there will always be irritating obnoxious people at every gym. You just have to ignore them and do what you need to do.