Looking for motivated friends out there!!

I took a break from MyFitnessPal due to moving to Japan from America and when I came back I found that almost all my friends had become inactive! I've been logging now for 70 days and it's getting lonely out there!

I'm looking for people to inspire me and hopefully I can do the same for you as well?
I miss looking at friends food journals and exercise cause that really lights a fire under my butt to see someone else killing it. I also miss getting pumped up for each other. Which is the whole point of the app right?

Please anyone feel free to add me I need some friends way out here in Japan it's getting lonely in the myfitnesspal sphere :)


  • mallen40
    mallen40 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm in the same position. I was inactive for a long time and recently got back on. Feel free to add me. I am looking for some new friends to help motivate and keep me going