I HATE working out

For those of you who started out like me, what did you find to motivate yourself to exercise regularly?

Other than walking my dogs a few times a day, I get no exercise. We have the Xbox 360 so are getting the Kinect soon.. hopefully the games will be more enjoyable.


  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I hate the thought of it, but once I start, I like it. I just finished up the wii active 2 9-week challenge and am down 30+ lbs!!!
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Hula hoop as you watch a TV show! I also do crud on my exersize ball when I watch TV...
  • drygravytrain
    drygravytrain Posts: 13 Member
    Well first find out what you hate about working out. Do you hate specific routines, ie running, walking, using weights, taking time to go to the gym.

    For me, I hate running. I love short distance sprinting, i love walks, I hate long distance runs. The biggest part for me is eliminating ALL excuses. Meaning the only thing that should come between you and your workout is death itself. Its an appointment and commitment that cant be rescheduled, like work.

    I still am not a fan of running, but forcing myself to do it made it a habit, and I focus on the way it makes me feel, because thats the part I enjoy. And i run outside because i know if i run on a treadmill, i get bored, and want to put needles in my eyes.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I agree. find out what you hate about working out. For me its running.. i will never ever run unless my life depends on it... but I could walk for hours. I'm also not the biggest fan of weights, but I will do them because I know I need too, otherwise when I see my trainer I'll have lost all my progress.

    Thats also what keeps me accountable is my trainer.. if I'm not there, he notices and is like hey I didn't see you much last week... what happened? When you have someone to answer to, you're more likely to workout.. so maybe find a workout partner.
  • georgiag111
    georgiag111 Posts: 424
    Honestly I dread it every morning esp when sore. BUT what motivates me to do it is I WANT to wear a swim suit so... that is what
  • LuvORR
    LuvORR Posts: 36
    Try other activities that are fun like zumba :)
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    I just bought a wii and it has lots of fun workout games. I also love the zumba game. you will feel like you are not working out at all but then you will be covered in sweat and so happy.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    my motivation is the way i feel AFTER i work out! so calm and happy!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    my motivation is the way i feel AFTER i work out! so calm and happy!
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    I exercise for my night time snack calories. I guess I am motivated by food to exercise. Sad, isn't it?
  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    I just found something I liked (bike riding) and then slowly incorporated other things. My husband is doing it too, so it helps to have a buddy.

    Don't forget that dancing is exercise!
  • hillendahl
    hillendahl Posts: 29 Member
    motivation....it changes daily.

    1.) my knees had started going out on me...and I had to be careful just stepping down from a curb...so, I started bicycling to increase my strength...

    2.) what keeps me going is that the sooner I get the weight loss part finished...the soon I can move to maintenance....for example...to lose weight you may need to exercise daily...or 5 days a week...but once you've lost weight...you can cut it back to less exercise to maintain the weight.

    for me..I have a long ways to go before worrying about maintenance....but its still a thought in my head when my legs are screaming that they're about to fall off....
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    your question was:
    For those of you who started out like me, what did you find to motivate yourself to exercise regularly?

    i found that i could loose more weight and gain more energy thr excercising, so i found something i liked to do like running and took it from there, i also love cardio,kettelbell,kickboxing and basically any workout that makes me end up in a pool of sweat because i can see the results when im done.

  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I think it is different for everyone. I used to hate working out, and then I realized it was really that I hated the exercises I was doing. It might be that you just have to be motivated to try different things. And I mean really TRY new exercises or classes or places to work out. I have tried different workout dvds, exercise “games” on the Wii and the 360, I still have a Gazelle I never use anymore, a gym membership a keep forgetting to cancel because I never go… etc.

    Now, I have found that I just can’t get enough of the beachbody programs (TurboFire, ChaLEAN Extreme, etc.), and I need my own exercise space… a room where I can close the door and make my exercise time all about me. Now, I actually look forward to my after-work exercise. I have also found just more “active” outdoor hobbies that simply keep me moving, like kayaking.

    There is a silly personality quiz you can take called the “8 colors of fitness” (http://the8colorsoffitness.com). It’s obviously not meant to be completely spot on but it can help you find exercises you might enjoy… I believe they give you exercise types at the end. If not, I can always find them for you! :happy:
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I have been finding ways to get in exercise without my body finding out about it. Like parking REALLY far away from the store(s) and then taking the cart ALL THE WAY BACK INTO the store. I also walk AROUND the cars in the parking lot instead of the straightest line back to my car. :wink:
  • Aviadele
    Aviadele Posts: 6
    I have two thoughts about this:
    I find I stay more motivated by the cost of gas...the more expensive it is, the better my bicycle looks. Along those lines, I set myself up a little map that lays out boundaries around my home. If my destination is within the boundaries, I ride. If my destination is outside the boundaries, I drive (or get the hubby to drive me is even better!) Outside of getting some exercise - I have been saving some money on gas, have become a little bit better organized and have found some really great little local shops.
    I found I stay more motivated to exercise with my choice of activity. I despise all forms of running (sorry to all you runners out there...), and I am not too fond of team games and can't convince the spouse to join a dance class with me. So I've tried other activities that I do like - love hot yoga, enjoy walking which is a big perk for the dog, enjoy rollerblading and skating, love to swim and when I can find a stable, I love to go horse back riding.
    I hope my long winded reply wasn't tedious but in my mind, every little bit of physical activity helps and sometimes all I can squeeze in is a little bit here and there.
  • gemtwist
    gemtwist Posts: 11 Member
    I used to hate working out, too. What helped me was to try a lot of new things until I found something that I enjoyed, and to bring someone along with me (in my case, my husband.)

    I signed up for these fitness classes at a local gym. It's a small gym, and the classes are really hard, and half-way through, I'm thinking, "oh man, what did I get myself into?" But when I'm done, I feel great, and full of energy, and everyone else in the class congratulates you for making it through. I love it, and will keep going back.

    I also signed up for yoga, and even pole fitness classes. I went rock climbing, and LOVED it, but I'm not strong enough yet to do the more advanced courses. My long-term goal is to increase my upper body strength and core strength to be able to go back and do those courses, and that motivates me to keep working out.

    Basically, try a bunch of things. You'll probably find something that you do enjoy, and that will be enough to make you want to go. Once you get into the swing of things, it'll get easier. And try bringing a friend along, too. Having company makes it so much easier. Good luck!