Repeat MFP'er

Hi all! My name is Breah, and this is my third...or fourth...or so time being on MFP. My first time I lost around 20-25 pounds, got complacent, and gained it all around 30-40 more. Between then (about 3 years ago) and up until last April, I had been doing a yo-yo between around 205 and 225. In April I joined Weight Watchers, and aside from the sugar and fat demonization vibe I got, I have no big complaints with that program! Basically just another way to track, and the community was fantastic. Thanks to that program, I'm now down to about 180 and over 2/3 to my goal!

However, between paying money for the program and the strictness when it came to fat and sugar, I've decided to try macro and calorie counting again to take me the rest of the way. Right now my goal is about 160- although that's slightly out of the normal BMI for my 5'6" height, I've been there before, and felt and looked fit and healthy. Once I get there, I'll reassess and see if I want to lose more. I don't necessarily have a timeline, as maintenance is just as hard as losing (and that's for life!), but would love to feel more comfortable by August, when I get married. I already feel so much better and more comfortable than a year ago though, so I won't beat myself up if it takes longer!

I'm a big believer in anything in moderation. Mainly I want to hit my protein goal and then don't care much where the other two macro's end up. For exercise, I recently finished up Couch to 5k and am working on improving my 5k time, 2-3 times a week. I am finishing up the first half of the "Maximum Capacity" app 2-3 days per week, but plan to start back up with Strong Lifts next week as I really miss lifting! I used to exercise just as a means to have more calories to eat throughout the day, but now I find that I only eat the extra calories if I'm genuinely hungry, and I work out more for fitness and the feeling of accomplishment. It's a nice change!

Thanks for reading, if you made it this far! Last time I was on MFP (I have a new username) I had some friends for support and that was pretty awesome, so please do send a friend request if you'd like!


  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    I'm also a third timer here! I'm actually dealing with a similar approach to this whole thing! Add me if you want :)
  • robertmusser
    robertmusser Posts: 25 Member
    Same hear. This is my 3rd time on MFP. With a new addition to the family and taking a desk job I feel like things have gotten out of hand healthwise so the family and I are making some changes to our exercise and eating habits. Please feel free to add me.
  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    I don't even know how many times I've started and stopped this. The first time I did MFP back in 2009, I lost around 60 pounds. I've gained like 45 of that back, so I'm back here with attempt number whatever. I want to lose 45ish lbs, I guess, but mostly I just want to feel stronger. I have a 5k coming up next month, a 10k the next, and a Tough Mudder the next. Hopefully a half marathon sometime after that. Feel free to add me, y'all! :smile:
  • jenc1101
    jenc1101 Posts: 3 Member
    I too, am back for another go round. My first time, I lost about 25 pounds and eventually lost my momentum. In the last 18 months I went from running a half marathon to having numerous health issues and ballooning back up to my approximately 7 month pregnancy weight from 2008.

    My goal this time is the same as last time, but if I find a comfortable and healthy place, I may slow it down a bit. My husband, son, and dog are all on board as long as they get to eat whatever they want so, here I go!

    Friends totally make this easier, so add at will.
  • jnic7594
    jnic7594 Posts: 16 Member
    This is my second time back. My first time, I lost 120 pounds. I've since gained about 75 back. Funny how it seems to pile on SO much easier than it comes off. Giving this another go around. I know I can lose it. Keeping it off is the challenge I have. Seems like I do well, and then I hit a stressful life event and start putting weight back on. Hoping for better results for myself and others here this time around. Good luck all.
  • deeruns
    deeruns Posts: 39 Member
    Hi guys! I'm in the same boat. This is my second (official) time around. The first time, I ran a half marathon and lost maybe 10 net pounds while gaining a lot of muscle. I bottomed out at around 154 pounds (at 5'7" with my body type, this was healthy), was a size 6, and had reached my ideal body type. Then life.

    My weight has fluctuated my entire life in a way that I've generally been comfortable with (~15 pounds/year), since I hate working out and basically only do it when the scale starts ticking upward. But three years ago, I went off to law school, got extremely depressed, and somehow gained 30 pounds. I've at the heaviest I've ever been, and losing via a month or two of clean eating and working out is a lot more difficult these days, since I've moved in with (and am the primary "chef" for) my boyfriend.

    In my shame, I deleted all of my friends from my last effort (haha) - so feel free to add me for support this time around. One good thing about falling off the wagon: we know that we can do this, because we've already done it before.