trying to eat all of my calories

theGuest Posts: 117 Member
edited September 18 in Food and Nutrition
so after reading that article that has been floating around about not eating all of your calories and gaining weight (under 700 cals and not losing) i decided its time for me to start eating all of my calories.

usually i eat around 5 meals a day and it only takes up about 700-800 cals.

but i'm always hungry. and i usually end up messing up somewhere down the line.

so... i'm tyring to eat my 1200 - 1500 cals but i'm having a hard time filling them all up!!

i've loaded on lots of fruits and veggies to all my meals, and i even have a little more for my snacks (everything healthy) and i'm only at 1051 cals!!

what do i do??


breakfast - protein shake with half a banana

snack - 1 apple and 1 cheese string

lunch - 1 chicken sandwich, home made with weight watchers bread, 15 baby carrots

snack - 2 slices of weight watchers bread and all natural almond butter, 1 tangerine

din - 3oz grilled salmon and a lot of salad

desert - hot chocolate


  • theGuest
    theGuest Posts: 117 Member
    so after reading that article that has been floating around about not eating all of your calories and gaining weight (under 700 cals and not losing) i decided its time for me to start eating all of my calories.

    usually i eat around 5 meals a day and it only takes up about 700-800 cals.

    but i'm always hungry. and i usually end up messing up somewhere down the line.

    so... i'm tyring to eat my 1200 - 1500 cals but i'm having a hard time filling them all up!!

    i've loaded on lots of fruits and veggies to all my meals, and i even have a little more for my snacks (everything healthy) and i'm only at 1051 cals!!

    what do i do??


    breakfast - protein shake with half a banana

    snack - 1 apple and 1 cheese string

    lunch - 1 chicken sandwich, home made with weight watchers bread, 15 baby carrots

    snack - 2 slices of weight watchers bread and all natural almond butter, 1 tangerine

    din - 3oz grilled salmon and a lot of salad

    desert - hot chocolate
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    Try some nuts, they have plenty of calories but are really good for you. I believe walnuts and almonds are 2 of the best (or maybe they are just my favorite??).
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    How about some "good" are not getting many in...

  • theGuest
    theGuest Posts: 117 Member
    isnt that an oxymoron??
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    Try protein bars, protein shakes (low sugar variety), low fat yogurt,peanut butter on whole grain toast, brown rice.

    This week, for the first time in a while, its been a challenge for me to not eat more than my rec. calories. Good luck!:smile:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Add the whole banana to your protein shake, or add in a tablespoon of peanut butter. Or, have a little more than 3 oz of salmon, especially if you're working out. And whole grain carbs. Brown rice or whole wheat pasta in moderation add up quickly.

    Also, some good fats will very quickly up your calories and help you to digest vegetables. Olive oil (not heated) avocado and nuts all contain these fats. This has helped me a lot, as I don't eat a lot of meat or processed foods.

    And, no "good carbs" is NOT an oxymoron. What feeds your brain is carbohydrates.
  • theGuest
    theGuest Posts: 117 Member
    And, no "good carbs" is NOT an oxymoron. What feeds your brain is carbohydrates.

    i thought that was prime time television
  • theGuest
    theGuest Posts: 117 Member
    add penut butter to the smoothy??
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    Another YUMMY snack that will pack on the calories is 6 TBSP lite cool whip mixed w/ 1.5 TBSP peanut butter. It hits the spot and its about 200 calories.
  • theGuest
    theGuest Posts: 117 Member
    hmmm.. not really into coolwhip
  • I have a hard time getting up to my calories, too. I've eaten well today, and a lot, and I'm still only at about 950 calories. I even had chocolate cake with dinner! XD But I'm planning on having a chocolate banana smoothie shake later tonight and hopefully that'll get me back up to 1200

    What I do is take a shake like slim fast and put it in a blender with a little ice and a whole banana and it's really good. Sometimes I break up one of the 100 calorie pack oreo cookie granola things and blend that in as well. it's amaaaaaazing.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    yep, the peanut butter goes in the smoothie. I like to add about a tablespoon of cocoa powder (unsweetened.) yum.
  • theGuest
    theGuest Posts: 117 Member
    but isnt the key to fill my calories up with good food not just deserts??

    cause if not... i have no problems!! i can do that right now.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I am a big fan of oatmeal with fruit for breakfast. It is good, great for you, and filling. Maybe you could have a protein shake for a snack instead after working out. You could also add avocado to your salad.
  • theGuest
    theGuest Posts: 117 Member
    I am a big fan of oatmeal with fruit for breakfast. It is good, great for you, and filling. Maybe you could have a protein shake for a snack instead after working out. You could also add avocado to your salad.

    yes! i do love oatmeal! i'm just having a smoothy tomorrow cause there is less sugar in it.
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