over eating late at night Help!

I seem to do good during the day but have trouble once it gets past 5pm. I usually eat something at 5pm and like another dinner around 7pm and a snack at 9pm and usually more food at midnight. I need help. I always eat more in the evenings and I have no idea how to control this and spread my calories more through out the day so I'm not starving in the evening. Any Advice on how to control my over eating??


  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    What has really helped me is to make sure that I am getting enough protein and fiber during the day..it seems to help me to not be over-hungry..good luck :)
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    i save myself cals for the night if i think i'll be awake & wanting something. try high fiber & protein snacks before bed, so you go to sleep with something in your stomach & you're not wanting to go eat more. ♥
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I give terrible advice, but *shrug* whattaya gonna do? I figure if it's easier for you to control yourself earlier in the day - skip breakfast. Know what I mean? Think about it as though you're pushing your first meal until later in the day (lunch), therefore you're finishing up later in the day. Either that or go to sleep before your next desire to eat comes on.
  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    I tend to eat late at night when I'm tired. If I get to sleep at a reasonable hour, I tend to eat less. Also, I always have a big drink before bed to help tide me over til the am. Not to mention I hear it's great for your skin.
  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    I have this problem, too. You might not like my answer, but this is what worked for me:

    1-going to bed earlier. sometimes MUCH earlier.
    2-going to bed 'hungry'. now you know and I know that I'm not actually hungry ... but it sure felt that ways sometimes.

    That's what has worked for me.
  • wanderingwest
    I have troubles in the evening too. I try to save some calories for the evening so I have some wiggle room if I can't stay out of the fridge. But it is tough. I have also tried sugar-free gum, a cup of tea and I taught myself to knit just to keep my hands busy! lol
  • MissMandy1010
    MissMandy1010 Posts: 52 Member
    try harder sweetie. Its a mental block. eat a good solid breakfast with lots of protein, eat a medium sized lunch and a medium to small sized dinner. Squeeze some healthy snacks in between that are high in protein and fiber, so you stay full and stop thinking about what you're missing. Cravings only last a few minutes and can be beat. If you're serious about changing you're life, you will. You have to want it bad enough!! And it takes a little time to train your mind to change, so be patient but DON'T GIVE UP!!!!! good luck
  • JessiGetFit
    I'm really bad about this also. I've found it helpful to PLAN my snacks for the evening instead of saying "okay, I'm not going to eat anything after dinner," b/c that never works. And as long as you're under your calorie goal, I really don't think it matters when you consume your cals. I've read several studies lately that indicate that it's a myth that eating right before bed is bad for you. I'm not saying that it's good to not eat much during the day (which I am guilty of), but knowing how you eat and planning for it will help. :)

    Hope that helps and good luck!! :)
  • naturemomjd11
    naturemomjd11 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I have the same problem. I'm fine all day and then go nuts at night. What I've been trying to do is eat decent amounts of protein throughout the day so I'm not starved by dinnertime. KFC has grilled chicken - it's not bad calorie-wise if you remove the skin. I've been eating a piece for lunch and one in the late afternoon so I don't go nuts at dinner. Then I try not to eat after 7 PM (literally watch the clock - sometimes I even brush and floss my teeth right at 7 to keep myself from eating later). That timeline might not work for you - I'm rarely up past 11. If you're up later maybe give yourself a later cut-off time. Another trick is to use a bread plate for dinner. It helps with portion control and it seems like you're eating more because the plate looks so full. Good luck!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I don't keep junk food in the house - there are nothing but healthy snacks here - also, the grocery is about 3 blocks from my home- I don't stockpile alot of food - I buy fresh about every 3 or 4 days - there isn't enough here for much of a 'binge' - did you know a cup of diced watermelon is only 46 calories!? keep fresh fruit & veggies around- snack on that - if I stay up too late & feel 'hungry' I go to bed!

    I don't know what I would do if there were other ppl living here & bringing in junk food, I guess I'd be like Madonna & banish it.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    i gave this more thought because it is a struggle of mine too... i was thinking that you could add in a meal at night that would be around 200 cals & lots of nutrients, so you aren't hungry & feel satisfied without the need to munch.

    example ♥ - egg whites (1/2 cup is 60 cals), fat free cheese (1/4 cup is 60 cals), some chopped up veggies (50 ish if you're generous), & top that omelet with salsa (15 cals) = 185 cals
    or maybe spinach leaves (4 cups from the bag is 20 cals), cut up mushrooms (5 are 20 cals), tomato (whole is 30 cals), green pepper (whole is 24 cals), some turkey breast (60 cals), & a 100 cal pack of guacamole = 254 cals in this giant salad
  • pambaldwin
    pambaldwin Posts: 18
    For me, I find that if I eat a good protein (2 oz), slices of deli turkey or left over chicken with a carb then I do not get so hungry. Focus in on what might make you hungry. Triggers for me are any thing with sugar or substitute sugar. I try to avoid these because if I don't I could eat a whole cow. Oatmeal is a slow acting carb and is good with a protein. Try to space your eating for 2 1/2 to 3 hours and do go to bed earlier. Sugar free gum is always good.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 557 Member
    I would get up crazy early eat right all day, later in the evening workout hard then go home eat then take some Tylenol PM, you do that for a week it will change your eating and sleeping habits. and yes you can take Tylenol PM for a week, it will help you with the leg and foot pain and help you sleep
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    Hey there. You know breakfast is the "most important meal of the day!" Skip it and your metabolism slows down. I have also found that when you skip it you may eat more at lunch or later on in the day....may be what is happening to you, you don't eat enough earlier in the day so your body just wants food food food later.
    Getting some good protein for breakfast will help your throughout the day. Even if it's just a nutri grain bar, I hardly ever skip breakfast. Good luck to you!
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    How early does your day start? How late does your day end?

    I learned from my kids that whenever they are bored they constantly snack. But if I engage them in some activity, they forget about snacking. I don't mind them snacking but when they are bored they snack out of schedule.

    Also, eating 5 small meals a day is not bad.

    Yes, sleeping earlier will help depending on what your daily routine is.
    Healthier snacks: cucumber, carrot sticks, tomatoes.
  • FL_Nettie
    FL_Nettie Posts: 265 Member
    I was a late night snacker too. For me, it was just a bad habit that I had to buckle down and break. Try brushing your teeth, using some mouthwash and drinking more water. Also, keep yourself occupied with something besides TV or the computer. A lot of people eat out of boredom.
  • calderst
    calderst Posts: 222 Member
    I'm hungry almost all the time and get cranky when I go more than 2 hours without a snack. I have found that no matter what my calorie count is like during the day, I need to eat before bed or I can't fall asleep. My trainer suggested having a high-protein snack so I've been trying to stick with low-fat cottage cheese (100 cal) or a cheese stick (80 cal) and since I know it's coming, I try to save enough calories for it. If I'm really hungry I may have a piece of peanut butter toast. If I need something sweet on top of that (ice cream cravings!), I keep Cool Whip in my fridge and grab a spoonful of it. Maybe that sounds gross but if I've already had my "bedtime snack" and just need something sweet to top it off, it's only about 13 calories for a tablespoon.

    I haven't seen your profile but you may also want to consider whether or not you're getting as many calories as you need. When I first started MFP, I could never stay under my goal because I felt like I was starving all the time. Then as soon as I went over I felt like I might as well eat anything. I upped my cal intake by 300 (probably 500 less than I was eating before I started) and have gradually lost weight. It's probably taking me longer than if I'd kept it at the level they suggest (and actually stuck to it) but my body just simply wasn't happy on that much of a restriction. As soon as I allowed myself that 300, I was much more able to stay within my goal (usually) because I didn't feel like it was impossible. Make sure you aren't starving yourself!