Be brutal and honest



  • tiffwhit16
    tiffwhit16 Posts: 76
    I personally think you look great!! Good job!

    I would start working on toning and maintenance. But, ultimately you have to do whatever makes you feel good. You're the one looking into the mirror everyday.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    You look fantastic!! I don't think you need to lose another pound. I don't see any flab or anything, so if you want to strengthen up a bit, or add a bit of definition, then definitely do some toning workouts.

    OH and love your tattoo!
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    WOW - you look GREAT!!!! I think if you're going to up your cals to maintenance, you may want to do some strength training as you go along to make sure that excess cals become muscle. But, yeah, you look really good! Great work!

    I have definitely been adding Strength Training and doing Yoga Meltdown. Thanks for the advice!
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I think you just need to tone up:) and by the way I LOVE your tat on your back:)

    Thank You so much! <3
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    You look great, but Its how you feel. Try just toning and go from there. You can always try and lose a few lbs if you are not happy later

    Agree with this. People tell me I look great at 5'4" and 150lbs; I don't feel great though and know I need to lose weight and tone up my body. I want to like how I look and feel in a bikini, if I don't like it or don't feel good then all of the compliments in the world don't help much...and no I don't have a distorted body image, I don't look bad for having a baby but I know I could look and feel a lot better!

    I have stretch marks so I am afraid of looking like a deflated baloon or ad I call it "Freddy Kreuger Face".! LOL
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    You look great. My suggestion would be to start "easing" into maintenance. You will continue to shave off a few more pounds, but at a slower rate. It will help you adapt to maintenance instead of going 'full on' at once. I suggest this because it was psychologically difficult for me to adapt to eating maintenance calories and 'turn off' the weight loss mode. By easing into it... you have the benefit of losing a few more fat lbs, while you start to strength train *which changes the appearance of your body*, and makes maintenance not seem like such of a 'shock.'

    It all depends on what your personal goals are... mine weren't focused on a number as much as it was focused on the appearance of my body. Once I started strength training, I saw my body transform. While my weight isn't changing so much- my body fat % continues to lower.

    I would rather be 145 lbs and 15% body fat than 130 lbs and 30% body fat... just my opinion... start strength training- it does a body good!

    I love the way you put this. And I like the sound of it! lol
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I think you need to calculate your body fat and work on improving THAT. Ignore the scale from here on out, focus on measurements. (If you don't have access to somebody trained to use calipers, try: I think you look good, but would definitely benefit from some serious strength training.

    It's all personal preference at this point though. I think you look healthy, but have room to look a bit more athletic. In the end it's about what YOU want.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    You all have made me feel amazing! I will ease into maintenance and focus more on my Strength Training. I bet That will shave off the last 10 and keep me safe from " Shar Pei Belly"! LOL I can do this and I will be a healthy Girl!:flowerforyou:
  • madamgaga
    madamgaga Posts: 2
    Hi CoryIda, my name is Andrea and I like your post...refusing to pass up any opportunity to healthy and happy. Thanks for sharing.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I think a good 10 pounds would make you PERFECTA! You look amazing, so maybe lose 10 pounds and then just work on toning (doesn't look like you need much toning though since you look fantastic).
  • vicky1506
    vicky1506 Posts: 19 Member
    I think u look amazing!! seriously you look great love!! Wih i had a figure like that! :-)
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