My two biggest challenges.... What are yours?



  • jennyabsheberly
    jennyabsheberly Posts: 12 Member
    Eating out (or ordering in) and alcohol. I do great when I'm the one cooking, but the healthy meals at restaurants tend to be bland and sad compared to the fried, cheese covered meals that everyone else is ordering. And I always want a drink on the weekends, but the calories...woof. I basically have to skip a meal if I want to imbibe.
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Sugar intake became waaaaaaay easier once I switched from regular soda to diet and stopped bringing in foods that had loads of added sugar to to them (cheesecake and holiday cakes are my weakness).

    Now its:

    Sodium intake (not always horribly over, but still over and that bothers me)
    Sometimes late night (after 7PM) snacking (I still count these, but it's resisting the urge when I'm hungry at night or making sure I eat something that "fits" into my calories for the day). Easier said than done some days.
  • pikachuFL
    pikachuFL Posts: 75 Member
    edited March 2017
    My two biggest challenges are I hate exercising and I have way too many food associations, that is foods I like to eat together instead of having one or the other. A thin person craving French fries will go to McDonalds, get their fries, and be perfectly happy. If I'm craving fries, I'll get the fries, a double cheeseburger, and a hot fudge sundae with nuts because I'll want something to go with my fries. I'm trying to break those associations or at least make healthier pairings. If I want something with my fries, I can get a side salad, apple slices, or a parfait, bot not all of those!
  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    Well that's easy #1 overeating #2 overeating sugary foods
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Water & strength training. Doing pretty well with water these days, except for the weekends. Strength training: not so great!
    RickN9GSU wrote: »
    I'm curious what others might struggle with?

  • emmalouise2222
    emmalouise2222 Posts: 12 Member
    Drinking more water and keeping myself motivated. If I am being honest not having a glass of red wine in the
    evening is also a challenge....I still view it as reward.
  • amandaeve
    amandaeve Posts: 723 Member
    1- The 2pm stretch at work. I get bored and have a hard time sitting still so I can work. So I stuff myself with crap and then I feel gross and can't move. I get the work done, but feel like a blob.

    2- At home, after dinner. The bf hands me some lovingly made dessert, or cocktail. I'm not hungry, and eating more will make me overstuffed, but it looks so good and it was made as a treat just for me.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    1. I'm sort of lazy. And by sort of I mean very. So sometimes I just have to make myself move when I'd much rather be a couch barnacle.
    2. I like food. Shopping for it, planning menus, preparing it, and of course eating it. Food is social, food is love, food is a hobby.
  • koreemassey0988
    koreemassey0988 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm completely new to the app. I am not new at trying to loose weight and get healthy. I just turned 50 and wanted to have reached my healthy weight before my bday, but didn't make it. I am more determined than ever. I started getting REAL serious in 2015. I had sooooooo much to learn. I keep heading in the right direction with new hurdles along the way. My current hurdle is too FAT intake. I am not getting all my calories, I'm short 200- 400 a day but keep going over on fat. It's good fat at least. But this is my current hurdle.
  • slyhoney1983
    slyhoney1983 Posts: 3 Member
    My 2 are soda pop and potato chips. I am trying to cut the soda back, but its hard.
  • niyra17
    niyra17 Posts: 51 Member
    Mine the same water in take and trying to eat less carbs in our diet, trying to find a way to eat others things in place of rice and bread. Also I cook curries and its usually boiled rice with most of the meals .
  • kasey39
    kasey39 Posts: 39 Member
    In all seriousness, I think one of mine is the fact that I'm always really hungry when I get home from work. If we have leftovers (which we often do since it's just me and my daughter), no problem - we eat shortly after I get home. If not, the wait while I make dinner is difficult - I have to resist snacking and I often snack more than I realized I did.
  • timetochange52
    timetochange52 Posts: 66 Member
    I think that I've finally overcome my biggest two, self sabotage and alcohol. I've realized that alcohol doesn't fit into my diet plan so I've almost completely cut it out. And when the scale is down a few pounds, it doesn't mean that "hey this is easy, I deserve a treat this weekend" only to have to start all over again on Monday all pissed off at having messed up again. Now I use the weekends to push even harder. Nobody is going to get me through this but me. Down 43 pounds and still kicking it.
  • nikitagosse420
    nikitagosse420 Posts: 5 Member
    My biggest challenge is getting up out of bed at 5:30am to get a workout in before heading to work. Life is busy, and there are not enough hours in the day.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Being lazy.
    Food tastes good.