Apple Shape Body!

Hello all my apple shaped beauties!
I'm hoping someone can give me some advice on how to lose this belly weight! I know, healthy eating and exercise, but is there any certain exercises made just for a apple shape?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Nope. Eat in a deficit. No special exercises.
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    I just want to say that I love your attitude! Good luck with your goals!
  • LaauraLoses
    LaauraLoses Posts: 29 Member
    There isn't any exercises that can target fat loss but toning up muscles in certain areas can help to make it look a bit better. Not sure about stomach though I am just a blob shaped body
  • anna32aries
    anna32aries Posts: 52 Member
    I am an apple. First time around I went from 185 to 132 (I'm 5'5"), the belly was the last place I lost the weight.
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    There isn't any exercises that can target fat loss but toning up muscles in certain areas can help to make it look a bit better. Not sure about stomach though I am just a blob shaped body

    I use to be a stick shaped body then I developed the physic of Dale Gribble (king of the hill) lol.
  • KeKee2011
    KeKee2011 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    Knowing your body type is more useful for choosing flattering clothing than anything else.
  • KeKee2011
    KeKee2011 Posts: 4 Member
    As everyone else said, there's no way to spot reduce ... However, there are some health issues that can cause you to carry weight in specific areas. For example I have PCOS and insulin resistance, so a large amount of my weight is in my tummy. I also had issues as a kid that caused Drs to prescribe steroids which caused a fairly ugly "buffalo hump" ... I point this out because if there are underlying issues to your weight gain, treating the issue can possibly make it easier to lose as a whole.

    Best of luck. I feel your pain, fellow apple :)

    Thank you!
  • emmalouise2222
    emmalouise2222 Posts: 12 Member
    KeKee2011 wrote: »
    Hello all my apple shaped beauties!
    I'm hoping someone can give me some advice on how to lose this belly weight! I know, healthy eating and exercise, but is there any certain exercises made just for a apple shape?

  • emmalouise2222
    emmalouise2222 Posts: 12 Member
    I am also an apple
  • monamcgee
    monamcgee Posts: 1 Member
    Apple shape as well here! Along with the diet and exercise, a healthy mindset is also needed. There will be times that you won't want to do it anymore and decide to just 'be happy ' with yourself. Don't settle.
    I have been at this for 3 years now. In high school i was a healthy 140 (lifted all the time) and when i got on the scale and it said 170, i knew it was time. I am at 145 again but still have a long way to go until I am happy. People keep saying i am good where i am, but I HAVE HIGHER GOALS FOR MYSELF.
    You know you can do this. We all know you can do this. Now get that booty up and DO IT!!
  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 657 Member
    I'm not sure exactly what I am, but belly and boobs. Ha! So probably an apple. I will say that when I lost all my weight there was really no room for much belly. I'll still have a tiny pudge because of loose skin, but the belly can disappear. Just keep working on diet and exercise.
  • shoofly435
    shoofly435 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm an 5'3 apple shape also. I currently weight 140 down 3 lbs since February. I used to be about 125 and I had a much smaller waist. For me I notice a huge difference when I cut out junk food, lift weights and do HIIT workouts. Good luck everyone! Here's my 1 month progress pic. eld3lry7gchy.jpg

    WOW you're one month progress pics look awesome! Please add me especially if you have an open diary - I'm in a food rut but your pics are inspiring!
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I was a pear as a young woman, but in my 60's I am an apple. As I lose weight the noticable loss is in my hips. Now I can't find clothes that fit right. The pants that fit my hips are so tight in the waist that I get a muffin top which makes my tops look terrible. When my pants fit the waist, they are all baggy in the hips and thighs.

    As all you responders have assured us, I am carrying on patiently until finally my belly deflates. I have faith, but in the meanwhile I just look like an unmade bed.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited March 2017
    I wish there was a way to spot reduce, because i would stop losing weight on my boobs,collarbone,arms and my damn pinky toe lol aka all the places i do NOT need to lose weight from, and i could concentrate on my stubborn gut!

    I'm hourglass shape and i still struggle with the midsection.
  • neice90
    neice90 Posts: 1 Member
    sugar,cut down on your sugar and carbs.
    Apple and pear shape bodies tend to be caused by hormonal problems. Granted the body shape can come from genetics.
    cut out sugar and carbs and your hormones will balance out and stomach fat will melt. I'm an hourglass when I'm thin Apple when I gain weight from sugar and carbs both my favorite things