Starting all over again... le sigh

5 years ago I was my highest weight, got down to 115lbs over the space of a year and have maintained it... until last June. Life got crappy and I gained it all back and then a little extra, sitting at about 185lbs currently ;( I've been "trying" to diet since January but just haven't stuck to it. On Saturday I bumped into an old friend who was absolutely horrible to me. "You've packed on some serious weight, what have you done to yourself. What a disgrace." Needless to say I spent the weekend feeling a little sorry for myself but I took my start pictures and realised truly just how far I'd let myself go. Back on the wagon Monday and feeling more motivated than I have in a long time. Diet has been perfect (I know it hasn't been a very long time) but I'm struggling with the willpower to try stay active at the moment. If anyone would like to be buddies on Fitbit and do challenges or on MFP for a bit or support / encouragement I would absolutely love that.


  • ellengiller
    ellengiller Posts: 16 Member
    Shame on this old friend! Some of eat for comfort and you responded that read in your life and put on weight. Really tactless. Good luck on this journey! I will add you for motivation, I need some.