Trouble losing weight and frustrated!

First of all, hi everyone! This is my first time on the website, although I've had the MFP iPhone app for a few months now.

I'm posting here because I'm having a lot of trouble losing weight - in fact, I've gained a tiny bit - even though as far as I can tell, I'm doing everything right. I'm getting really frustrated and some advice/encouragement would be really appreciated.

I'm 22, 5 foot 3 and 178 pounds (size 8-12 depending on the brand). From August 2010 to April 2011 I consulted a nutritionist regularly and lost around 17 pounds (went from 183 to 167) but I gained most of that back in March/April because I returned to unhealthy eating habits due to stress. In April I moved to a different city and had to stop seeing my nutritionist. When I moved I was around 176.

I joined a gym in May and started going three times a week (cardio to warm up and then strength training) and using my elliptical trainer at home every day. I stopped for three weeks in June/July for my wedding and honeymoon. By that time I had been eating well/exercising for 6 weeks straight but I didn't notice any change in my weight or my measurements. While on my honeymoon I couldn't control my calorie intake efficiently but my husband and I spent hours every day walking around sightseeing, so I was still getting in a decent amount of exercise. My clothes fit the same when I got back so I don't think I put on more than a pound or two while on vacation (and our wedding reception was a simple restaurant lunch, so not a huge hours-long feast or anything like that).

We've been back for two weeks and during that time I've been going back to the gym, getting in my cardio every day, tracking everything I eat with the MFP app. The app recommends 1540 calories a day for me and I never exceed that. I make sure to drink enough water and eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Despite that I haven't lost any weight. I'm frustrated because when I started seeing my nutritionist I lost weight super fast, about 1-2 pounds every week. That's how much weight I should be losing now according to the app.

Is it just too early to see any weight loss since I've only been exercising regularly for two weeks straight? I have no idea what I could do differently or better - it seems to me that I'm already doing everything I should and I'm frustrated not to see any progress.

Thanks in advance for your input!


  • Jlittrell
    Jlittrell Posts: 4
    I completely understand how you feel. I have been doing a lot of the same things you have, and work out 6 days a week, and I actually gained weight in the last 10 days. I've been told that usually if you are doing both strength and cardio, that it can take up to a month to see weight results. I also did measurements because I thought that might be a better way to see things working. a friend of mine is a personal trainer and he says that's actually a good sign, that I am gaining muscle.

    I think it's important to remember that if you are doing everything right, it will pay off.
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Hi...seems we have a lot in common as I'm going thru pretty much the exact same thing:explode: but I'm working on it by upping my calorie goal to 1500 and doing circuit training which consists of cardio/calisthenics combined with strength training...I've been at almost two weeks and haven't lost anything :sad: but I'm sticking to it because of the new-found energy:bigsmile: ...feel free to add me and we can motivate each other while trying to bust thru this thing, let's rock it out!!!:happy:
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Did your nutritionist have you doing anything you aren't doing now? Are you logging accurately? Do you use an HRM? Is your loss/week goal appropriate? Tracking sodium? Drinking water?...

    Some possibilities that could be affecting it.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    One thing I've learned from some of the personal trainers on this site (backed up by several fitness articles that I no longer have the links to) is that for most people who are trying to burn fat it is better to do your weights 1st and follow that with your cardio. The reasoning is that your muscles need all of the glucose in your blood to work to their optimum. Also, most people do cardio to burn fat, but if you begin with cardio, for the first 20 minutes or so you are just burning off all the glucose in your blood from whatever you've eaten prior to exercising. This means if you are on the elliptical for 30 minutes, only the last 10 minutes or so is fat burn.
  • pwrchrd
    pwrchrd Posts: 25 Member
    1540 calories seem like you target a slow weight loss program so 2 weeks might not be enough time to see much results.
    1) Be very honest about the size of your portions and the accuracy of your data inputted, not sure estimate high
    2) Be very honest about the caloric expenditure, not sure estimate low

    The process works and requires commitment and accurate data tracking. You will succeed if you measure and stay within your goals. If you want faster results it requires lowering your caloric net further. Calories in + Calories out = net calories, Positive gain, Negative loss... That's it!

    Rock on!
  • weightofyourskin
    One thing I've learned from some of the personal trainers on this site (backed up by several fitness articles that I no longer have the links to) is that for most people who are trying to burn fat it is better to do your weights 1st and follow that with your cardio. The reasoning is that your muscles need all of the glucose in your blood to work to their optimum. Also, most people do cardio to burn fat, but if you begin with cardio, for the first 20 minutes or so you are just burning off all the glucose in your blood from whatever you've eaten prior to exercising. This means if you are on the elliptical for 30 minutes, only the last 10 minutes or so is fat burn.

    I knew the part about the first 20 minutes just burning off glucose... but at my gym they tell you to start with cardio in order to warm up so you don't hurt yourself. Although I know for a fact that the place doesn't require their trainers to actually have any certification in fitness/nutrition (which is why I only go there to use the equipment, not the trainers!) so I don't exactly have a lot of trust in their "professional opinions." I'll try reversing weight training/cardio and see how that goes.