Getting on board again

So I've known for a while that I needed to lose weight and get back into shape. The scale has been telling me, and so has the way that I feel. But it wasn't until I put on a dress that I expected to fit and discovered it was two inches from being able to close that I decided enough was enough! So back to My Fitness Pal and no more soda or fast food; time to cut out the processed crap and start moving again!


  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    You can do this! Small changes add up to big losses over time, without feeling like you are depriving yourself.
  • emmalouise2222
    emmalouise2222 Posts: 12 Member
    Just think how amazing you will feel when you can zip up that dress again
  • bosantowske
    bosantowske Posts: 5 Member
    Together we all can do it! Let's not give up on ourselves! You got this!