A Question for the Ladies.

HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
Whenever, I am pmsing and about to get my TOM, I cannot control my cravings and I end up gaining about five pounds by the time my period is over. I am also extremely moody on top of my bipolar disorder Are any of you like this also? Any tips to control it?


  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    yayyy! im on a period too haha =) Sometimes I feel extremely hungry, sometimes I don't. I recommend eating lots of low calorie foods when on your period to help prevent gaining weight ^.^
  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    this is going to sound really rude but youre my friend and im just trying to be supportive and say what worked for me

    i stopped blaming it on pms and started really practicing self control

    i know your period can be a really tough time, but try shifting the blame to yourself and you might be less likely to give in!
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    this is going to sound really rude but youre my friend and im just trying to be supportive and say what worked for me

    i stopped blaming it on pms and started really practicing self control

    i know your period can be a really tough time, but try shifting the blame to yourself and you might be less likely to give in!

    That actually does make sense; you're right. I just don't know how to do that.
  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    it was tough for me but im better now.

    allow yourself a few cheat days during your period week maybe? but otherwise be hard on yourself.

    remember, "i eat when im on my period" not "being on my period makes me eat"
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    It is so hard but try going for a walk as far from the kitchen and not in the direction of dairy queen. This clears my head and when i get back i have a nice little snack think about my goals and add the exercise i just did and feel good because of the calories i burn. You can also make plans with someone else to do something active and dont cancel on them, that way you cant back donw get some blood flowing and feel great later. as long as you are exercising you can snack on those yummy things you crave. just try to count and know your limits.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    this is going to sound really rude but youre my friend and im just trying to be supportive and say what worked for me

    i stopped blaming it on pms and started really practicing self control

    i know your period can be a really tough time, but try shifting the blame to yourself and you might be less likely to give in!

    I honestly believe that PMS (hormones) change the way our bodies work. I mean, I will want foods that I normally CAN NOT STAND when I have PMS or during TOM. So, while you may think you can practice self control and it will solve it all - I'm not 100% certain that self control is all that is needed. I also think different people have different levels of PMS and cravings are indeed one of the most common symptoms of it.

    I know you said that you are friends with the OP and everything, but really.. I don't necessarily think blaming a person's self control is totally accurate when it comes to this situation. I think we'd all be shocked to know that hormones control so many things about the female body.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Your metabolism speeds up during TOM's visit. You will have some natural weight gain from retention, but that should leave shortly after this is about 2-3lbs worth. Anything over the 2-3 lbs is actual weight gain. If you can control your hunger, and push, you will actually benefit from the higher metabolic rate. Also don't forget to drink plenty of water. :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    it was tough for me but im better now.

    allow yourself a few cheat days during your period week maybe? but otherwise be hard on yourself.

    remember, "i eat when im on my period" not "being on my period makes me eat"

    How about don't have cheat days and just eat in moderation? I truly think if you are prone to spiraling out of control cheat days CAN and often DO make them worse because they make it "okay" to eat in large quantities. For me, eating what I want, when I want in moderation prevents gorging because I NEVER, EVER have to tell myself "you can't have THAT today - it isn't a cheat day!". I can have it - I just have it in smaller portions.
  • janiecorona
    janiecorona Posts: 248
    You should also note that being on your period can cause a weight gain (probably water weight) of about 3-5 lbs. Happens to me every month. I just decided to not weigh myself during my period! Lol
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    this is going to sound really rude but youre my friend and im just trying to be supportive and say what worked for me

    i stopped blaming it on pms and started really practicing self control

    i know your period can be a really tough time, but try shifting the blame to yourself and you might be less likely to give in!

    I honestly believe that PMS (hormones) change the way our bodies work. I mean, I will want foods that I normally CAN NOT STAND when I have PMS or during TOM. So, while you may think you can practice self control and it will solve it all - I'm not 100% certain that self control is all that is needed. I also think different people have different levels of PMS and cravings are indeed one of the most common symptoms of it.

    I know you said that you are friends with the OP and everything, but really.. I don't necessarily think blaming a person's self control is totally accurate when it comes to this situation. I think we'd all be shocked to know that hormones control so many things about the female body.

    Now, this I agree with a lot more. Women can act and feel completely different during those times.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Your metabolism speeds up during TOM's visit. You will have some natural weight gain from retention, but that should leave shortly after this is about 2-3lbs worth. Anything over the 2-3 lbs is actual weight gain. If you can control your hunger, and push, you will actually benefit from the higher metabolic rate. Also don't forget to drink plenty of water. :)

    Good to know. thanks!
  • I still dont understand why they say chocolate is what we crave during that time. I dont. To me thats an excuse to eat it. But I know what you mean. Today was my weigh in day and TOM visited this morning. That jerk!!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    this is going to sound really rude but youre my friend and im just trying to be supportive and say what worked for me

    i stopped blaming it on pms and started really practicing self control

    i know your period can be a really tough time, but try shifting the blame to yourself and you might be less likely to give in!

    I honestly believe that PMS (hormones) change the way our bodies work. I mean, I will want foods that I normally CAN NOT STAND when I have PMS or during TOM. So, while you may think you can practice self control and it will solve it all - I'm not 100% certain that self control is all that is needed. I also think different people have different levels of PMS and cravings are indeed one of the most common symptoms of it.

    I know you said that you are friends with the OP and everything, but really.. I don't necessarily think blaming a person's self control is totally accurate when it comes to this situation. I think we'd all be shocked to know that hormones control so many things about the female body.

    It is all self control. If you cant stop the feelings you can direct them in a different direction. i tis the same as when we first started on MFP it was hard but we did it we made the choice to change and we should not forget it and keep on with what we truly want for ourselves.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I'm on the pill, so instead of taking the "sugar week," I skip straight to the next pack so that I can avoid the issue all together.

    Sometimes it will still come anyway (every 3-4 months or so), but I just try to stick to my routine. I generally do allow an indulgence or two during the week, but as long as it's in moderation.

    Good luck!
  • evangpattismith
    evangpattismith Posts: 57 Member
    the only time i really really crave chocolate is around that time of month....saying and doing are two different things, and i can be moody, but even more so around that time of month and everyone's hormones level are different, and they get out of wack, im all for taking responsibility and stuff, but truth, our hormones can be crazy at times.....lol
  • asposner
    asposner Posts: 3
    I'd say just do the best you can, and keep in mind that the scale cannot be trusted during TOM!

    You'd have to be eating a LOT to gain five pounds of fat over a couple of days - more likely, you're retaining water.
  • kaitlynnm10
    kaitlynnm10 Posts: 47 Member
    Your metabolism speeds up during TOM's visit. You will have some natural weight gain from retention, but that should leave shortly after this is about 2-3lbs worth. Anything over the 2-3 lbs is actual weight gain. If you can control your hunger, and push, you will actually benefit from the higher metabolic rate. Also don't forget to drink plenty of water. :)

    Really? I read or heard somewhere that the metabolism does not change during TOM. Not a medical expert so I could be wrong on this. I usually get cravings the week prior. I'm back to normal as soon as TOM begins. I hope you are right and I'm wrong.
  • evangpattismith
    evangpattismith Posts: 57 Member
    what helps me is prayer and getting my mind on something different.....
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    what helps me is prayer and getting my mind on something different.....

    Maybe that's what I need to do.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I get REALLY hungry during that time, and, honestly, snacking on veggies just doesn't cut it. I sometimes have to just suffer through the hunger to keep from blowing my calories, but I'm learning to find healthy snacking alternatives that satisfy my cravings.

    Fruit really helps, especially dried fruit. I always crave gummy candy, so that is a really good, healthy substitute that actually satisfies my craving. Admittedly, I sometimes go for candied ginger, which has a lot of sugar, but it's spicy enough that I can't eat a whole lot in one sitting. I go for a lot of healthy fats, too, like nuts, peanut butter, and all-natural sweet potato chips. Of course, chocolate is a must, but I go for the darker stuff, now. That's when I'm also more likely to switch to lattes from black coffee, but I only drink soy milk, now, so it's a few calories less than regular milk (unfortunately, that also means more sugar, but I solve that by buying a smaller size). As for ice cream, I pretty much only eat plain, tart frozen yogurt as it is, and I make sure I keep the portion size reasonable by spooning the amount I need into a dish instead of eating right out of the carton.
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