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Australian Challenge

Hi there fellow Australians,

My name is Jackie, and I really could use some motivation, but am having trouble finding a group that suits me because of the time zone thing.

So if you're living in Australia, and want to join me in a challenge, feel free to friend me, and join up!

We only have a week and a half left of July, so I thought we could have a goal of logging our food and exercise each day until the end of the month.

I know it's a simple challenge, but I need to start somewhere. :) So I weighed in today at 85, and I am curious to know what I weigh at the end of the month.

My goal is to drink 8 cups of water a day, log food everyday and log exercise every day. I'm moving in a week, so this will be difficult, but I will try my very hardest to do this.

Who would like to join me?

Add this coat of arms to show your support for this challenge!
The code is here, but remember that i m g should read img, and all together. Sorry, it's a bit hard to do!
[i m g]
[/ i m g]

PS. I'm from the Redlands near Brisbane, Queensland. :bigsmile: ~ Jackie


  • Deb2012
    Deb2012 Posts: 124
    Hey Jackie! I'm Deb, from Adelaide. I signed up in October but only started using it on Monday. I started using it because two of my friends used it - but they only count their calories & exercise. But I absolutely love the forums & even became a blogger :)

    I've managed to log all my food & exercise all week... But I had been writing it down for the past 5 weeks anyway (another way to keep on track with another friend). My diary is public if you want to check it out. My first MFP weigh in is tomorrow morning, so I'll be posting how I go! I started my current weight loss journey at 87.7kg, already lost 1kg but been a lot more dedicated this week... so somewhat a little excited - should see some results on the scales.

    Best of luck to you on your journey.

    Deb :smile:
  • inatay7
    inatay7 Posts: 141
    Sounds amazing to me!!! :-)
  • jnthwaite
    jnthwaite Posts: 111
    That's awesome Deb!

    Welcome aboard. I know it has been a bit hard keeping up with all the weigh loss challenges, when the weigh ins are at crazy time zones like 3 in the morning on a Monday!

    Also, as I'm just getting back in to it, I thought I'd start with something simple. Just to try and get a feel for the community we have here. Maybe one of us can post the next challenge? :)

    I've got the cpat of arms up for our 'group challenge logo', as it seems to be the done thing on here. Thanks so much for your support, and I hope to keep up with everyone here.

    My scales were reading 90 yesterday, but I took them to the kitchen, and now they're reading 85. So I think I'll keep it in the kitchen where the floor is flat. It's much more encouraging that way. ;)

  • jnthwaite
    jnthwaite Posts: 111
    I thought baby steps would be the way to go. Eventually it will become a habit, and not something that we even have to think about. :)
  • BethGorton
    BethGorton Posts: 38
    Hi Jackie! Beth from Ballarat near Melbourne... Signed up about October last year, have been using it seriously though for about 3 months. I started using it because my mum and aunty also use it and have gotten FANTASTIC results.

    I'm pretty good with logging during the week, it's the weekends that I find the most challenging to log! I will try my very hardest to log every day til the end of the month!

    Pretty close to my goal weight, but am more focused on staying fit and healthy also!

    Good Luck!
  • jnthwaite
    jnthwaite Posts: 111
    Welcome Beth!

    Good to have you on board. I'm back on the wagon after a bit of an absence, and I'm moving next week, so I'll be logging in from my phone. I needed to start this group, because I need to be accountable to someone!

    My food diary was shocking today, but I graduated last night so there were some extra-ordinary circumstances involved ;)

    Great to have you on board, and I'm so glad that you're nearly at your goal weight, and that you're looking for that healthy lifestyle as well.

    Exercise is not my friend yet, so baby steps for me as well.

  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Well I've logged every day except my Thailand holiday in May this year since about Jan 2010 on MFP so yes I will join this :)

    Also, here's a little fitness challenge which I am doing.

    We are up to day 5.
  • Michelle_H
    Michelle_H Posts: 24
    Hiya Jackie,

    I joined last year and did this for two weeks then something threw me off track and that was that until the end of May this year, when I realised I needed to do something about my weight as I didn't want to buy a size 20 and I really needed to, lol. I have to track everything because it's the only real way I know what I'm eating. If I didn't do this I really don't know how many cals I'd consume in a week but I know I wouldn't be able to guesstimate it so I'm deffo up to the task in hand!

    Michelle x
  • jnthwaite
    jnthwaite Posts: 111
    That's fantastic Michelle,

    I'm glad the challenge can be helpful. I know that I go in to new things with full gusto, miss one day and I'm over it for a long time.

    This way I'm fully accountable to doing a diet and exercise diary, and I've made it public for further accountability.

    I'm having the same debate about size 18 pants.... All my 16's are ripped due to my newly found girth.. :(

    Thanks for accepting my friend request too, so very happy to have you on board. Jackie
  • Petunia32
    Petunia32 Posts: 24
    I'm in :)

    I'm Bee, also from Brisbane, but way up the other side to you, Jackie. I'm not new to weight loss, but I am reasonably new to MFP. I have two personal mini challenges going too, 5kgs by the end of August (already down 1.4kgs) and do the 30 Day Shred the whole way through (today was day 1, no end date for that one).
  • SandyEdge
    SandyEdge Posts: 72 Member
    Hi Jackie... and fellow aussies.

    Im Sandy - an Aussie guy living in Hong Kong.

    Im pretty new to MFP - today was my 45th day - so about 1.5 months into it.
    I am happy to join your challenge - but i have to confess that I actually really love logging my food and exercise into the site.

    I love logging the food because as this is the first real diet I have ever embarked on - I am actually learning heaps about food. Which foods are high in Carbs... or calories ... or protein etc.... and what that means for your body etc. I havnt missed logging a morsel of food since i started.

    I love logging in my exercise cos it means i can eat more food !!!!
    Well at least thats how it started - as I was getting really hungry in the evenings at the start.
    For the last few weeks - i love logging in my exercise cos I love exercising again.

    Anyway - thanks for setting up the challenge.
    I have a target at the end of the month that I am aiming for - so the timing is brilliant.

    My target: My good friend has a boat trip for his birthday on Sat 30 July. My target is to go swimming without wearing my sunscreen tshirt (aka fat covering tshirt) and hopefully not feeling shy or embarrassed.

    Bee - I am doing the 30DS with my wife. Just finishing phase one tomorrow. Do keep it up its really great.
  • Hey! I'm Kate, from Perth. Always up for a challenge and if it helps get me motivated to do something about this extra weight, so much the better! I'm definitely in!
  • Zeeeleee
    Zeeeleee Posts: 15 Member
    Hey everyone

    Zee from Brisbane :) Been using MFP for about a week now. Also 2/3 weeks into a new exersice routine. Had to take a break this week because I busted me knee and got the flu!
    Doing some low impact core and sculpt work. Will be starting cardio again in full force next week. Im not the biggest fan of exercise but drastic times call for drastic measures!