Multiple goals and conflicting advice

I'm one of those people who has struggled most of my adult life with weight. I can gather pictures through the years and see myself out of shape, normal and even a few where i was fit. Alas, that latter is far far removed and I'm trying to educate myself on how to proceed. Facts: I'm terribly out of shape, cardio is non-existent and I have a 2 year old daughter that I want to see grow up-graduate high school-graduate college-buy a home... etc. I see people in the deficit calories camp, the vegan camp, the weightlifting camp, the cardio camp etc etc. Is it possible to build new muscle while maintaining a caloric deficit?


  • Lindaendall
    Lindaendall Posts: 177 Member
    Hi Jason, it's so hard isn't it. I also struggled for years with the yo-yo dieting and a wardrobe full of clothes stretching across 5 or 6 sizes. My life changed the day I found MFP by accident and realised I just needed to be honest with myself, ensure I logged anything I ate or drank (being truthful about the portion size) and gradually building up my exercise with what I was comfortable with. It was a slow process, but week by week the weight came off and because I was not eating a 'fad' diet e.g. 10 eggs a day with an occasional grapefruit..... I re-educated myself and realised I was eating 'real' food and getting healthier and fitter I was actually enjoying it. So what if it takes 2 years to get the weight doesn't matter, you will be better and enjoy your life and your family for it x x.

    Have a good journey with MFP :)<3