Type 2 friends and inspiration

Hi everyone. I first used my fitness pal when I learned I was Type 2 Diabetic about 8 years ago. The app helped me, no, was instrumental in in my losing 60 lbs in 6 months and bringing my a1c from 13.1 (yeah you read that right) down to 4.3.

I'm not a doctor or a nutritionist but I have done some research and I can share what works for me.


  • nadia_1982
    nadia_1982 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi mbergadon! I would love to hear more about your success story. Congratulations, by the way! I was diagnosed a week ago with 9.9% a1c.
  • rcstanley05
    rcstanley05 Posts: 4 Member
    Im also type 2 and have been die years. Mine is not under control so I would love all the help I can get.