HELP my weight is STUCK!!!!!

I am a 31 year old female I currently weigh 185. Im 5'6 and I'm eating 1290 calories a day and keeping my net carbs under or right at 30 grams. I'm a freak about measuring out everything and watching my diet. I've been drinking 100 oz of water a day. I started working out 3 sometimes 5 days a week I've been stuck for 2 weeks at 185. I don't understand. I am on remicade for my Crohn's disease and it may be part of the problem but I've got down to 162lbs before and that was before my medication changed. I know I can do it I'm just discouraged and mad right now because I'm doing everything I can and it's not helping I feel. My iron levels were low and this is month 2 of iron supplements so I know my iron is good because I'm able to work out now without passing out. I don't understand I've ready weight loss plateaus are not real and your just eating too much. But I feel I'm on track. I would love to be 150 or hell even 160. But for some reason my weight hasn't budged in 2 weeks any ideas? You all can look at my food log I log everything. Hope someone can give me some advice. Thanks in advance!


  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited March 2017
    Our stats are almost identical. I've gone from losing every week to losing every 2 weeks. It was frustrating at first, so I started tracking my weight daily on the Libra app. It's still too soon to see any trends, but it keeps my brain happy to collect data.

    How long have you been at it? Could it be time for a diet break and maybe eating at maintenance for a few weeks?
  • brittanymfarley
    brittanymfarley Posts: 16 Member
    This is week 5. I just got to the point to where I can really eat healthy foods without getting sick from my disease. So not too long but it's frustrating stepping on the scale every day and it's the same every day! Ugh I know in my weight loss journey I've had plateaus before and it get past them I'm just wondering if I'm doing something wrong!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    5 weeks is probably too soon for a diet break. Crohn's sucks. Not sure if your meds would affect loss or not. Can you make your diary public?
  • brittanymfarley
    brittanymfarley Posts: 16 Member
    My diary says it's public.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Maybe I'm too inept how to see it via the app.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    March 18th is incomplete.

    Several entries lead me to believe you eat out a lot (restaurant numbers can be off by a lot).

    Some days you are under 1000, leading me to believe they are incomplete especially since you are missing lunch or breakfast on those days.
  • MJL68
    MJL68 Posts: 2 Member
    Your body doesn't lose weight in a steady easily calculated way. Everything ebs and flows. Salt, water, potassium and glucose all take turns. Two weeks is a very normal flux. Stick to your guns and ride it out. The worst thing you could do would be to over react. When your bodies been ill for a while it is natural for it to fight the change. Good luck you should start seeing progress soon. I had a month of no loss after a bad illness. Hang in there the numbers well work out in the long run.
  • brittanymfarley
    brittanymfarley Posts: 16 Member
    I just started back the week after Valentine's Day. I was sick in the hospital right after my wedding at the end of September. I do eat out maybe one night a week but I have meat and veggies. Maybe that's the reason?
  • srk369
    srk369 Posts: 256 Member
    The sodium from eating out, TOM depending on where you are on your cycle, the intensity of your workouts, all of this and many more reasons could cause water retention that is masking weight loss. Keep doing what you are doing and just be prepared that weight loss is like this...up, down, even. As long as you know you are logging everything you eat or using the best estimate you can when eating out, the scale will eventually catch up.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I really just think you aren't being accurate. That's only looking at March's information. Were there days you skipped breakfast or lunch or dinner? If not, that's where I would start. Also, the day you didn't finish logging at all was only a week ago.
  • brittanymfarley
    brittanymfarley Posts: 16 Member
    Like i said I am not new at losing weigh I've been successful before. I eat out on mainly sat nights but I'm always meat and veggies when I go out. I'm really good about meal prepping and calculating exactly what's in every meal I make I log. I guess I didn't think about my body wanting to maybe fight change because I was really sick for 2 months with my crohns I was flared for those 2 months and when you flare with crohns you become malnourished even though I was over weight. Then I was on prednisone steroids for 4 months that's how I gained my weight. I also had to be on a low residue diet which was mainly carbs because my belly could not tolerate anything else. I am going to keep on with my healthy lifestyle it's just discouraging. Thank you for the positivity!
  • srk369
    srk369 Posts: 256 Member
    Also, are you weighing everything? I eat quest bars and I've rarely had one that actually weighed the 60g on the package. Most are 64 to 67g. Same with the english muffins. Mine are 55g each and usually weigh in around 65.
  • brittanymfarley
    brittanymfarley Posts: 16 Member
    Oh no! I'm not I'm just going by the package! I will have to from now on!

  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    A couple of days ago you logged "franks red hot buffalo - hot sauce, 2 tbsp" for 60 calories.
    I googled for it and found which has a tblsp of that at 5 calories, and 2 tbsp would be 10. I don't know why you have 60. I do know that once I see a discrepancy such as that, I begin to suspect widespread sloppy logging. A confirming point is that you don't log 100 oz of water in your food diary. I think you're exaggerating.
    That's not me being mean. It's me telling the truth. If my truth is not your truth, your truth wins.

    I saw nothing else in your diary of the last 3 days to worry about. I wonder how you were able to get the exact same 401 calories in that salad you had 4 times in two days, but maybe it's a packaged thing and that's how.

  • srk369
    srk369 Posts: 256 Member
    Oh no! I'm not I'm just going by the package! I will have to from now on!

    Yep, they are allowed to be off by as much as 20%. Multiple times in a day and you can see how much it can add up!!
  • brittanymfarley
    brittanymfarley Posts: 16 Member
    Yes that day I didn't finish my log I went out for dinner that evening. So maybe I shouldn't go out once a week. I guess for me it's about balance I look forward to having a dinner one night a week out. So if I do that maybe I shouldn't be so upset to not see the scale move. Like I said I did this last year and was successful I just kept pushing through.
  • brittanymfarley
    brittanymfarley Posts: 16 Member
    I drink 3 34oz blender bottles of water daily. Trust me I pee a million times so I know that's a fact. The franks I scan the barcode. And do that for many things. The calories in my salad is because I make a recipe and measure everything out then I take that whole chicken salad that I made and divide it into 5 servings. So I know by measuring every ingredient that the calories are correct.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    edited March 2017
    MFP ate my comment. Within the last few weeks you had Dominos. I'm not judging you for that since that's what I had tonight, but when it comes to not seeing a scale loss sometimes it's worth temporarily cutting those things out.
  • brittanymfarley
    brittanymfarley Posts: 16 Member
    True I need to maybe not have my cheat eat or meals then once a week maybe once a month. Thanks for all the comments!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Yes that day I didn't finish my log I went out for dinner that evening. So maybe I shouldn't go out once a week. I guess for me it's about balance I look forward to having a dinner one night a week out. So if I do that maybe I shouldn't be so upset to not see the scale move. Like I said I did this last year and was successful I just kept pushing through.

    There it is. Going out once a week. Even if your calories from that trip don't wipe out your deficit, the salt will cause water retention for several days.

    My wife also greatly enjoys dining out. I had to learn how to make that fit within my food plan. It sucks, but all I can have at her restaurants is a side salad.