Exercise help for the "bigger" person?

Hi everyone. Hope someone can help as im kinda stuck. Im a big person, ok obese, and im totally unfit. Id love to start slowly working out to build up my fitness and tone up but i dont know where to start :( With 150lbs to lose Im struggling. I cannot work out outdoors or go to a gym due to anxiety so...any home workout tips would be really appreciated.
Thanks for reading x


  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    I suggest you purchase a stationery bike. You can watch tv whilst exercising. You can also go up and down the stairs (2 steps at a time) for 5 mins, have a minute break, then repeat another 5mins. For 20 mins. You can build up to that, so you can start off couple of mins or few mins.

    It's similar to a stair master. Anything is better than doing nothing.
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    Get some inexpensive resistance bands and YouTube exercises. Yoga is great, better if you could go to a studio with someone who could walk you through modifications, but there are beginner yoga programs on line. Yoga studios typically are very non-judgmental, so might be worth at least stopping by one and talking to the instructors to see if it might work. Swimming and water aerobics is another great place to start, but again, I understand anxiety might preclude you. Other at home options: line dancing or any other type of dancing. I really agree with above, deal with the anxiety so you can get out more. If it is an option, get a dog and start walking it. It might be easier if you have a reason to be out. Best of luck, and if you need a friend, send me a request. I lost 65 pounds (most before mfp), and have another 20 to go. Best of luck!
  • Hsamuel
    Hsamuel Posts: 5 Member
    I had anxiety about the gym too. It is VERY overwhelming. It took me about 4 months to get comfortable going. That was 4 years and 80lbs ago. I did have home exercise equipment. However I feel that having to go there I made it more of a job. I have to get dressed and be at the gym at a specific time.

    If your anxiety is too much to do this than I would say look at YouTube. They have a lot of exercise videos for free you can subscribe to that are for the home

    Hope this helps.
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    I would second the investment in a stationary bike or a treadmill. It doesn't have to be fancy or gym-quality to work. You can often find them second-hand at a very low cost.
  • gamommy
    gamommy Posts: 131 Member
    At home you can use YouTube to find several exercises to do at home. Yoga with Adriene is a favorite of mine.

    Finding any opportunity to move some more. Pace during commercials or while on the phone. Spend 20 minutes dancing to music on your favorite music station in the morning. There are lots of strength training exercises you do using your own body too.

    Here's a video of someone using rolls of toilet paper for her workout - http://www.shape.com/fitness/videos/genius-tabata-toilet-paper-workout

    But beyond moving more and finding exercises that you enjoy at home - addressing your anxiety will go a LONG way. <3 Best of luck!
  • aisha786
    aisha786 Posts: 87 Member
    My best recommendation is a treadmill. It'll help you build up your walking. As you get better at walking, you'll be able to walk faster and faster... Trust me, one day you'll be able to go faster. I was so shamefully unfit and couldn't do even a fraction of a mile without trying to go back home. You can keep yourself entertained on it, just walk slowwwwly. Get an app that counts your steps. Aim for 2,000 a day, then 5,000, then 7000, etc.

    Good luck.. I've been there in fitness and I feel your pain but I truly admire your desire <3
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I started at absolutely sedentary too. A few years later I did a tough mudder. So it is all possible. Get yourself a step counter and find out how much you move now. Then add 5% a week (start slow) until you find your comfort level. Who knows? Your comfort level might end up being marathons.


    Here's my list of at home exercises.


    For strength, lift a heavy thing a dozen times. Does it leave your muscles vibrating? Then you are at the proper weight. Do that dozen repetitions (reps) three times then switch to another activity.

    Push-ups too hard? Then push yourself off the wall.

    Avoid bouncing, jumping to give your knees a break. Cycling is easier than walking/running for bad knees.

    If you do an activity that leaves you all sweaty and breathless, do a series of stretches afterwards to avoid future injury.

    Do lots of exercises to strengthen your core as that will also prevent future injury (knees, hips, back).
  • melissanorth35
    melissanorth35 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope someone can help as im kinda stuck. Im a big person, ok obese, and im totally unfit. Id love to start slowly working out to build up my fitness and tone up but i dont know where to start :( With 150lbs to lose Im struggling. I cannot work out outdoors or go to a gym due to anxiety so...any home workout tips would be really appreciated.
    Thanks for reading x

    You say you cannot work out outdoors, but cann you walk outdoors? When i started exercise for the first time in my life at age 32, i started by walking...a lot. I didn't want to do any sort of difficult exercie with impact until i took the weight off my joints.
  • marelthu
    marelthu Posts: 184 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope someone can help as im kinda stuck. Im a big person, ok obese, and im totally unfit. Id love to start slowly working out to build up my fitness and tone up but i dont know where to start :( With 150lbs to lose Im struggling. I cannot work out outdoors or go to a gym due to anxiety so...any home workout tips would be really appreciated.
    Thanks for reading x

    You say you cannot work out outdoors, but cann you walk outdoors? When i started exercise for the first time in my life at age 32, i started by walking...a lot. I didn't want to do any sort of difficult exercie with impact until i took the weight off my joints.

    This for me too.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Just to let you know to lose weight you don't have to exercise the only thing you have to do is eat less calories than your body Burns. Plug your stats into the mfp guide and set your goal at 1 to 2 pounds per week of weight loss.

    As far as exercises there are a lot of great videos out there on YouTube and it's just a matter of finding something you're comfortable with.

    Just to give you a hope I'll give you a little background on myself 56 year old male would a double hip replacement and arthritic knee and an arthritic shoulder that needs to be replaced. I also have a chronic bad back. January 2016 Highway 288 pounds my current weight is 208. It took me 8 months to lose the 80 pounds following the parameters mfp set for me and I've been maintaining for approximately eight months. you will have your good days and you will have your bad days . Just to let you know you can do this you just have to believe in yourself. Not sure what causes your anxiety but I can tell you from my own perspective as you lose the weight you will become more confident in yourself.

    Good luck in your journey and feel free to friend me if you want
  • SylviazSpirit
    SylviazSpirit Posts: 694 Member
    edited March 2017
    There are SO many things you can do from home. It's all I do and I started doing it at 280lbs. What are you interested in? Some things I do/have done are yoga, kickboxing, dancing, pilates, walking (yes, through my house or even in place with some awesome youtube walking videos. Although, I do LOVE walking just in my backyard but you don't have to), bodyweight training/calisthenics, weight training... The options are endless. I've lost 55lbs doing at home exercise, no gym. It's very possible.
  • GreyKnight120
    GreyKnight120 Posts: 60 Member
    besaro wrote: »
    i hear the anxiety thing. People will make fun of me etc etc, trust when I say this, nothing is more inspiring than seeing an "unfit" person out there "doing" it. Whatever that is. Walking, jogging, going to the gym. NOTHING!. Not the buff dude at the gym, not the lean highschool track team running laps around you, or the bike commuters that whizz past.
    I want to second this. I've lost about 150 lbs. so far and had severe anxiety issues about doing anything outdoors. I lost most of the earlier portion of that weight on a stationary bike in the comfort of my basement while simultaneously binge watching series of TV shows I had wanted to catch up on, and swinging kettlebells around [probably very amateurishly] while watching instructional Fitnessblender vids from Youtube.

    Somewhere along the way I found a love of walking. I was still extremely fat (not mincing words here, I was near 400 lbs. when I began, and probably around 350 when I started walking). It was tough as hell at first and I felt like everyone was watching me, and super aware of my sweat stains and everything. I got odd friction injuries on my toes sometimes and had to dial it back or go back to the bike or kettlebells for a few days while they healed. But after a little while I sort of realized that nobody cares. Even when I was commuting home from work and happened to observe a pedestrian or jogger I never really made any sort of internal judgement or anything like that. And I began to assume that nobody else did either, and this was a bit of an epiphany. That was definitely a barrier that took some time for me to break through, so I absolutely understand where you're coming from!

    If walking is definitely out for now, I saw some other good suggestions here. Wii has WiiFit, and those dance pad games and there's zumba and a bunch of other options that could elevate your heartrate from the comfort and privacy of your home.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited March 2017
    Leslie Sansone "Walk at Home." These are low impact aerobics with zero choreography. The nice thing about no choreography is it let's you do everything at your own pace.....there is no catching up, or getting lost.

    Just start out with 5 minutes one day and add a couple minutes, and a couple more, and so on.

    Lots of freebies on line: https://www.youtube.com/user/walkathomemedia

    If Leslie is too chatty for your taste try Just Walk DVDs....these have a music only option. Target, Wal-Mart carry these....and your local library may as well.
  • ParanormaLauren
    ParanormaLauren Posts: 69 Member
    Something that I did for myself was get a membership to a garden. After making a couple of visits, I found that it was good for fitness because of all the inclines, but also for my anxiety because it's truly a relaxed environment and honestly...not very many people around. Lots of places to sit and be still for a moment. So maybe consider that.

    I love the YouTube suggestions! Because yes, you can learn any damn thing on YouTube.

    Don't be afraid to get some weights. Building muscle is super important to burning fat.
  • mirnavalerio
    mirnavalerio Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, fatgirlrunning here! I second the suggestion of starting out with either some videos at home or investing in a treadmill. The treadmill allowed me to walk and then run at my own pace AT HOME. It was always there. I didn't have to travel to a gym. I could play around with the incline. It was an amazing investment. As far as videos go, my favorites are Yoga Booty Ballet--very doable, great full body workout complete with modifications, slower movements and faster movements, and a fun atmosphere, Denise Austin's Walking Workout--you end up walking a mile in your living room...it's a great way to get your cardio in, and some simple AMRAP sets (As Many Reps As Possible) for 5 minutes. You could start out with a 2-3 minute AMRAP of 10 squats, 10 wall-pushups, and 5 crunches. Repeat sequence for two-three minutes. Please let me know if I can be of any help to you on your fitness journey. Feel free to read my blog here: fatgirlrunning-fatrunner.blogspot.com. Good luck!--Mirna

  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    I swam at home when I started at 295 and did aqua fit videos at home. It was good to start in the watwe. then walking and hiking when I was comfortable . I couldn't go hiking by myself. my husband had to some. it took us longer to drive to an easy place then tje time I could hike. now we do 7 or 8 mile hikes and I can hike alone (with the dog) I actually enjoy tje time on my own at times...time to think. Anxiety got better when I got nutritio n under control amd exercise made me feel better. The yoga videos helped. I did hand weigjts at home. as I could do more I wanted to do more. You can do it!! If you need a friend please feel free to add me. down 65 and 80 to go.
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    Another vote for the stationary bike! I pair my cycling workout with hand weights and I'm getting good results.

    Good luck! I personally love the idea of all us non-workout-looking people killin' it in private like a secret army!
  • PinkamenaD8
    PinkamenaD8 Posts: 99 Member
    As other people recommended a stationary bike or a threadmill I aso suggest and elliptical, are ideal to get in shape, you can start slowly and progress at your own pace. If you cannot afford those You Tube has a lot of videos, or you can just walk a step counter could help. Pick the thing wich you feel more comfortable and stick to it.

    "Just to let you know to lose weight you don't have to exercise the only thing you have to do is eat less calories than your body Burns.

    Remember that your eating habits are the key for weight loss. Excercise will help you, but for your health, just moving more and eating less already leads you to a healthy lifestyle.