teshaerwin Posts: 42
I just wanted to share a little story with you :)
So as alot of you know I am a mother of three beautiful little girls. I began my journey in February 2011 with the hopes of getting back down what I weighed when I got married. Because of my great will power and my drive to succeed it has not taken me that long, I am just about at my goal :) Anyway......Yesterday morning I decided to only run 4 miles instead of my usual 7 because of the heat. As evening approached my daughter Shayla (age 9) who has been my rock, motivator, and number one fan says to me "mommy how many miles did you run today"? I said 4 Shay. She says " mommy can you take me on a bike ride while you run"? MIND YOU IT IS 97 degrees outside with like 90% humidity! I say Shay it is really HOT out and I already ran 4 miles today, but if you want to go we can. I told her, I dont know how far I can go but we will play it by ear as we go! So we set out... The first mile was fine, the second was hard, by the third mile I was a hot mess wanting to lay in the ditch. SO mile 4 comes, we are only a mile from home! I want to quit totally give up, and then my Shay starts rooting me on. "Come on mommy you can do it!" "mommy! grace, power, strength, grace, power, strength" "go mommy go you can do it" "DONT quit mommy you are strong!" That little girl rooted me on for a mile straight! With tears in my eyes because I was proud of me for not quitting BUT more so proud as hell for being that little girls mommy I made it home. It was the HARDEST run of my life, but one that I will NEVER forget! THANK YOU SHAYLA for your motivation I would have NEVER been able to do it with out you!


  • MistyDC29
    MistyDC29 Posts: 99 Member
    What an awesome little girl you have there!! I have tears on my eyes now. Congrats on the run and raising such a wonderful young lady!
  • Chrissieneave
    Chrissieneave Posts: 99 Member
    Awwww, bless her - how fantastic :D
  • angb_girl
    angb_girl Posts: 6
    What a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing! :happy:
  • prettybrownround
    prettybrownround Posts: 362 Member
    Awwww, that is the best story adorable:)
  • julyssaandco
    julyssaandco Posts: 11 Member
    Your daughter is so sweet. I have tears in my eyes.
  • Maria_81
    Maria_81 Posts: 152
    Kids are great and always game to exercise! Thanks for sharing your story..
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    What wonderful motivation! You have a wonderful daughter!
    MOM2RYAN Posts: 6
    That's awesome - and now I have tears too!
  • sailorsbabydoll
    sailorsbabydoll Posts: 74 Member
    That is great!!!! I know that must have really touched you and go you for not quitting!!!!
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    Great story! I kinda am a little teary-eyed too. Damnit. Blast these emotions. Kids are awesome!! [=
  • wow! congrats on being awesome and having such an awesome little girl!
  • I reread the words she used to motivate you, I'll have to remember them when I'm out there pounding the pavement :) Thanks so much for sharing, it made my day!
  • drakeswife09
    drakeswife09 Posts: 38 Member
    What a great story! Sounds like you have an amazing daughter. Awesome job to you for not giving up. That heat has been pretty brutal lately. Thanks for sharing!
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