What am I doing wrong?

I've been counting calories and working out seriously since about the end of last month. I set a calorie limit for myself at 2290 a day and so far for everyday but one i have been well under that limit. I've been in the 1700 to 1800 calorie range for this whole period and that's eating the right types of food. I'm eating oatmeal and egg whites, putting away medium sized salads with chicken for lunch, and small servings of rice with either chicken or fish for dinner. I don't know what i'm doing wrong but I've only lost 3 pounds in the past 3 weeks, and that's with an average of 20-30 minutes of cardio everyday but wednesday and sunday. I work out everyday and i see increased muscle definition in my arms and legs the only area thats missing is the midsection. Is there something i should be eating or shouldn't be eating to help this process, is it my metabolism or should i cut down on the calories a little more? Help would be much appreciated, thank you.


  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    It's hard to make suggestions without being able to view your diary. Check your sodium and potassium and try lowering your calories a bit.
  • Jeens
    Jeens Posts: 2 Member
    I believe (not sure how right this is) that muscle does tend to weigh a little more than fat, so did you measure yourself at the beginning as you may not be losing much weight but you may have lost inches because you're toning with the added exercise. Also the more gradual you lose weight the longer you will manage to keep it off. It needs to be a permanent life change - not a diet. Diets come and go and you eventually come off a diet, but if you do it as a life change, it should be permanent.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You've lost 3 pounds in 3 weeks and are seeing more definition?

    I dont think you're doing anything wrong at all, that sopunds great!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    That is a good weight loss. You really should not lose more than a pound or two a week. Give yourself some time. Don't be obsessed with the scale. It is not the only way to see if you are losing. Take your measurements. You are probably losing inches.
  • mefeight1964
    mefeight1964 Posts: 88 Member
    In a word...NOTHING! A 3 lb loss in 3 weeks is a perfectly acceptable figure. If you'd lost more, it could mean you're eating too little and that's not healthy. Give it time and continue to be consistent. You didn't get out of shape in three weeks, it'll take longer than that to get in shape. :) The scales are only one tool in gauging progress. Don't become a slave to them. Muscle weighs more than fat so as you lose fat and gain muscle, you could even see your weight jump. Keep doing what you're doing and you WILL see the results you desire!
  • jill_hunter
    Three pounds in 3 weeks is good. Loosing more than a pound a week can make keeping the weight off difficult. My only suggestion for you would be to increase your physical activity to at least 45 minutes a day. Also, it takes time for your body to build muscle, a couple of months to see a couple of pounds of weight gain due to increasing muscle. Give it time, the first eight weeks and all the weeks after you have reached your weight loss goal are the hardest. I'm stuck on the "last 10 pounds."
  • jalemap
    jalemap Posts: 27 Member
    I don't know how much you weigh, but I was taught by my trainer that you take your weight and multiple it by 11. In order to loose 1-2 pounds per week, you need to cut out 500 calories from that total. Example: I weight 175 X 11 = 1,925 (thats how many calories I could eat and maintain my current weight. If I take 500 calories from that Example: 1,925 - 500 = 1,425. I know it is frustrating as I don't loose as fast as I want to either. I'm starting on 1,200 calories so if I feel I have to cheat then I have some room.
    Good luck to you.
  • jalemap
    jalemap Posts: 27 Member
    Wow Susan. Congratulations on your loss so far. It is so amazing to know people who really do it and work their plan. They will surely reap the rewards. You go girl.
  • NuMe46
    NuMe46 Posts: 128
    You are not doing anything wrong. I have always heard that slow weight loss is the way to go. It is frustrating at times but hang in there; it will work. 1 pound a week is a good loss. I have lost 19 pounds so far but it has taken me 5 months - 22 weeks. Some weeks I didn't lose at all but I have lost inches. I can wear clothes I hadn't worn for 2 years. Please don't be too hard on yourself and keep working at it. You will see results. BTW, I have also heard that muscle does weigh more than fat.
  • sasp1385
    sasp1385 Posts: 8 Member
    How much do you weigh now? I wouldn't be eating that many calories myself if I wanted to lose weight. I'm pretty sure the equation is something like to lose a pound of fat then you have to lose 3500 calories. This can either be done through diet and or exercise. If you walk at a pace of 6km an hour and do that for 60 mins then you will lose 280 calories. See where I'm coming from?
    I think that your attitude is great! that is the most important thing. If you cut 500 calories per day and didn't do anything else, then that would add up to 3500 calories over 7 days ie a pound per week of fat!
    Good Luck!
  • twhiddon70
    twhiddon70 Posts: 2 Member
    I've only just recently joined My Fitness Pal, so my results aren't apparent yet. But, I'll tell you what I think may be your problem based on my fitness plan. It seems to me as it your daily calorie intake may be too high. My starting height and weight is 5' 8" and 200 pounds and the program recommended my daily calorie intake be 1380. I'm coming in a few calories under that every day and with my daily cardio in brings my net calories down even more. I am waiting a few weeks to see the results. Maybe you should reevaluate your intake.
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    You've lost 3 pounds in 3 weeks and are seeing more definition?

    I dont think you're doing anything wrong at all, that sopunds great!

    This ^^^^
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    I'd say losing 3 lbs in three weeks is right on. Keep doing whatyou're doing cause it's working.
  • Pamwells
    Pamwells Posts: 8
    The scale is your enemy my friend. Hoorah on sticking with your plan!! sounds like you are getting fit and adding muscle
  • ironmoney
    ironmoney Posts: 2
    Your doing great... For true weight loss that will stay off 1 to 2 lbs a week is the best way to go. So your doing great. I wouldn't change a thing... Do measurements because muscle is more condensed than fat so a smaller area will weigh more. Thus there are times when gaining muscle mass and losing weight balance the scale but the tape measurements don't lie.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You're only trying to lose a total of 13 pounds, so you shouldn't try to lose any more than one pound a week. A half pound a week would probably be better.
  • Getting_Fit_4_Life
    Getting_Fit_4_Life Posts: 401 Member
    Just like everyone have stated, take it one day at a time and don't be too hard on yourself. You are doing great. So don't be discouraged that you're losing a pound a week. Start taking your measurements and be too dependent on a scale or you will be discouraged as scale can go up and down in less than one day. Keep it up, you're doing great.
  • itdebarros
    I appreciate the support from everyone. Sometimes i forget that this isn't a quick fix and i should be more focused on the long term. I'm too eager for instant results and i need to take second to sit back and look at the big picture.
  • stoogeswoman
    stoogeswoman Posts: 25 Member
    I know how you feel - it's frustrating when that scale doesn't budge!

    Keep in mind also that every scale is different - and you may get a different number every time you step on it, even within an hour of the last time you weighed in!

    Don't let that number get to you - if you're seeing muscle definition and getting exercise every day, you are doing GREAT!!
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    I had the same problem, thinking 1 pound a week wasn't enough! I realized though that it is a HEALTHY loss that is more likely to stay off than if I were to lose more at a time. Whatever you do, do because it is a choice you are making for your life, not for a short term "fix" of a situation. I am thrilled for you; it sounds like you are really getting into shape :)