Pregnant and waiting to lose the baby weight!

invisibleorchid Posts: 22 Member
edited March 2017 in Motivation and Support
Hi there, I'm 33 weeks pregnant and I've put on a lot more weight than I wanted to with my first baby. It's made me feel really bad about myself. Anyway, I would like to meet some other mums-to-be who are also in the same boat, so we can support each other and then when baby arrives, kick some *kitten*! So please write back or add me as a friend


  • ScottF83
    ScottF83 Posts: 233 Member
    How much?
  • sammyjo0218
    sammyjo0218 Posts: 108 Member
    I lost baby weight super quick with breast pumping. It was also a great motive for me to keep going plus it's the best nutrients for baby. Nutrition and exercise are just as important during pregnancy. You'll just have to modify some moves as you get further along and listen to your body if something feels uncomfortable. As long as youre not high risk you can still work on strength exercises. I did resistance and body weight exercises it'll make labor much smoother. Eat when you feel hungry and when there's a craving turn to veggies. Those extra calories that are needed eat yogurt, oatmeal, avocados these will help keep you full a while. But if you have to splurge on something unhealthy do it in moderation put a little on your plate and store the rest away immediately so you don't reach for more.
  • invisibleorchid
    invisibleorchid Posts: 22 Member
    Hi thanks for the reply, I'm hoping to breastfeed when she gets here and have heard it burns up around 300-500cals per day, but I'm also wanting to get over my pregnancy food cravings! Not long until know can start now! Thanks for the food tips, I'll certainly use them!
  • sammyjo0218
    sammyjo0218 Posts: 108 Member
    Try breastfeeding right away when baby is born within the hour to help stimulate, pump if you have to. That's what I did I pumped the whole time so I knew how much I was making for baby and he was getting plenty. Staying active throughout my pregnancy helped with cravings make sure you get plenty of water during pregnancy and nursing. When I did have a craving I would eat foods I didn't really care for like mixed veggies with broccoli a steamed bag i get is 2.5 servings so I'd consumed the bag then afterwards I wasn't thinking about the unhealthy craving. When I do go for junk I have a very small portion of it and make sure I have a bigger side of fruit or veggies with it. But don't go for something that you know will make you nauseous and sick while pregnant but something you hardly ever get enough of in your diet that you're not a fan of.
  • invisibleorchid
    invisibleorchid Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for all the tips, I'll certainly try that!
  • Amethystwolf
    Amethystwolf Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! I'm 31 weeks along and I can't wait to start losing some weight! I haven't gained too much weight so far but I started out really overweight so I have a lot of work to do once baby gets here. How are you feeling? The further along I get the more uncomfortable I get lol
  • sammyjo0218
    sammyjo0218 Posts: 108 Member
    Maternity support belt will be your bestie in the 3rd trimester! It'll help with pressure and relieve back discomfort. And for after delivery for a few months I recommend tummy compression wraps by belly bandit I was still pretty achey and those helped a lot even with my posture
  • TheSavatron
    TheSavatron Posts: 18 Member
    I just added you! I'm 22 weeks pregnant, so a little behind you, but it's my 4th go-round, so I've got things pretty well under control. :)