Ever feel like your never going to make it?

Ever feel like your never going to make your goal weight, that it just has gotten to hard?


  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    On occasion, yes. All I have to do is look back at old photos and I'm convinced I don't want to be that way ever again...it keeps me going. Keep your chin up, you'll get there!
  • ywolfie
    ywolfie Posts: 76 Member
    Everyday. I get on the scale and I sigh in disappointment ( I hate that thing!) but I don't give up. I keep pushing through. I know what I want to be and it's def NOT a fat girl. So here's to you and here's to me and everyone else on MFP! Happy Friday!
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Yep, but I'm still 62lbs away!

    Well done for making it so close. You are doing fantastically well :)
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    YES! Today! I have 30 more pounds to get to my goal. And for some my goal is their start weight. I suck when it comes to will power. And I get depressed that I have to work at it non stop and my friends can just eat whatever they want and look like supermodels.

    I'm getting married in a little bit over a year and its time to start dress shopping. I didnt do myself any favors by not pushing myself to get to my goal before today.
  • bks1
    bks1 Posts: 32 Member
    I have this feeling so often :( I still have so much weight to lose. But I keep telling myself that I can't go back to where I was, I remind myself of just how disgusting and awful I felt. Some days I just want to give up, I truly do. But then I look back at all the HARD WORK (it is hard, isn't it?!?!) and I tell myself that how could I throw all that away? That's what gets me through unfortunately!

    Im hoping it gets easier soon lol :)
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    Oh yeah! I have been stuck at this weight for about 3 months or so (maybe longer) but I have lost inches. I tell myself that by maintaining I am not gaining, which is what I would normally do when I get frustrated. I even went on vacation and for the first time in a very long time I did not gain. This keeps me going.
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    every single day i struggle constantly with my love for food its definately my comfort for anything im goin through and i struggle with discipline and willpower but i just try to keep moving on
  • MorganSG
    MorganSG Posts: 1
    Everyday! I have been running and working out everyday, im eating healthier and still no progress! Instead of losing weight, i just gained more. Its so frustrating.. Half the time i dont even eat as many calories as i should. I really want to lose this baby fat so im not going to give up.
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    I've only been on here 2 days and I am already struggling! But I do feel healthier already and though I can't see my goal right now I know I'll be happier with each pound I lose. Baby steps is the phrase I think! Good luck :)
  • Kjanthony
    Kjanthony Posts: 39
    it is a struggle every day every hour. it is so frustrating to see other people eat all they want and still lose 5lbs. knowing all i have to do is look at it and gain 5lbs. i am about 2.5 lbs from my original goal weight and that is helping to keep me motivated and now i am throwing out my goal weight and decided to see just how much i can lose. every day people tell me at work something good about my weight lose and that also keeps me motivated. just keep in mind all you have been through to get where you are today and hopefully that will help keep you going!
  • shellyxxxxx
    shellyxxxxx Posts: 143
    yes everyday this 24 lbs is taking for ever to shift x
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    Every single day. :grumble: I'm having a moment right now, actually.

    Fortunately - I never FEEL like just giving up. The thought might cross my mind, but I'm not threatened by it, because I know that it's not going to happen, I am DONE giving up and that's just not *me*, anymore. That, and here I am on MFP, seeing everyone else make it every day, I see my friends face obstacles and if THEY can keep going, so can I!!! :heart:
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Of course! Then I gain 10-20-30 pounds and try again. You see, if I don't keep trying, I will die sooner :brokenheart:
  • yes, thats me it seems like i do good and then i do bad so i want to give up. so can any one help
  • amewha
    amewha Posts: 25 Member
    I have gone through motivation dips every couple of months, what has worked the best for me is to set my goals to maintenance levels and enjoy myself for a full week. I know that any weight I "gain" during that week is simply caused by increasing the volume of food and that it is not real weight and will drop off again in 3 or 4 days after I get back on schedule.

    I find that during that week "off" that my energy levels increase significantly, I am not spending nearly as much time fretting about things like whether I can afford that extra snack in the afternoon and still stay under my goals. It also reminds me that once I do hit my final goal, exactly how much food I will be able to eat without starting to gain it back and that feels really good. I usually find that even after 4 or 5 days I feel so good that i end up "accidentally" ending up with a 500cal deficit, then again the next day and I know that I am ready for another push so I reset my goals for losing and start another cycle.

    As I get closer and closer to my goal, I find that these cycles are getting shorter and shorter though, but it works for me. I hope that you can find something that works for you.