Lexapro and Weight Gain??

Hi all,
I have generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Recently, my anxiety has been through the roof and I am feeling very overwhelmed.

My doctor has prescribed lexapro, but I am worried about the side effects including weight gain.
Any thoughts on this?

Thank you,


  • shoofly435
    shoofly435 Posts: 74 Member
    Sorry to hear your condition is worse. Many psych meds can cause weight gain - the only reason I'm on here is weight gain due to a psych med. You could Google and see what the stats are, or the only real way of knowing is trying and see what happens. I wish you well.
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 654 Member
    I was on an antidepressant that caused weight gain. Rather, I should say....it made me so hungry I ate all the time. But that was one of the side effects. Now I'm off the drug, and here trying to lose the weight.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    I gained 50 lbs in 3 months on Zoloft a few years ago without eating more,quit the Zoloft and the weight dropped by itself, I also have anxiety and a script for Lexapro but like you I'm very hesitant to take it,I try natural stuff like magnesium glycinate,exercise,etc seems to help but I may try the lexapro someday I dunno
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    Hmm, I'm on Lexapro and the documentation actually mentions loss of appetite! Funny.


    If your doctor prescribed it, he/she believes it will help you. Monitor how you feel (both as far as appetite/hunger goes and mentally) and continue to log your food.

    If you find you have an insatiable hunger and/or are gaining weight, evaluate how you feel mentally and make an appointment with your doctor to discuss. There are so many treatment options, and it's worthwhile to try a few if needed to find the right one for you.

  • carrieraeg
    carrieraeg Posts: 7 Member
    I recently got prescribed lexapro (about a week ago) and my Dr. assured me it was weight neutral. It's only been a few days but I've noticed a decrease in appetite. As long as you are following CICO you should be fine. I am also on Wellbutrin which is an antidepressant that can actually help people lose weight according to my Dr. If you do notice and increase in appetite maybe talk to your Dr. about adding Wellbutrin into the mix.
  • ChristaDuvall
    ChristaDuvall Posts: 13 Member
    I've been on Lexapro for 7 months, the only side effect I've had is that I feel a million times better :)
    I've not gained any weight due to it, and it's given me the drive to finally get up *kitten* and do something about my body.

    Good luck, hugs!
  • nrbutton
    nrbutton Posts: 165 Member
    My depression and anxiety actually tend to increase my appetite so I would think that an antidepressant to treat those conditions would probably have the opposite effect.

    Eating more food than your body needs causes weight gain (barring retaining fluid from pregnancy, surgery, etc.) otherwise those who are literally starving in other countries could just take a pill to help them gain weight when food is scarce.

    Medications that cause "weight gain" actually cause increased appetite which results in eating more, which ultimately results in weight gain. I know because I gained 35 lbs in two months on Seoquil, not because of the medication directly but because it caused me to eat everything I could get my hands on in a half-asleep state of mind. I just didn't care in those moments, but a little here and there add up alot easier when you're gaining weight you can actually convince yourself that you weren't eating any more than usual or at least I can. I'm an expert at self deception
  • RayvenSkye96
    RayvenSkye96 Posts: 45 Member
    I did not have weight gain on Lexapro. I did, however, gain 50 pounds on Seroquel so I understand your concern.
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    Don't believe everything that side effects and or doctor's tell you about weight gain.

    DW went on something and doctor said your likely to gain weight, thirty pounds. DW is an over achiever and gained fourty.

    We started dieting and the doctor said you can't lose weight on that medication. Six months later I see the doctor's eyes as she sees DW down over 40 pounds.

    CICO works.
  • ChelzFit
    ChelzFit Posts: 292 Member
    I have been on/off lexapro for several years. I was very hesitant to start as well because I heard of weight gain. I never gained any weight or did I notice an increase in appetite. I did try Zoloft once and it made me ravenous, I think it depends on the person but it all comes down to Cico.
  • JLASilver
    JLASilver Posts: 22 Member
    Sadly, some combination of hittting 30 and taking Lexaro for almost 2 years caused me to gain ~40lbs. I was really lucky in my young adult years and 20s. I never set foot in a gym, I ate anything I wanted and I was naturally fit (never stick thin--healthy). I went off the drug hoping to bounce back to my pre-lexapro days but a year later I've started MFP and working out 3-4 times a week and I'm slowly seeing results.
    I was never a gym user, however it should be noted I was active before and during lexapro. I am in restaurant management and a former bartender so I used to hit my 10000 steps easily and was on my feet every day (also a NYC resident). Butttt, I ate a ton (think take out every night) and drank regularly like I did before the medication.
    My experience is just one of many. You should listen to your doctor. Lexapro helped my anxiety and panic attacks but off the medication I am learning to manage these myself.
  • RG_BrownE
    RG_BrownE Posts: 1 Member
    I've been on/off Lexapro for several years, sometimes with Wellbutrin and sometimes without. I've been diagnosed with moderate Generalized Anxiety Disorder and mild to moderate depression. So for years, on a combination of the two I stayed pretty steady as far as weight goes - being on the meds did make me eat more, but at least part of that was getting rid of my depression where I'd forget to eat most meals and go all day without eating much of anything.

    About a year and a half ago, I went off the Wellbutrin as my depression was well managed with CBT and most of the external factors which made it worse were no longer present. I've found that in the same period of time I've gained a lot of weight without changing much of my daily life and activities. Part of this might be getting more into my 30s and job stress rising a bit as I'm given more responsibility, but I think part of it is being on the Lexapro for so long (constantly for the past 4-5 years at this point) and going off the Wellbutrin.
  • cdsandler
    cdsandler Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on Lexapro for 7 years with no weight gain. Although at first I did gain some weight back as a result of being so depressed I couldn't eat.
    Previously I took Elavil on which I gained about a pound a day!
    Lexapro is great!!!
  • mumfy23
    mumfy23 Posts: 61 Member
    I gained about 10 pounds on lexapro, as did every friend I know who takes it.
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    This is super interesting:

    Like every side effect, it hits different people differently. Dosage also matters. I'm on sertraline, and worked up to a 100 mg dose before backing it off to 50. It's enough to treat my depression, but the lower dose decreases the side effects a lot and I'm losing weight successfully now. I'd like to blame it for my weight gain, but it was more likely the beer and food I ate.