Single moms /moms motivation /support

EllaLeahB Posts: 310 Member
edited March 2017 in Motivation and Support
What motivates you single moms out there to stay on track? Is there anything that helps you to keep it together? What do you do for self-care?
I've been trying to get a routine going, making sure I make time for myself for doing things, like going to the gym or even reading a book. It's really hard to raise children, let alone raising a child with an illness. My youngest will be 10 on April 1st. She has been on and off of chemo since she was 3 and may have to start again. I'll find out tomorrow.
If she does, this will be her fifth time on treatments. As a mom, I'm heartbroken and naturally stressed as parent would be. I barely sleep last night. The last several years have been very taxing emotionally and physically, but we've made it this far. I love my two kids with all of my heart, I would do anything for them. I know that self-care is very important but sometimes it's hard to find time, especially when you have very little support. I feel like every time I get into the swing of things, something happens. Does anyone else feel that way?
Single moms, do you feel you have a support you need? Moms? Is your partner supportive of your choices? What challenges do you face when trying to better yourself?


  • mikesystem4
    mikesystem4 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello Ella's I am not a mom but I sympathiz with your struggle. I pray your daughter gets totally healed of that cancer. You are a strong woman handling this on your own. Working out I am sure is a big help for you and a benefit for the kids. I want to encourage you to know that you are doing a tremendous job. I will send you a friend request and support as much as I can, if that is ok.
  • EllaLeahB
    EllaLeahB Posts: 310 Member
    Thank you kindly❤
  • lisaevz87
    lisaevz87 Posts: 2 Member
    I pray your daughter will be better soon hun x

    I'm 30 this year I've been a single mum to three on and off for 5 years, my eldest son is 10 my daughter is 7 and my youngest son is 5. They have suffered they're Father walking out on them 5 years ago and my last partner being back and forth due to mental health problems for the last 3 years. My children have hearts of gold but are very hard work, and I suffer with severe depression so needles to say making time for myself got pushed to one side while trying to keep my family together.

    Unfortunately when it comes to support I only have my mum but she works two jobs so I never ask her for help especially when I have 3 step sister with one child each that need her help every day, I find it very difficult to get 5 minutes to myself.

    Over the last week I decided I couldn't take no more I told my partner he had to leave that as much as I love him I couldn't go on like this, I've registered for counseling to help me deal with everything that's been going on over the years, I've got an appointment to quit smoking next week, I've also decided it's time to lose weight and get fit again and I'm finally learning to drive. I'm trying to turn mine and my kids life around so we can be a happy family again.

    I'm hoping that my kids and my health will keep me motivated to reach all my goals
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    I do not have a child with an illness but we are currently going through a lot trying to determine if my son has autism spectrum disorder. He is 5 and my daughter is 3. There dad is not involved other than taking them one day a week. That has recently caused issues because my son doesn't want to go anymore. So I understand constantly doing it all and trying to take care of yourself! I am lucky in that I have my mom but she will be moving at the end of summer so things will be changed. I use my exercising time as my self-care time and the few hours I get after the kids go to bed if I don't have any homework. You are welcome to add me! I've been at this for 9 months currently.