Not Losing Weight


Although I have only been tracking on this program for two days, I have not lost any weight... I have actually put on 1.5 pounds or so. I don't want to get discouraged, but I can't help it.
I am 5' 4" and weigh 132. I am 47 years old. I want to lose about 10 pounds and finding it very difficult.
I am keeping to my calorie count ... maybe a little less and trying to eat the extra exercise calories..
Any ideas? My natural feeling is to eat less calories, but I know that isn't the right thing to do...



  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    Eating back exercise calories doesn't work for everybody, maybe just eat your limit, then a few more when you exercise? But don't eat them all back.
  • cdthom
    cdthom Posts: 108 Member
    you need to be very sure of your portions and drink lots and lots of water
  • cynfullcyn
    cynfullcyn Posts: 81 Member
    maybe its your your height and it took me 3 months to only lose 6lbs eating and working out right but i did lose inches. give it more than 2 days take your measurements and check them and the scale in a month. the 1.5 might just be water weight
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    "I just wanted to post something about what to expect during the phases of weight loss.

    Overview (why I'm posting this)
    Over the course of about 7 months on here, I have seen many people suceed, I have also seen some drop off the map. I expect this is because some succumb to the demon that is temptation, and some to the devil that is dissapointment. I wanted to give a few "heads up"s to both new commers and vetrans to the site. Some may know already, some may not. But either way, if this helps anyone to set more realistic goals in their own head, I feel like it has done it's job.

    Phase 1. The start of a brand new day! (or week, or month, or year)
    Expectations are sky high, usually so is motivation and intentions. This is where most people lose the most weight. At the start it's not uncommon to see 4 to 8 lb losses per week. The reasons for this are mostly (sorry to disappoint) water weight. You drop excess water quickly, and you can have up to 5 lbs of water weight. The next biggest reason is the fat that is right next to the blood vessels, the stuff that you put on in the last month or three, it will melt like butter usually.

    Phase 2. Reality setting in.
    At about week 3 to a month or so, people suddenly realize that they are no longer dropping 8, 6, or even 4 lbs a week. This is a crutial phase in your journey. Expect this, it is natural. You have shocked your body by changing both eating habits and exercise routine. Now it has had a little while to become used to the new lifestyle, it's going to compensate. Your body still doesn't believe it's permenant yet, so it will still try to store some fat, so now that it knows how to regulate it's new metabolic levels, it tryies to store fat in earnest. It's not uncommon for people to hit a wall here, no loss for weeks. Expect this as well.

    Phase 3. The routine.
    At about 2 months or so, your routine is pretty much set, your body is beginning to believe that you really want to STAY the way you are going now. You will start to see more consistant (but lower, usually 1 to 2 lbs a week) loss, also, you should start seeing some muscle tone (depending on how much you had to lose in the first place). If you stop to think, you should realize that you have improved dramatically in your exercise levels. If you do cardio, you should notice how much longer and harder you can work. This is important to realize as it is just as big of an indicator as weight loss. Also, by now you may notice that your clothes no longer fit right. This is also very important. The weight may not be falling off anymore, but you are becomming a smaller person. Weight is arbitrary, if you are building muscle (which your body is doing at a furious pace by now) you won't notice huge losses, but you will notice wholesale changes in the mirror!

    Phase 4. Really digging in.
    This is where the second wall can happen. You're probably at between 3 and 4 months by now, and if you have gone this far, you feel like you have already suceeded. This is where many people stumble. they are tired of the routine, tired of eating different things from all their friends, limiting their alcohol intake. Basically the shine has worn off. this is when your really need to plant your feet. Maybe change up your exercise routine, make a concentrated effort to find different, but still nutritional food. Talk to people. And examine how far you have come. At this point, no matter how much external motivation you receive, it's all about believing in yourself!

    Phase 5. End game.
    5 or 6 months in you are probably working on that "last 10 pounds". This can be discouraging for many as it is a slow burn. Remember, your body probably feels like it is where it needs to be, your brain might think you need to lose 10 more, but your body is quite proud of itself now, it feels like it has "Done enough" and it wants to stay RIGHT HERE. The body LIKES to have a little fat around just in case, especially for the ladies (sorry girls, it's just human physiology). If you feel like you still need to lose it, prepare yourself for some guerrila warfare against your body. Design an exercise regimen that is very dynamic, forget the "same thing every day". Make a plan that challenges you both physically and mentally. Make sure you give yourself a day off here and there to just veg. And by all means, remember, muscle burns fat at rest. So get some weight or resistance training involved.
    The last 10 may take 3 to 6 months to lose. I know nobody wants to hear that, but it's true. And forget the idea of increasing your calorie deficite, healthy bodies need good nutrition, your body no longer has the fat reserves to handle the large deficites you could when you were 30 40 or 50 pounds overweight. Better to make it a 3 or 400 calorie deficite (NET, please count your exercise calories too!). It may take a bit longer, but your body will like you for it. Plus it feeds those new muscles and keeps them burning fat, keeps your skin healthy (elasticity is important when you want those places that were stretched out to "snap back") and keeps you from getting head aches and depressed.


    this is what I have learned, not just from my journey, but from others as well on here. It saddens me sometimes to see people hit one of these stages and not recognize it for what it is, a part of the process. If we all can have realistic expectations, then we are more prone to win the fight and stay healthy in the long run. Note that some people will hit these stages harder then others, some may take longer, but for the most part, this is the rule that the exceptions will come from.

    Best health to you all!

    -Banks "
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I wouldn't necessarily make a habit of eating all your excercise calories back and you really do need to give it a LOT more time than 2 days.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    you need to be very sure of your portions and drink lots and lots of water

    this. and 2 days isnt alot of time to see a change. keep going, it will happen
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    It's difficult to say when you don't let your diary be public. It could be too high of sodium and water weight, it could be getting near TOM. It's been 2 days. There are lots of reasons for daily fluctuations. I weigh every day, but I DON'T let it affect me if my weight goes up a little. I focus on what the WEEKLY trend is, not the daily.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Two days is nothing, you need to do it for three weeks before worrying about not losing weight. My weight can fluctuate 4 pounds from one day to the next, but on weigh in day after a full week I end up losing.
  • aejbx4x7s
    aejbx4x7s Posts: 111
    Weight loss takes time. Drink lots of water and be patient. I eat back my exercise calories, in general, but that doesn't work for everyone. It takes some time to figure out what is best for you, but it's great that you're on the site and taking control of your health.

    Best of luck!
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    "I just wanted to post something about what to expect during the phases of weight loss.

    Overview (why I'm posting this)
    Over the course of about 7 months on here, I have seen many people suceed, I have also seen some drop off the map. I expect this is because some succumb to the demon that is temptation, and some to the devil that is dissapointment. I wanted to give a few "heads up"s to both new commers and vetrans to the site. Some may know already, some may not. But either way, if this helps anyone to set more realistic goals in their own head, I feel like it has done it's job.

    Phase 1. The start of a brand new day! (or week, or month, or year)
    Expectations are sky high, usually so is motivation and intentions. This is where most people lose the most weight. At the start it's not uncommon to see 4 to 8 lb losses per week. The reasons for this are mostly (sorry to disappoint) water weight. You drop excess water quickly, and you can have up to 5 lbs of water weight. The next biggest reason is the fat that is right next to the blood vessels, the stuff that you put on in the last month or three, it will melt like butter usually.

    Phase 2. Reality setting in.
    At about week 3 to a month or so, people suddenly realize that they are no longer dropping 8, 6, or even 4 lbs a week. This is a crutial phase in your journey. Expect this, it is natural. You have shocked your body by changing both eating habits and exercise routine. Now it has had a little while to become used to the new lifestyle, it's going to compensate. Your body still doesn't believe it's permenant yet, so it will still try to store some fat, so now that it knows how to regulate it's new metabolic levels, it tryies to store fat in earnest. It's not uncommon for people to hit a wall here, no loss for weeks. Expect this as well.

    Phase 3. The routine.
    At about 2 months or so, your routine is pretty much set, your body is beginning to believe that you really want to STAY the way you are going now. You will start to see more consistant (but lower, usually 1 to 2 lbs a week) loss, also, you should start seeing some muscle tone (depending on how much you had to lose in the first place). If you stop to think, you should realize that you have improved dramatically in your exercise levels. If you do cardio, you should notice how much longer and harder you can work. This is important to realize as it is just as big of an indicator as weight loss. Also, by now you may notice that your clothes no longer fit right. This is also very important. The weight may not be falling off anymore, but you are becomming a smaller person. Weight is arbitrary, if you are building muscle (which your body is doing at a furious pace by now) you won't notice huge losses, but you will notice wholesale changes in the mirror!

    Phase 4. Really digging in.
    This is where the second wall can happen. You're probably at between 3 and 4 months by now, and if you have gone this far, you feel like you have already suceeded. This is where many people stumble. they are tired of the routine, tired of eating different things from all their friends, limiting their alcohol intake. Basically the shine has worn off. this is when your really need to plant your feet. Maybe change up your exercise routine, make a concentrated effort to find different, but still nutritional food. Talk to people. And examine how far you have come. At this point, no matter how much external motivation you receive, it's all about believing in yourself!

    Phase 5. End game.
    5 or 6 months in you are probably working on that "last 10 pounds". This can be discouraging for many as it is a slow burn. Remember, your body probably feels like it is where it needs to be, your brain might think you need to lose 10 more, but your body is quite proud of itself now, it feels like it has "Done enough" and it wants to stay RIGHT HERE. The body LIKES to have a little fat around just in case, especially for the ladies (sorry girls, it's just human physiology). If you feel like you still need to lose it, prepare yourself for some guerrila warfare against your body. Design an exercise regimen that is very dynamic, forget the "same thing every day". Make a plan that challenges you both physically and mentally. Make sure you give yourself a day off here and there to just veg. And by all means, remember, muscle burns fat at rest. So get some weight or resistance training involved.
    The last 10 may take 3 to 6 months to lose. I know nobody wants to hear that, but it's true. And forget the idea of increasing your calorie deficite, healthy bodies need good nutrition, your body no longer has the fat reserves to handle the large deficites you could when you were 30 40 or 50 pounds overweight. Better to make it a 3 or 400 calorie deficite (NET, please count your exercise calories too!). It may take a bit longer, but your body will like you for it. Plus it feeds those new muscles and keeps them burning fat, keeps your skin healthy (elasticity is important when you want those places that were stretched out to "snap back") and keeps you from getting head aches and depressed.


    this is what I have learned, not just from my journey, but from others as well on here. It saddens me sometimes to see people hit one of these stages and not recognize it for what it is, a part of the process. If we all can have realistic expectations, then we are more prone to win the fight and stay healthy in the long run. Note that some people will hit these stages harder then others, some may take longer, but for the most part, this is the rule that the exceptions will come from.

    Best health to you all!

    -Banks "

    Ooooh I like this. I'm in the last phase and this makes me feel better.
  • dyaniT
    dyaniT Posts: 4
    I just started my diet too. This time, I plan to avoid low morale by weighing myself only once per week. I've found that weight fluctuates normally from day to day. About 7-14 day weigh-ins will give you a better indication of actual weight lost.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    Hi - Been here since March and have lost 18 pounds out of the 20 I need to. At first I came into it thinking eat less and work out like crazy. I also blamed middle age, menopause, my teen agers....basically all the usual stuff.. So I followed 1200 cals, didn't eat exercise cals back, because like you I thought less was more.

    Then no luck! ...... wasn't losing.

    When it all began to work was when I researched about how eating prevents your body from stalling out! Retweaking how many cals I should eat and changing goals to just losing 1/2 pound per week. And, I made this a math game! NOT something that will emotionally set me back! I want to have fun, eat well and enjoy life :)

    So for me it became all about weighing food properly, (not guessing, not using other folks sorta accurate database entries, etc.) And it became about figuring ACCURATE calorie a Heart Rate Monitor with chest strap. AND eating back exercise calories confidently. Building muscles instead of starving myself slim....

    You can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member

    Although I have only been tracking on this program for two days, I have not lost any weight... I have actually put on 1.5 pounds or so. I don't want to get discouraged, but I can't help it.
    I am 5' 4" and weigh 132. I am 47 years old. I want to lose about 10 pounds and finding it very difficult.
    I am keeping to my calorie count ... maybe a little less and trying to eat the extra exercise calories..
    Any ideas? My natural feeling is to eat less calories, but I know that isn't the right thing to do...


    Don't re-evaluate what you've been doing until you've been working at it for at least two weeks to a month. 2 days isn't enough time to honestly evaluate if something is working or not. Also consider dropping your weigh-in to once per week.
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    Phase 5. End game.
    5 or 6 months in you are probably working on that "last 10 pounds". This can be discouraging for many as it is a slow burn. Remember, your body probably feels like it is where it needs to be, your brain might think you need to lose 10 more, but your body is quite proud of itself now, it feels like it has "Done enough" and it wants to stay RIGHT HERE. The body LIKES to have a little fat around just in case, especially for the ladies (sorry girls, it's just human physiology). If you feel like you still need to lose it, prepare yourself for some guerrila warfare against your body. Design an exercise regimen that is very dynamic, forget the "same thing every day". Make a plan that challenges you both physically and mentally. Make sure you give yourself a day off here and there to just veg. And by all means, remember, muscle burns fat at rest. So get some weight or resistance training involved.
    The last 10 may take 3 to 6 months to lose. I know nobody wants to hear that, but it's true. And forget the idea of increasing your calorie deficite, healthy bodies need good nutrition, your body no longer has the fat reserves to handle the large deficites you could when you were 30 40 or 50 pounds overweight. Better to make it a 3 or 400 calorie deficite (NET, please count your exercise calories too!). It may take a bit longer, but your body will like you for it. Plus it feeds those new muscles and keeps them burning fat, keeps your skin healthy (elasticity is important when you want those places that were stretched out to "snap back") and keeps you from getting head aches and depressed.


    this is what I have learned, not just from my journey, but from others as well on here. It saddens me sometimes to see people hit one of these stages and not recognize it for what it is, a part of the process. If we all can have realistic expectations, then we are more prone to win the fight and stay healthy in the long run. Note that some people will hit these stages harder then others, some may take longer, but for the most part, this is the rule that the exceptions will come from.

    Best health to you all!

    -Banks "

    This is exactly where Im at!! I ve been trying to lose the last 5 pounds since end of April!! This helps me a lot!
  • kabatoff
    kabatoff Posts: 54
    Thanks everyone for your comments. I am going to stick with it... and give it some time. Its great to have all the support here.
