lowered my calories & going gym regularly but no weight loss???

ive been going for 3 weeks to the gym consistantly and have changed my diet to a much less calorie and stopped the fizzy drinks and junk. but it seems my weight wont budge! i had my son 3 years ago its baby fat i seem to have left. is it possibly that my weight will drop later on but in one go? not gradually


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    how many calories do you eat in a day? It that set by MFP or something you set up yourself?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited March 2017
    Initial side effect of starting exercise is water weight gain for several reasons.

    But frankly you could have eaten what you were eating, and added the gym - and probably been better off.

    You would have been eating less than you burn over all.

    But adding the gym (how much time daily on average) AND "much less calorie" from an eating level that included no exercise - is usually a bad recipe for success.

    And for a female - you need 4 weeks before you can really discern anything anyway, your metabolism literally changes through the month.

    I'm guessing you picked sedentary daily activity level on MFP - despite being a mother.
    You aren't sedentary.

    How aggressive a weight loss amount did you select for how much left to lose?
    1 lb or 1/2 lb weekly is probably reasonable.

    Logging food by weight?
    Calories is per gram, not spoons or cups.

    And yes, weight loss is rarely linear.
  • asiyaparvez
    asiyaparvez Posts: 2 Member
    calories are set by mfp and well i do 1.5-2hrs at the gym and give myself 2 days break. i was told to jst stick with cardio and try strength training once to twice the week. i chose the 1lb a week becoz im not really sure what to expect. initially i was 14stone after i had my son and now im at 12, it jst seems to have stopped. just hoping if i keep persistant it may get going again and yeah guess yur right abt the metabolism
  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    Read the posts about weightloss not being linear, three weeks is not long
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    calories are set by mfp and well i do 1.5-2hrs at the gym and give myself 2 days break. i was told to jst stick with cardio and try strength training once to twice the week. i chose the 1lb a week becoz im not really sure what to expect. initially i was 14stone after i had my son and now im at 12, it jst seems to have stopped. just hoping if i keep persistant it may get going again and yeah guess yur right abt the metabolism

    calories are set by MFP based on YOUR selections.

    Again - you are not sedentary in your non-exercise daily life if you have a kid - that should be set to Lightly Active if you have not.

    That's a massive amount of time at the gym, unless you do huge parts not exercising but standing/sitting around.

    I'm betting (purely based on odds) that you are not logging your exercise and eating the increased amount you are given.

    The way you have likely done it all adds up to a pretty extreme deficit.
    Eating less than you did when NOT exercising by a big amount, and now exercising a bunch too.

    I mention that because you've created a huge stress on your body, and with your selected exercise will result in muscle mass loss, and water weight gain.

    You won't like the lowered metabolism from less muscle mass, now or down the road - it's hard for women to build it back, even doing the required strength training right.
    And a body under that kind of stress usually doesn't have good workouts.

    I'll bet your daily activity calorie burn has gone down too, how the body adapts to extreme calorie under-eating, slowing down.

    Suggest you drop the stress by getting the settings right, which will mean eating a tad more, which will get your daily activity burn back up, make your workouts better, and transform your body more than what mere weight loss could provide.
    because losing less weight for speed but it all being fat will look better than losing more weight faster but some is muscle.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited March 2017
    ive been going for 3 weeks to the gym consistantly and have changed my diet to a much less calorie and stopped the fizzy drinks and junk. but it seems my weight wont budge! i had my son 3 years ago its baby fat i seem to have left. is it possibly that my weight will drop later on but in one go? not gradually

    What are your stats?

    How much are you trying to lose?

    If you are not losing weight, you are not eating at a calorie deficit.

    You don't have to give up anything to lose weight, you just need to consume less calories than you burn.

    I gained 30 pounds over a five year period running three times a week, so going to the gym and eating what we believe is less does not necessarily lead to weight loss. The results don't lie.

    Do you weigh your food, log everything you eat?
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    calories are set by mfp and well i do 1.5-2hrs at the gym and give myself 2 days break. i was told to jst stick with cardio and try strength training once to twice the week. i chose the 1lb a week becoz im not really sure what to expect. initially i was 14stone after i had my son and now im at 12, it jst seems to have stopped. just hoping if i keep persistant it may get going again and yeah guess yur right abt the metabolism

    First of all welcome to the community - this is a great site full of tremendous success stories.

    I want you to take a close look at the details that matter to weight loss. Doesn't matter what you cut out or how much time you spend at the gym. Start looking at this as "I cut out a 180 calorie drink and replace this with a 10 cal substitute and I burned ~300 calories today at the gym."

    Three weeks isn't that long and there are a host of variables at play here. If you changed your diet you may be holding on to water. Just give it time, make sure you are logging everything accurately. If after 6 weeks you haven't lost, then look carefully and make changes - either lower your calories by a small margin or exercise more.

    The only thing that matters in weight loss is maintaining a caloric deficit.
  • gwendolynmartinez
    gwendolynmartinez Posts: 1 Member
    HI my name is gwendolyn