
So I have been dieting and exercising 2-3 times a week. I work as a nurse and I'm up on my feet walking, running, bending, squating, lifting, etc when I'm not at the gym. I have not been losing much weight. I have my caloric intake around 1000-1200 a day. Little to no carbs, no sweets, no soda. My question is why am I not losing?
I have been keeping track of my measurements (lost 7in over all). Is it what I'm eating, not exercising enough or what?


  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    Start weight
    Goal weight

    What is not much ie are you losing 1lb a week 1 lb a month.
    How long have you been following this plan?
    Is it time of month if female?
    You should eat more then 1200
    How and how well are you tracking? Scale or volume?

  • fourfletcher
    fourfletcher Posts: 3 Member

    I have been dieting and exercising for 2.5 months. I have lost 8lbs. I track everything I eat. I have tracked on my fitness pal for 32 days. I have over hauled my diet. I eat clean, no sweets, no processed foods. I try my best to have a rounded diet with some carbs. Per my goal on fitness pal I'm caloric intake should be no more than 1200. I'm wanting to lose 1-2 a week but that is not happening.I'm getting disappointed with little results.
    I am losing inches, but just not weight. I wasn't sure if anyone​ has had this happen to them
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    8lbs in 2.5 months is "not losing"?.... Ummm.?

    You are losing. Almost 1lb a week. Which is great.

    How are you determining your intake? Are you weighing (solids) and measuring (liquids) everything that goes into your mouth, and using accurate database entries?
  • fourfletcher
    fourfletcher Posts: 3 Member
    I measure my food, looking it up on my fitness pal and log it. I know that I have lost weight but I have been at 193 for over 4 weeks. As far a liquids go I drink water or unsweetened tea. Occasionally, I will drink a Crystal light with caffeine.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    In a year you'll lose 50# at this rate. Sounds like you're doing great!
  • SunnyDuckling
    SunnyDuckling Posts: 204 Member
    Surely losing inches (cm) is motivating? I'm sure you've noticed a difference in your clothes or posture :) Don't get too hung up on the number on the scale, keep going with the aiming for the cm loss.