
Hey everyone.

I've used this website since 2013 have went from 326 to 254 (with my initial goal of 245). I track my calories. I exercise 5 days a week on average still, but I can't manage to quit drinking.

I usually have 20-25 beers or so, give or take a few, about 6 nights a week. I work full time and feel fine. I don't get hangovers, but it has depressed me, and I've lost most of my friends.

Some people have a drink or two and are fine, but I guess I'm just an addict to food, alcohol, and so I've been prone to make bad decisions.

I want to change my life so bad. I'm tired of being addicted to things and being alone. And I know most of my issues stem from drinking but it is not easy to quit....For any of you who have come from a similar situation, any advice please.


  • cdgallagher943
    cdgallagher943 Posts: 46 Member
    I have experience in this area. Look up a local AA club near you and go to a meeting.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    Yeah I think AA would be a better avenue. A case of beer a night is a serious drinking problem, sorry.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    That's a ton of calories in alcohol! It doesn't leave much for nutrients. I'd try to cut down gradually to s beer or two a night. If you can't, then it seems like AA could be a big help.
  • Frenchgrrl
    Frenchgrrl Posts: 6 Member
    edited March 2017
    Drinking too much at times in your life is a way to cope with feeling bad. An unbiased therapist, if you can afford one, is a gift to yourself.

    My husband and I were downing at least a bottle of wine every night of the week and we added hard liquor on the weekends. It's been over a year since we stopped. He started attending therapy with a wonderful woman who helps him reduce stress and view life events as part of the big picture. I get therapy vicariously through his insights ;-). But really, I just decided to STOP being so darned hard on myself. I'm a human too, I'm just out here trying like everyone else.

    I started myfitnesspal and tracking was a HUGE eye opener. It was too easy to pretend we were not drinking as much as we were until it was all written down in black and white in front of me.

    You know you are drinking too much and it isn't good for you. You know you don't feel good afterwards when you drink so much. You know you are drinking because it makes you feel better emotionally. The next step is to ACTUALLY FEEL BETTER.

    A therapist can help soooo much. Find out why you feel so badly and get some tools to put in your tool chest to help you feel good.

    You can do it. Yesssss, Even YOU :smiley: