Getting on the right track & mindframe

migieheard Posts: 10
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
I started this with the intention of getting a weight loss plan that would hold me accountable for my actions so to speak, in order to stay on track. I tend to get off pretty easily with everyday problems. I like the fact that I can see how what I'm eating is truly affecting my waistline.I'm in the process of getting ready to move to a rural area in the next few months and haven't been able to eat or exercise like I should because I'm constantly going after I get off work. It's been in the 100's here in OKC, so going out at lunch for a walk is too much. I read members postings & think, WOW, that's amazing they've been able to do that. I see people plugging along and getting results, so I know it's all about commitment and persistence. I sadly, don't have either at the moment because of the things I need to get done to move to the country. I'm a city girl, always have been, so this is a totally new experience for me. I need the energy it will take to live in the country because we will have 2 horses & other animals to take care of. Other than the fact we have a lot to do on our property because it's nothing but trees right now. My main goal is obviously to lose weight so I feel good about myself but I also want to feel good period. How do I make myself a priority when all the tasks are left up to me and when I delegate it doesn't get done? I go off because I do so much for everyone but I'm not able to do for myself on a consistent basis. I start & then I have to stop. Ugh, I get so frustrated that I have to do that because something has to get done in the little time I can make for myself. I've tried to verbalize this, even been depressed about it, but no one seems to really care. What the heck?


  • Well, I know how you feel. I am in the Army and sometimes things come up that can have you at work all night or until the next day and that really messes up my whole workout plan. But I just take it day by day and if you only have 5 or 10 mins to get something in there get it in and make it count. And eating healthy, especially on days that you cant find the time to workout will keep you from taking in more calories than you need. Also as you are moving and getting things together in or outside of your house remember that you are still buring calories by being active and dont beat yourself up too much.
  • migieheard
    migieheard Posts: 10
    Thank you for that! Just needed to vent!
  • likeaphoenix
    likeaphoenix Posts: 54 Member
    i've heard a lot of people say on the message boards that you can't really be your best for yourself, for your family or for your overall life if you aren't healty or perhaps moreso you don't feel good about yourself.

    carve out that "me" time and try to get back to at least your food diary. maybe your exercise will be just getting everything done right now. hitting the button to post my diary, even if i've been a little above where I might want to be on my calories, is the best part of my day! I know I've done something that is going to pay off, if I just keep doing it each and every day. For me!

    Good luck, pet. Sounds as though you've got a lot on your plate. Think "Me First" and practice that thought every day. You deserve it. :flowerforyou:
  • migieheard
    migieheard Posts: 10
    First thing I do when I get in the office is post on my food diary , I look forward to it actually and try to get as far as I can before I leave since dinner is always a mystery. I know that once I'm up on our property, just working around the house will burn some calories, but I miss my walks which gave me the time for myself & y thoughts.
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