Biking question

Ok so when I set up my account I chose the sedentary or whatever the lowest setting is for my daily activity level because I'm a student so when I'm in class or studying I am sitting. And I chose the option that reflects that I go to the gym 5-6 days a week, but that is separate. Anyway, I bike EVERYWHERE. To class, work (teaching swim lessons, which I also don't count, but its only for about 2 hrs a week and I don't have to swim all that much so its pretty insignificant), out for fun, anything...and in a pretty hilly town. I often end up sweating or warm by the time I get where I'm going (even in the winter, and we have COLD winters here). But I don't count this as exercise because its an everyday thing and its not deliberate exercise. For example, yesterday I biked more than 40 minutes just getting around, usually in about 10 minute trips at a time, I looked up how many calories that burns at MFP said 365.

Because of this I've thought about upping my daily activity level from sedentary to "light" or whatever the next one up is, but the description for that is "standing most of the time"....which I'm not doing either.

On days I don't work out I feel like the 1340 calories is not enough for me (my BMR is 1427 but for some reason MFP says I should be eating 1340 without exercise). It would be enough for me I think, however, when i go home to visit family and stay at my paretns' house where I have no bike but do have a car and sometimes go to the gym but get no activity besides that.

In other words, when I'm at school, I am sedentary in that my "occupation" of being a student leads to me sitting a lot. But, I'm not sedentary in the same way those who drive to work and then sit all day and then drive home are (except for when at my parents' house).

So, should I up my activity level to the one that says standing a lot since i don't stand a lot but I do bike? or count biking minutes each day as exercise? (that way when I'm at my parents house and not biking I won't eat up biking calories that arent there, although I think counting those minutes might be a pain each day since biking is just something I do, not an intentional "activity" usually). Or should I continue not counting them at all?

any suggestions appreciated :)



  • ianh5979
    ianh5979 Posts: 13 Member
    I would suggest you log the bike riding minutes as exercise.
  • sdtrimom
    sdtrimom Posts: 7 Member
    I second that. You would be surprised by how many calories you burn even on a short ride. Especially if you are carrying stuff with you!