I made a decision

Okay, so as any of you know from my posts on here, I have barely lost any weight while monitoring calories on this site. I absolutely love being a part of MFP and it has made me soooo conscious of what I am eating and logging food, water, and exercise. It gives me accountability and keeps me from eating bad, which is helpful for me having the tremendous support of everyone here.

However, I am not seeing near the results I should be seeing being as healthy as I have been for the past few months. I see most of you losing a pound or two here and there. But it is consistent and steady. I have plateaued, if you can still call it that, for months now and something must change ASAP. I am watching every morsel of food I put in my mouth, exercising 6-7 days a week and believe with that determination and consistency, the weight should be dropping accordingly (as it has in the past). I am not asking for nor expecting miracles but as hard as I am working, should be down at least another 10 lbs or so and I have not budged in months no matter how I change things up. My clothes are comfortable, wearing some smaller sizes and my measurements are changing but I really feel I should be losing pounds and inches, not just one or the other. My leaner muscle can't really weigh that much that I'm not losing any weight??

The ONLY thing that has ever worked for me, and how I lost my 50 lbs to begin with was low (almost no) carbs. So starting this Monday I am going to adapt that again and not focus as much on calories. It worked for me once before and my history shows that's all that ever works for me. I have learned thru here though much healthier, clean eating as everyone calls it. I will continue that since it feels wonderful eating healthy just NO carbs, other than those natural ones in fruits and veggies.


  • timjai
    timjai Posts: 113
    I'm no expert but it might be worth getting your thyroid levels checked out or something.
  • lemonychick
    lemonychick Posts: 81 Member
    I have to say, I completely understand your decision and will support you in making that change. Not all carbs are bad, ie the veg and fruit you mentioned, but white/over-processed carbs are simply not necessary, so......SO LONG CARBS!!! Keep me posted how it goes, as this is something I want to do too. :bigsmile:
  • twinkietigress
    twinkietigress Posts: 109 Member
    Sounds like the perfect choice for you! If being here has taught me anything its that you have to trust your gut. Obviously a calorie is just not a calorie. Healthy food calories lead to bigger weight loss that fat carb and alcohol(my vice) calories. Good for you for knowing what's best for you and trusting your gut. I can't wait to see how it works for ya.

  • crazymama2two
    good luck!!

    yes, that sounded sarcastic, but no, i meant it sincerely, good luck. low/no carbs did wonders for me a long long time ago and im in such a state right now that i may have to revert to that tactic again.

    are you gonna stick around MFP though still?
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    If all medical tests read normal then you do have to use what you know works for your body. Im cutting out processed carbs for the next couple of weeks, I know Ill have some, but not nearly as many as I was consuming, carbs from an apple or banana are better the bread
  • Cloud_Dancer
    I have done the atkins diet in the past and found great results with it. The only problem I had was it was too restricting. With counting calories, you keep your mindset to eat healthy, but occasionally when that sugar attack hits you.. you indulge yourself and just make sure it is all tracked. Also I found that it is harder and more expensive to find a varity of foods to eat. I live on a tight grocery budget, and low carb foods can be expensive. Isn't it crazy how healthier foods ALWAYS seem to cost more than junk food? Just doesn't seem fair!! LOL Good luck to you. Hope this change gives you the results you are looking for!
  • tammywho327
    tammywho327 Posts: 54 Member
    I have lost nearly 60lbs. (about half pre-MFP), and have had 7 weeks of plateau and recently had a binge weekend and happened to lose 3lbs. . .sometimes the body needs more energy, which MFP can't adapt to. And sometimes we just need a change! Good luck with the No Carbs thing and let me know if it works!!
  • SmileeBarbFLA
    I used to work in a Doctors office so had my thyroid checked, it was within normal limits each time.

    Since I have been a "carb watcher" for so long, I haven't eaten any "whites" in YEARS. Only whole wheat products always. And I have gotten some amazing suggestions on here too that I have added but still.... NO RESULTS!
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    Good Luck!! I totally and completely understand the frustration of doing everything "right" and not losing. (2 lbs in 4 months!!) I go back to the dr for my knee on Monday & am going to ask about a referral to a nutritionist. I tried low-carb to bust my plateau but I really really really struggled with it and know it's not something I, personally, could do long term. I wish you the very best of luck this whole process is about finding out what works for us & our bodies!
  • SmileeBarbFLA
    are you gonna stick around MFP though still?

    Absolutely!!!! I love this site and the informative message boards. I also want to keep in touch and track my progress. Just not sure how it will work if I don't log my food...
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm also on a low carb diet (~30g per day). The great thing about MFP is it will still track your calories. You still want to watch those. You're allowed a whole lot more, in fact it's recommended that you get more, no less than 500 below your BMR. But you don't want to get far too many. And you want to watch your protein intake a bit. Too much, and the body can start processing the excess as carbs and knock you out of ketosis. 40% is a good recommendation of protein to calories. And watch the fat. Yes, you will need a lot more fat on this diet than a traditional diet, but too much, and your body will just burn that for fuel instead of burning what's in your fat cells. Low carb is not a magic trick. You still need to create a deficit. But it can work.

    You'll still hit plateaus. But it's not really a true plateau until you've lost no weight or inches for 3 consecutive weeks. I was on one for 6 weeks. It was a daily struggle to stick with it even though the sale and inches were not moving.

    And as others have suggested, it's always a good idea to get checked out by a doctor. I did last summer to make sure nothing was wrong, like thyroid or insulin resistance.

    Finally, since you've tried it before, you probably know how you'll respond. But I recommend to anyone trying this to really pay attention to how your body is feeling after 2 weeks. The first couple of weeks will be hard, the cravings will be intense. That WILL pass. But after that, if you're not feeling better with more energy, this may not be the right diet for your body.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    This may sound really odd... But sometimes going "gluten free" helps you to avoid "bad" carbs AND helps your digestive system if you're at all sensitive... A different way of reducing unhealthy carbs that you might enjoy. Just a random thought :)
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    When I hit my plateau, I did the same thing. I've been losing 1lb a week consistently, and honestly I just feel better. But, when you start doing it, have one high carb meal a week. Your body will get used to no carbs and your weight loss will stall. If you integrate that one meal it iwll shock your body. it's what a lot of bodybuilders do.
  • SmileeBarbFLA
    When I hit my plateau, I did the same thing. I've been losing 1lb a week consistently, and honestly I just feel better. But, when you start doing it, have one high carb meal a week. Your body will get used to no carbs and your weight loss will stall. If you integrate that one meal it iwll shock your body. it's what a lot of bodybuilders do.

    Awesome suggestion! Thank you!!! This is why now that I've found MFP, no way I will give it up!!! You guys all rock!!!!!!!!!
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member

    You should really find out what your maintenance is every day in a 24 hour period. There are tools out there that are anywhere between 90-93% accurate.

    Once you find out your maintenance then you adjust your caloric deficit from there. You might be undereating.

    Do you know what your BMR is? If you tell me your stats I can find out for you, and then we'll need your daily activity level (not just in the gym but the entire day as well).
  • tiffanyw5
    tiffanyw5 Posts: 152 Member
    ( If you want to lose weight - Eat at a calorie deficit at 500-1000 calories below your maintenance. This will cause you to lose a safe 1-2lbs per week. )

    so this part confuses me can you help me

    i am 30,147lbs, 5' 4 i have lost 39.5lbs so far it has taken a year to get that off and keep that off i went from a size 14 to a 6 i have my calories at 1220