6lbs in four weeks ??

Jess6385 Posts: 60 Member
I started MFP 4 weeks ago. I have lost 6lbs total. I have been reading several success stories and I was wondering what the others weight loss time frames were? I am happy about 6lbs in 4 weeks, but also bummed as well. I wish it was coming off faster... I have so far to go!


  • YOU LOST WEIGHT!!! To me, that is all that matters - the pounds coming off no matter how slow or how fast just so long as they come off and go away forever!!!!
  • you're bummed about 6lbs in 4 weeks?! Wow! How much do you think you 'should' have lost in such a short time frame? x
  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    I joined MFP 3 weeks ago and the 4lbs showing in my ticker i lost in the first week, nothing last week. I weigh in tomorrow so am not sure if i have lost again or not. 6lbs in 4 weeks sounds like a good amount to me, too much and i am worried it will go back on if that makes sense!
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    One pound a week is typical, so you're ahead of the game! You'll get there. Slow and steady wins the race!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Just think of it this way... when it comes off slowly, it's more likely to stay off. :bigsmile:
  • brianna626
    brianna626 Posts: 156
    6 pounds in 4 weeks is awesome. You are on the right track for healthy weight loss.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    If you're ever discouraged with your loss, go to the supermarket, put six pounds of apples or some other fruit/veg in the scale and look at how much it is! When you can actually SEE how much you've lost, it definitely helps!
  • awal2069
    awal2069 Posts: 101 Member
    That is AWESOME!! That is 6 lbs you do not have on your frame anymore, so be happy about it. 1 lb a week is supposed to be great, so you are doing just fine! Congrats and enjoy- keep it up!
  • sabulla
    sabulla Posts: 58
    U r doing great!!!! Please, please do not get discouraged. I got discouraged a couple of times as well. Keep a positive outlook. I have lost 12 lbs in 9 weeks all while doing MFP. Just tell youself "YOU CAN AND YOU WILL DO IT!!"
  • kmjudge
    kmjudge Posts: 25
    I suggest taking measurements, that can be much more telling than poundage and will help not to rely on the scale as much. Exercising regularly builds muscle, which weighs more than fat, and if you're not doing your 8 glasses of water a day you could be retaining water. I changed my eating habits to making much healthier choices, and my workout routine, consistently going to the gym 3-4 times per week, and in two weeks I had dropped from a size 10 to an 8, but had only lost about 2-3 lbs.
  • Oh my gosh! Faster, noooooo

    What about if you hit a plateau or you body started changing shaped because of exercise.

    I am down a dress size and lost only 3 pounds.

    This is for life - no this month

    Smile. Good job,

  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    that is more than a pound a week, which is A LOT. be proud of yourself. that is great. enjoy the loss.

    if you want to successfully lose weight and keep it off, you must have some patience and persistence while you retrain your body and mind to enjoy healthy food, healthy choices, healthy exercise, etc. sustainable weight loss (0.5-1 pound per week) takes time. there is no healthy quick fix, so enjoy the fact that you are on track, losing weight, getting fit and seeing a difference. keep it up, and you will meet your goals!
  • Jess6385
    Jess6385 Posts: 60 Member
    You're right 6 lbs in 4 weeks is an accomplishment! I am still working on realizing that this weight took a while to pile on so its going to take awhile to get rid of =)
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    I've read that it is healthy to lose between 1-2 pounds a week if you want to sustain the weight loss. Sounds like you are doing great! Keep up the good work!
  • gwcurtis
    gwcurtis Posts: 4
    You are doing great. I have been using myfitnesspal for 75 days and have lost 21 pounds. The app allows me to make informed eating choices and provides incentive to exercise. Targeting a loss of 2 pounds per week - but some weeks do not see any loss. This is all very simple, but had to do. Less calories consumed plus more calories burned equals weight loss. We can do this fast or slow or not at all, entirely up to us. I too wish this were faster and easier. But I know how to make it so, eat less and exercise more. Good luck. You are doing great!
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    6 pounds in 4 weeks is awesome! I average 1/2 lb a week when I'm really trying hard.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    It's all in the attitude. A loss is a loss is a loss. Keep it up!
  • Wordrioter
    Wordrioter Posts: 7 Member
    Weight loss depends on so many things - how old you are, whether your male or female, what medications you may be taking, Also, are you petite? Average? Tall?

    MFP recommends a minimum of 1500 a day for safety's sake, and that is based upon an average. You might want to check with your doctor if you would like to lose more quickly. The doctor might recommend fewer calories for you based on your age and activity, any health problems you may have, etc. Sometimes quicker results help keep you motivated when you are first starting to lose, especially when you have a significant amount of weight to drop.

    For example, I am 59 and only 5'4" tall, and don't exercise a whole lot. I take vitamin/mineral supplements to make up for any nutrients I may be missing, and I am eating 1,000 calories a day with my doctor's blessing, I use the "plate method" for lunch and dinner. One half the plate is veggies, 1/4 of the plate is a whole grain, 1/4 of the plate is protein. For breakfast I eat oatmeal or other high fiber cereal with a serving of fruit and light soy milk (for calcium).

    Another thing to ask yourself - how long did it take you to put on your excess weight? Try to be easier on yourself, and give yourself plenty of time to take it off. As others have said, it's coming off and not going on!
  • gelleebean44
    gelleebean44 Posts: 22 Member
    First of all, Congrats on losing 6 lbs-that's awesome! :)

    Don't be discouraged, you're on the right track and you're losing the weight at a healthy pace. I'm the kind of person who wants immediate results too, but I've learned that if I spent years of my life putting this weight on then I will likely need more than a couple weeks/mths to take this weight off (especially if I want to keep it off).

    I started on MFP about 3 wks ago-along with exercising regularly , I've lost 11 lbs. I've believe this number is high now b/c I lost alot of water weight PLUS I've heard people say they lost the first initial #'s quickly when they had alot of weight to lose vs. someone who is losing 10-15 lbs. Don't know if this is true but I guess I'll see as the weeks/mths go by. I started at 227 lbs (and I'm 5'8") so I have a ways to go. I lost 7#s the first week, 4#s the 2nd week...I accept that the #s lost will not be as high every week, but I'm definitely seeing results in inches lost (so far almost 6 inches!)

    I'd like to suggest you take measurements regularly-I've read on MFP (& seen pix) of many people who haven't lost much weight but their bodies have completely transformed due to the inches lost. Also, take "Before/During" pics regularly (once a mth or same day every week, doesn't matter). This has been a great motivational tool for myself so far. If you have a smartphone, download the Photowall app-it's amazing to see the before/during pix side-by-side to really see the fruits of your labour!

    Keep up the great work....you're headed in the right direction! *thumbs up* :wink:
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    General thing i've found is that the more weight you have to lose, the faster it comes off. But your lose was actually pretty quick believe it or not. As you keep losing, the losses slow down eventually, but just remember that the scale IS NOT always your friend. It's alright to have a love affair with you clothes and/or a tape measure to show true progress BEYOND weight. Great job on your progress!!! :)
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