In need of ACCOUNTABILITY friends!

Hey guys! Semi-new to my fitness pal. Had it a while but just buckled down and in full swing using it everyday! I need some friends. To keep me motivated, to motivate, to share!


  • moneymoe123
    moneymoe123 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm interested as I need accountability as well. How do you need to be held accountable?
  • tcullom
    tcullom Posts: 9 Member
    I added you! Cant wait to help you move along on your journey. Tell me where you're at now.. goals?

    I havent been weighing because i just dont aant to know but I've been dieting for about 6 months and can definately tell! Pants sizes dropping. Im on a ketogenic diet and i work EMS... its gotten difficult to manage the micros.. so i just jumped back on the MFP bandwagon and I'm feeling good about it. Soooo i hope we can help each other!
  • MelissaM1178
    MelissaM1178 Posts: 4 Member
    I will add you! I am keto too!
  • fitcindylou
    fitcindylou Posts: 6 Member
    Same here girl! FR sent ☺️
  • melrn
    melrn Posts: 17 Member
    I need keto friends! Just started this week. 5 days - no cheating - carbs <20g didn't lose- gained 0.4. Strips say I'm not in ketosis. Not giving up. I would live to have MFP friends also doing keto!
  • beincardy
    beincardy Posts: 1 Member
    I would love some accountability friends! I'm new here and trying to get rid of some baby weight. I'm going to try iifym and some yoga to help strengthen my back (turns out, carrying a baby all the time really messes you up)
  • Tiggeroo2321
    Tiggeroo2321 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm SO in need of some great accountability partners! I've been stuck at my current weight for too long, mainly because I can't seem to curb my appetite. In less than four months I'm going to turn 35 and would LOVE to be under 180lbs. by the time my birthday comes around!
  • Selina_Kyle_60
    Selina_Kyle_60 Posts: 41 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. I need encouragement as well. I find communicating with others really helps.
  • ColdMom3
    ColdMom3 Posts: 1 Member
    I also need some accountability. I'm starting keto today. I have 30 lbs of pregnancy weight to drop that hasn't budged, mostly because I lack accountability and I have a junk food addicted husband who loves to share.
  • IM_LA11
    IM_LA11 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in desperate need of some accountability buddies! I've been stuck at trying to lose weight for a while now whilst trying to do it all alone. I have a feeling sharing a journey with others will help a huge amount. Feel free to add me!
  • Monique_2
    Monique_2 Posts: 9 Member
    Keep pushing yourself and you can achieve anything! My name is Monique by the way :)
  • thomas_beckner_jr
    thomas_beckner_jr Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new here and I think accountability partners is a good idea I don't have any friends that use this app to help track themselves so if any one can add me that would be great
  • 105pixie105
    105pixie105 Posts: 12 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me!